christians are allowed to play poker?

christians are allowed to play poker?

there is no bible verses that is 'don't bet.'
but there is also "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. " in The Ten Commandments.
do you think christians are not allowed to play poker because of the indirect mention? or they are allowed because there is no mention for christians not to play poker in the bible?
what do you think about it?

18 December 2023 at 01:59 PM

13 Replies

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You can still play Poker without the gambling element. A man can work for 8 hours and have something to show for it after 8 hours. A man who gambles for 8 hours could be worse off at the end of those 8 hours. Why choose gambling over labor except for the desire to make more money.

by DisRuptive1 k

You can still play Poker without the gambling element. A man can work for 8 hours and have something to show for it after 8 hours. A man who gambles for 8 hours could be worse off at the end of those 8 hours. Why choose gambling over labor except for the desire to make more money.

Depends on your education and what forms of labor are available to you. One might prefer playing poker over a middle management job. You bring up greed and sure some maybe even most poker players are greedy. So are a lot of CEOs and hedge fund managers. So if you're argument is poker bad because poker players greedy that would apply to several other jobs

i don't see where poker is forbidden. just don't let it make you into a miserable selfish prick, like any job.
if you're successful, there's more temptation, but there's also more opportunity to further his kingdom, start a family, help the poor, etc...

They can as long as they don't wear cotton/polyester blends.

Leviticus 19:19: “Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.”

If you can't spot the sucker at the table you are the sucker. Pastors exploit the suckers with deception a skill you can learn in poker.. Telling the flock to donate money to them and you will be taken out of poverty and the curse will be lifted off you.

10% tithe was food not money btw mr pastor. and it was more than 10% and lower than 30%. mutiple tithes.

I'd say wolves in the christian scene would make the best poker players. With all their money they could play $1 million super high rollers.

yes it's 10% but losing players don't have to worry about rake.

Im no biblical scholar but I would guess that just as the Bible does not forbid drinking alcohol but does forbid drunkards, gambling is not forbidden on its own but can lead to unchristian behaviors if not controlled properly.

It was 2 thousand years ago today when Bezalely looked over at Jabalulevy and his donkey with disdain and contempt and said unto him,
' bet you my donkey can beat your donkey.'
And thus replieth Jabalulevy,
' oh yeah ye schmuck, wanna race!?'.

by linasara289 k

there is no bible verses that is 'don't bet.'
but there is also "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. " in The Ten Commandments.
do you think christians are not allowed to play poker because of the indirect mention? or they are allowed because there is no mention for christians not to play poker in the bible?
what do you think about it?

All religious people should play as much poker as possible, no better tell that a player is horrible than displaying some obvious religious symbol. (maybe a tattoo of flaming aces, but its close)

(from "My name is Earl")

Yes we dont judge based on your religion

I’m a satanist.

You kind of have to judge for yourself because the Bible isn't explicit about poker. You can literally be damaging someone's life by playing them and you're opening the door for someone to damage their life just by playing even if you never play someone who is playing irresponsibly because you're supporting the site and helping make it available to them. These things are practically unavoidable so yeah, there are definitely issues with poker (both these issues exist with online and live). I might quit for this reason, and because I don't like what losing does to me, and because I'm a part of that for other people all the time. It might be straight up evil. That might sound weird, but I'm a Christian, so yeah, I have my beliefs.
