Transgender persons participation in sports and gaming
I have extracted the posts about transgender persons participation is sports and gaming into this thread. Please keep posts itt focused on that topic.
This could be a bit of old man yelling at cloud, but just wait until we find examples of the overly-aggressive sports mom/dad who pushes little Timmy to put on a sports bra he doesn't want or need and become the best female ______ in history.
Move over, vegan moms who killed your babies with broccoli. Crazy woke mom is here to shake up the girls' youth volleyball scene.
You guys are saying it's absurd to think that a future exists where the top 50 female chess players are men, but you're forgetting the magic ingredient: time.
We're still pretty early in this craze. Give people some time to make moves!
This could be a bit of old man yelling at cloud, but just wait until we find examples of the overly-aggressive sports mom/dad who pushes little Timmy to put on a sports bra he doesn't want or need and become the best female ______ in history.
Doesn’t the fact that this doesn’t actually happen in real life suggest that you’re talking nonsense here?
i think you should take a look at esports, in which trans women dominate all those female only events
Please don't just throw out statements like this without any evidence to back it up. I tried to confirm what you claim and here's what I found:
Perhaps you are letting some unconscious transphobic biases cloud your judgement
It also seems like some people are against the idea of women's events in chess and poker because men do not have a biological or genetic advantage in these games, yet at the same time oppose allowing trans women to compete in women's events because they will have an unfair advantage.
I'm just thinking out loud here, but could it be possible that some people don't like women's events out of misogyny, but will defend the sanctity of women's events out of even stronger transphobia?
It also seems like some people are against the idea of women's events in chess and poker because men do not have a biological or genetic advantage in these games, yet at the same time oppose allowing trans women to compete in women's events because they will have an unfair advantage.
I'm just thinking out loud here, but could it be possible that some people don't like women's events out of misogyny, but will defend the sanctity of women's events out of even stronger transphobia?
I wouldn't consider myself any sort of -ist or -phobe, but I don't see the contradiction in your first paragraph. The position "events should be restricted when not restricting them would provide an unfair advantage, and unrestricted otherwise" seems to cover both cases.
I play chess, and it is very male dominated. I think woman only divisions help create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for women and help to promote the game for women. Those arguments apply to trans women as well. Seeing as there is a single trans WIM thus far I am not at all worried about some slippery slope where the top 50 females are all trans in 10 years. That sounds preposterous. Getting from 1 to "top 50" is a leap.
this is a terrible argument because it's not like it's been open to trans for decades and one jumped over
this is literally the very first one to get approval
yosha is ranked 5366th best in the world at 2260 rating
fide only publishes a top 100 list but she's 382 points outside of the top 100 for the open category vs just being 90 points away from being in the top 100 in the female category - that is incredibly significant as she goes from a fringe afterthought mostly trying to do well in regional tournaments that are not big enough to attract the top talent to suddenly being a legit player in the female only categories
she's 37 and past her prime so unlikely to challenge for a top slot but we will have a trans champion within the next decade and I'm willing to put up a very large wager on this for those who disagree
This could be a bit of old man yelling at cloud, but just wait until we find examples of the overly-aggressive sports mom/dad who pushes little Timmy to put on a sports bra he doesn't want or need and become the best female ______ in history.
Move over, vegan moms who killed your babies with broccoli. Crazy woke mom is here to shake up the girls' youth volleyball scene.
You guys are saying it's absurd to think that a future exists where the top 50 female chess players are men, but you're forgetti
This itself is an issue for most people. I consider myself a feminist and trans Ally but I certainly hold some misogynistic and transphobic beliefs. I try to challenge them when I'm aware of them, but I'm sure there are many that routinely go unchallenged.
Idon't see the contradiction in your first paragraph. The position "events should be restricted when not restricting them would provide an unfair advantage, and unrestricted otherwise" seems to cover both cases.
Right but I think in general people who hold the position " trans women shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's events because it gives trans women an advantage" , also believe that there shouldn't be women's only events in the first place because " men have no advantage over women in chess / poker. "
In other words they'll argue the misogynist position that women's events are discriminatory against men, unless there's the transphobic option arguing that trans women shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's events. For most people transphobia trumps misogyny
Please don't just throw out statements like this without any evidence to back it up. I tried to confirm what you claim and here's what I found:
Perhaps you are letting some unconscious transphobic biases cloud your judgement
this is just stupid, instead of posting facts you lean on the opinion of others
well played hitting both the social proof and apeal to authority fallacy in one single swoop
i literally wager on esports for a living - i'm very good at it
the reason why there are so few women's only events these days is because the sponsors/hosts don't want to open pandoras box
they either ban transwoman and catch flak from the left
or they say any woman can play and then trans woman absolutely dominate, just throttle and destroy the cisgender entrants to the point where now you upset the other side who are mad that now there's no space for women to compete
this really came to a head when scarlett, one of the top starcraft II zergs of all time used to play and absolutely slaughter at women's only events

Two reasons for everyone’s astonishment: Scarlett was neither from South Korea, where StarCraft has rivalled baseball in popularity, nor a young man, like all the other top players. Korean Kryptonite, she has been called. The most accomplished woman in the young history of electronic sports.
most accomplish woman in the history of esports (and nobody else is even remotely close) is a transfemale
valorant, which is perhaps the most viable female league going, has far fewer trans players than more open "sign up and play" formats because there are teams that field rosters and in addition to "are you good" there's also a big marketability aspect for making the team because these female leagues are generally loss making prestige projects for the owners so they are highly concerned with fielding teams with streamers who will bring in a large audience with them to competitions - as a result most of the players are attractive streamers - it's actually pretty strange seeing rosters of attractive women shooting each other in esports when you compare it to the men who typically look like kuato
but having said that, despite that they focus heavily on "how big is your fan base" during roster construction which artificially deflates the amount of trans athletes on rosters, the top female players in professsional women's valorant are trans women, including the current champion
currently of top-ranked women in north america, 3 of the top 4 are trans
but sure, you shared a comment from a virtue signaling rando saying that trans woman don't dominate female esports so i guess facts don't matter and can be substituted for the opinion of a virtue signaling idiot
Right but I think in general people who hold the position " trans women shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's events because it gives trans women an advantage" , also believe that there shouldn't be women's only events in the first place because " men have no advantage over women in chess / poker. "
see this is the problem with you - you never argue in good faith and just make up things that fit into a convenient narrative for you
oh chatgpt doesn't know about trans athletes so therefore there's no issue
oh well i found a few people on reddit who say something i agree with so that solves everything
unless you can point to specific examples of specific people who argued both those things i quoted then you should retract that stupid strawman argument and apologize for making that up
I tried asking chargpt for advice on how to play a Chinese hand once it was a disaster. Seems pretty overrated.
this is a terrible argument because it's not like it's been open to trans for decades and one jumped over
this is literally the very first one to get approval
yosha is ranked 5366th best in the world at 2260 rating
fide only publishes a top 100 list but she's 382 points outside of the top 100 for the open category vs just being 90 points away from being in the top 100 in the female category - that is incredibly significant as she goes from a fringe afterthought mostly trying to do well in regional
I’m not the one extrapolating. You jumped from the very first ever to claims of the entire top 50 being trans women. I highly doubt that. It’s the whole fake trans menace BS all over again.
lol at greg liking his own posts in an effort to make it look like his stuff has broader appeal
so sad and pathetic you are greg
I’m not the one extrapolating. You jumped from the very first ever to claims of the entire top 50 being trans women. I highly doubt that. It’s the whole fake trans menace BS all over again.
dude, that was clearly intentional hyperbole that 50/50 would all be trans woman
but you know that, you're not an idiot
you're not arguining in good faith here, you're looking for semantical issues to push out a zinger
my offer still stands, how much do you want to wager that we will or won't have the #1 ranked female be a trans female within the next decade?
dude, that was clearly intentional hyperbole that 50/50 would all be trans woman
but you know that, you're not an idiot
you're not arguining in good faith here, you're looking for semantical issues to push out a zinger
my offer still stands, how much do you want to wager that we will or won't have the #1 ranked female be a trans female within the next decade?
I'll bet you $10.
How is "within the next decade" determined? Is it within the next 10 years or anytime before 12/31/2039?
dude, that was clearly intentional hyperbole that 50/50 would all be trans woman
but you know that, you're not an idiot
you're not arguining in good faith here, you're looking for semantical issues to push out a zinger
my offer still stands, how much do you want to wager that we will or won't have the #1 ranked female be a trans female within the next decade?
it’s a hyperbole so completely and utterly divorced from the reality of a SINGLE trans person getting the middle level WIM title that you can’t expect to be taken remotely seriously. I don’t make decade long bets on Internet forums, but I’d definitely take the over that female world champion is a trans woman in a decade.
Has Rick posted any evidence yet supporting the emergence of trans women dominance of women's events in esports?
it’s a hyperbole so completely and utterly divorced from the reality of a SINGLE trans person getting the middle level WIM title that you can’t expect to be taken remotely seriously. I don’t make decade long bets on Internet forums, but I’d definitely take the over that female world champion is a trans woman in a decade.
see you are getting your panties in a bunch over a clear and obvious rhetorical statement and yet you still agree with me
that's why it sucks when you post like this - we both 100% agree on the same thing and yet you still want to turn it into an argument because instead of focusing on the meat and potatoes you're just looking for random bits to score points and instead of putting forward your own ideas you just expend all your energy trying to refute something that you actually agree with
be better than this man, ffs, be better
I think we can all agree that if fairness is to be determined based on sex-based endowments, then allowing individuals to change their class based on gender identity would be unfair.
For example Lia Thomas competing in the NCAA is clearly against the spirit of the separation of sexes.
But then you have the detransitioning. Ie if my only concern is fairness then if we could (somehow) prove that someone has detransitioned to their own equivalent of being a female sex. I should be able to admit that would be fine.
If a dude identifies as a woman and doesn't transition physically, why should they be allowed in a sport, based on their identity, when its not the class distinction the sport makes anyways? People should be held to answer that logic.
If I am a male, and I identify as a woman, and the leagues are males/females, why as a woman that is a male would I be with the woman?
I am a male, and I identify as FEMALE, can I thus qualify with the females? Who wants to say this.
Some sports were separated for physical/biological advantage, some were separated because of the social differences. Not making this distinction I think causes infighting.