omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?

) 18 Views 18
18 September 2022 at 02:08 AM

3070 Replies


by LuckyLuke01 k

your not wrong your just an *******

I had to watch my buddies die, face down in the muck....

by longmissedblind k

I had to watch my buddies die, face down in the muck....

I'm finishing my coffee!

Luke, found a job yet?


boring haha

been gone awhile, is dabs married yet?

gymfluencers work so hard. back in my day we had "thinfluencers" and they were just hot chicks who chilled out at the house not eating all day. i wonder what the next evolution will be. will they be forced to develop a personality? i hope not. i hope it's just something like, top hats come back in fashion.

what am i thinking? the next evolution is already here, it's ai. it's no human model at all and just a complete fabrication. the influencers will be influencing on behalf of the capitalists who own and control their likeness. so, thankfully not TOO different from what we've got rn

by rickroll k

been gone awhile, is dabs married yet?

Married to his job, if he has one.

by ScreaminAsian k

That’s my Mom!!

by ScreaminAsian k

what am i thinking? the next evolution is already here, it's ai. it's no human model at all and just a complete fabrication. the influencers will be influencing on behalf of the capitalists who own and control their likeness. so, thankfully not TOO different from what we've got rn

Musk is all-in on humanoid robots. So they will likely be a thing in a few years.

If his robots are anything like his self-driving cars, we'll be enjoying the finished product.. never

by LonelyBox k

Luke, found a job yet?

the **** is this?

I've been working at my current mob for 3 years.

though I need another job. got new owners coming in soon. They gunna start ****ing **** up. gunna have to start cold calling.
