Botfarm won $10 Million on WPN
Monitoring the development and profitability of poker bots has become an increasingly challenging task.
Below are my findings related to the bots identified on the Winning Poker Network (WPN).
Botfarm Total Multi-Table Tournament (MTT) Graph:

Botfarm 2023 Year MTT Results:

Botfarm Cash Games NL400+ Since April 1, 2023:

The issue of bot proliferation has been recognized for at least 3.5 years, as discussed in this Botfarm forum thread.
Despite submitting comprehensive reports to the WPN, which unfortunately went unanswered from their security team, I harbor no illusions that they will address the problem. The security service has let down the player community. Therefore, I am reaching out to poker schools, funds, and independent players.
I urge you to examine the hands played by these bots in cash games and MTTs this year, analyze their strategies in training sessions, and actively combat them at the tables. In many games, they constitute a significant portion of the player field, ranging from 5% to 15%. - MTT Hands - Cash Hands
Here are the aliases for Hand2Note 3 that I have compiled. However, I encourage you to verify and draw your own conclusions. - Aliases
Currently, Botfarm evolve approximately every 3 months but still employ exploitative tactics, allowing to push back. Given their ability to create over 100+ new accounts per month, eradicating them requires multiple waves of blocking, not just a single sweep. This issue is not exclusive to WPN; evidence suggests that Ignition and GG Poker are already affected. While I lack data from all platforms, it is certain that they will infiltrate wherever there is a lucrative game.
In the end I would like to say that poker is a game of people with each other, not the machines. Interference by machines disrupts the essence of poker. If any room management believes that regular players can be replaced by machines - you are mistaken. In such a scenario, the game would inevitably dwindle or even cease to exist, reaching an untenable scale.
List of MTT Nicknames Part 1:

List of MTT Nicknames Part 2:

List of Cash NL400+ Nicknames:

Making a 100k challange to prove that these guys are bots is like biggest slap we can problaby take as poker players.
Funny fact: when the latest hand history bug happened on ACR ( you could import a hand to their online hand viewer and after clicking F12 -> Network -> Fetch/XHR -> Reload the page with F5 you could see whole cards of players Who folded their cards) you could see that bots collude. Not mentioning that the most simple EV$ stat should be enaugh to see that something is really wrong

moneymaker trying to deny acr doesnt have a bot problem is not new. he actually tries to use that he is an "independent contractor" line
I wish we could get Sam Farhas and Dan Harringtons opinion on this matter as well.
is this statement is true then maybe this is the network that needs looking into
The answer is in Poker King......
Russian poker site....
Which is on WPN....
But not owned or operated by WPN.....
Look into Poker King.....
And you'll find what you're looking for....
Did they give up with updating this or give up with freezing bots?
I actually believe moneymaker here and he is being sincere, i just think this problem like they say , is above his pay grade. this goes much deeper than him.
Why believe him or any of these "pros" who are schilling for these cheating sites? They get staked for live and online tournaments, rakeback from all these clubs and sites and They are probably in on the scam. No way all these "pros" maintain their lifestyles off their game with this much variance. Plus, when all the truths come out about all this none of the "pros" who promote these rigged sites with gave any accountability. Just ask Phil Hellmuth and UB.
At that time it was small, limits small, most of rooms were unknown and did not attract attention it deserves. But now these guys have grown to 10 million profit from one room.
I dunno how much more proof the community needs to realize that they are trash
Once again, people have been trying to get attention to this issue for years and years and years and no one with a platform or a voice gives a **** until it potentially starts to affect their bottom line.
I've made this comment like 5 times across threads in the last year where its just the same thing over and over again.
Small stakes players bring up an issue > It gets ignored > They continue pressing the issue > Some "respected" high stakes regs bash them and insult them > They quit playing > The issue continues to worsen > More people raise the issue > More ignored > More riddicule > Issue continues to worsen > Suddenly a 5/10 reg is affected > Suddenly people care > Suddenly its an issue
Given that Mods insist on merely temp banning Limon (repeatedly) rather than perma banning him, I guess I have to adc him to my Ignotre List.
He is insufferable.
I downloaded the NL cash hands. After importing it took me less than a minute to form a hypothesis to test by doing a simple screening of the account that played the most hands (Opally).
I reviewed every name in the database with >10k hands played and flagged the ones that matched my test. This had 100% hit rate with zero false positives. Two additional accounts were identified.
I then reviewed the remaining accounts from the list in OP. Three of them were not found and the rest all matched.

This group of accounts have multiple anomilies where each one by itself is completely unique to this group. They are very, very easy to identify for anyone who knows how to work a database.
If a pokersite don't see anything concerning in this data they are either
A) Lying
B) Not trying
Right now there is like one bot playing on each table in a $55 25k.
Given that Mods insist on merely temp banning Limon (repeatedly) rather than perma banning him, I guess I have to adc him to my Ignotre List.
He is insufferable.
Given that I’m being nothing but polite and adding immeasurable insight to this forum the mods have no reason to intervene.
I will not be adding you to any ignore list because I’ve never heard of you and have no clue who you are. Good bye.
Given that Mods insist on merely temp banning Limon (repeatedly) rather than perma banning him, I guess I have to adc him to my Ignotre List.
He is insufferable.
it's Only Just a Matter of Time but to expediate the inevitable i hope everyone reports

his derailments as well as refrains from engaging his over-dimensioned ego. he has his own thread so it's not necessary for him to make every other thread about himself, especially ones that are important to everyone on this forum but him. ignoring him is in all of ours best inte...
Why believe him or any of these "pros" who are schilling for these cheating sites? They get staked for live and online tournaments, rakeback from all these clubs and sites and They are probably in on the scam. No way all these "pros" maintain their lifestyles off their game with this much variance. Plus, when all the truths come out about all this none of the "pros" who promote these rigged sites with gave any accountability. Just ask Phil Hellmuth and UB.
I just think MM doesnt have the knowledge to actually know how serious this is, putting him and Ebony was obviously a mistake as they are recs who dont put too much
volume in. I would have appreciated remarks/comments from Boski or loncar who are much more in the game and try to hear an honest opinion on their part.
As it is, MM has been denying bots existance for a while and its because he is towing the company line but i dont think he is doing this out of purposeful malice.
But yes, all these ambassadors being silent about this, dnegs not mentioning anything means they all just care about their bottom line and give two shits about the poker community at large
Given that I’m being nothing but polite and adding immeasurable insight to this forum the mods have no reason to intervene.
I will not be adding you to any ignore list because I’ve never heard of you and have no clue who you are. Good bye.
literally every person in every thread you post in thinks youre a complete ****ing idiot and your posts are never even relevant to the OP / thread. You'd think at some point youd realize its you and not everybody else but you seem pretty ****in ******ed so i guess not. Youre the type of person that needs their teeth knocked out next time you go to the casino
I just think MM doesnt have the knowledge to actually know how serious this is, putting him and Ebony was obviously a mistake as they are recs who dont put too much
volume in. I would have appreciated remarks/comments from Boski or loncar who are much more in the game and try to hear an honest opinion on their part.
As it is, MM has been denying bots existance for a while and its because he is towing the company line but i dont think he is doing this out of purposeful malice.
But yes, all these a
MM towing the line by denying bots existence when there is malfeasance going on on the site that he paid to schill for; knowing that players are going to follow him because of his name and likeness is the very definition of purposeful malice. It's a ponzi scheme and half a rug pull. Add in RTA, collusion, card sharing and team play then it's a COMPLETE SCAM .

This was posted this morning. Wtf?
I just think MM doesnt have the knowledge to actually know how serious this is, putting him and Ebony was obviously a mistake as they are recs who dont put too much
volume in. I would have appreciated remarks/comments from Boski or loncar who are much more in the game and try to hear an honest opinion on their part.
As it is, MM has been denying bots existance for a while and its because he is towing the company line but i dont think he is doing this out of purposeful malice.
But yes, all these a
They certainly know better than to let Depaulo speak on behalf of the company, and Loncar or whatever TF his name is has been accused of shadiness in the past. I wonder just how much Nagy is worth
The sea lion is 100% correct. If someone says they hate “n-words” in an open forum they should be called out. If someone says they hate a specific individual in an open forum that individual should call them out. This is how forums stay civil.
literally every person in every thread you post in thinks youre a complete ****ing idiot and your posts are never even relevant to the OP / thread. You'd think at some point youd realize its you and not everybody else but you seem pretty ****in ******ed so i guess not. Youre the type of person that needs their teeth knocked out next time you go to the casino
This is literally untrue. I have a well with 500,000+ views before it was shut down and another with 150,000+ views in a month. I am literally a beloved contributor to the forums. You calling for violence though is likely to get you a lifetime ban from the under appreciated and hard working mods at this forum.
it's Only Just a Matter of Time but to expediate the inevitable i hope everyone reports his derailments as well as refrains from engaging his over-dimensioned ego. he has his own thread so it's not necessary for him to make every other thread about himself, especially ones that are important to everyone on this forum but him. ignoring him is in all of ours best inte...
Yes please report my polite and informative comments. All should see them. It is a model for how to behave. Including my lively discussion with Tyler who is a hero in my mind. The thread is about avoiding cheating/bots. One way is to call bots out in gray market sites. Another , better way, is not to play in gray market sites. I am providing both points of view for those wishing to learn and avoid a lifetime of being cheated.
I just think MM doesnt have the knowledge to actually know how serious this is, putting him and Ebony was obviously a mistake as they are recs who dont put too much
volume in. I would have appreciated remarks/comments from Boski or loncar who are much more in the game and try to hear an honest opinion on their part.
As it is, MM has been denying bots existance for a while and its because he is towing the company line but i dont think he is doing this out of purposeful malice.
But yes, all these a
Well AKAIK Boski lives and streams from his home in Las Vegas, even though it says explicitly on ACR's TOS that players who live in the state of Nevada are not allowed to play on the site.

not the hero we deserve but the hero we need