Winter of Our Disco Tent: Lounge LC Thread

Winter of Our Disco Tent: Lounge LC Thread

The season is upon us like it is every year. Count your blessings, celebrate, and be nice.

That goes for you, too, Zeno.

22 December 2023 at 01:51 PM

361 Replies


by John Cole k

Question: What's worse? Plagiarism by a college president or people texting during a film?

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An easy question; a softball; low-hanging fruit: Nobody cares about college presidents. Annoying fellow moviegoers, on the other hand, can get you killed.

by Zeno k

I lived in ABQ for many years during the 1990’s. It was fun and interesting. And the variety of food was great.

Great food, pretty women, beautiful outdoors. Combine all three!

What about plagiarism by a Supreme Court Justice in a decision he wrote?

by Phat Mack k

An easy question; a softball; low-hanging fruit: Nobody cares about college presidents. Annoying fellow moviegoers, on the other hand, can get you killed.

This is the correct answer.
We have our priorities straight.

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less than 7 hours from Aurora to ABQ via I-25
they happen to be screening batman?

I'm pet sitting again this weekend for my daughter. Last week spent pet sitting. Teddy and I took walks every day, usually for 45 minutes, covering at least a half mile (Teddy sniffs everything). My daughter has reserved me for a few days at the end of January. My sister-in-law just texted me to ask for April 28-May 10. Good thing I like dogs. Yesterday while out walking the beach, I ran into a guy with his dog. The dog came over to lick my hand and sit on my feet. It seems dogs like me.

If I received that kind of attention from women, I would be, even at my age, terrified.

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any attention from a female at my age, and I'm just grateful

by Dominic k

any attention from a female at my age, and I'm just grateful

You're still a kid, Dom.

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Lastcardcharlie may know about this guy. General Flynn was to be included in the RI Hall of Fame but a bunch of people withdrew. (He still might get in.)

So I looked to see who was included. Irish Anglo philosopher Bishop Berkeley is a member. He spent two and a half years in Newport, RI. One main street in Middletown, right next to Newport, where I live, is named for Berkeley, and I might be one of the few people in town who can pronounce it correctly.

It would be a shame if Flynn gets in.

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Never heard of him.

How's your COVID, John Cole? I've had something answering to that description for the past two weeks. No fun, and it has the irritating habit of appearing to go away but then coming back again. I can now see why it puts people in hospital.

by lastcardcharlie k

Never heard of him.

How's your COVID, John Cole? I've had something answering to that description for the past two weeks. No fun, and it has the irritating habit of appearing to go away but then coming back again. I can now see why it puts people in hospital.

Only bothered me for a day or two. Nothing really. My daughter had it and was basically incapacitated for over a week. She gets migraines, and she said COVID gave her a worse headache than any migraine.

In the last couple weeks, daughter, son, both granddaughters, brother and sister-in-law, and nephew have had it, and only the daughter had a rough time.

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glad you got over the coronaids alright

I just got a the shingles vaccine...expecting two days of being fluish.

by Dominic k

I just got a the shingles vaccine...expecting two days of being fluish.

Mine was fine. First shot I had a sore arm for a day but nohing else and on the second shot nothing at all. You'll be fine 😀

Shingrix kicked my ass. Hopefully you get the mrbb reaction.

with absolutely no apologies

children are still being killed while attending school

best thing to ever happen to me was education

slice mortadella as thin as you can

comes up pork fat most everytime

only reason to type that is because i'm still alive

back to the original thought

members of a younger generation were erased yesterday

not because disease or plague from cross country wagon trips

more from easy access to weapons that repeatedly make a hollow point

I know, it's absurd.

For a few people I pet sit for, I enter their houses using keypads, and I have this weird facility for remembering numbers. Like I remember somebody's key code after using it once three years before. I remembered my cousin's code to the dock where they kept their boat in California after hearing it once the year before. But I can barely remember the names of streets where people live, but I remember house numbers.

Tonight, I'm trying to close the garage door at my daughter's. I enter the number and nothing happens. Try again and again. Still nothing. So I call my daughter who is on her way to NYC. I tell her I must be losing it because I can't remember the number. She forgot to tell me they got new garage door openers and changed the code. And then added that I'm still probably losing it.

I wonder where she gets that sarcasm from.

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by REDeYeS00 k

slice mortadella as thin as you can

comes up pork fat most everytime

only reason to type that is because i'm still alive

back to the original thought

members of a younger generation were erased yesterday

not because disease or plague from cross country wagon trips

more from easy access to weapons that repeatedly make a hollow point

And we don't do a thing about it. If Sandy Hook and Las Vegas didn't change things, what will?

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a complete change of ideology on the right

perhaps the chanting of protest songs will result in something different

Lol probably not

by REDeYeS00 k

perhaps the chanting of protest songs will result in something different

That should do it. My faculty union hasn't been able to reach a contact agreement in two years, so our rep is having us sign a petition.

I asked if signing a petition would be of any benefit (I know it won't), and he said no.

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Snow in RI, except where I live. Just another rainy day. It never snows in Southern RI. Mostly.

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