Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes.

Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes.

The world's best poker theoretician, Pete Clarke, has undertaken a public challenge to play 400k NL100 R&C hands on GGpoker. Will we eventually see someone achieving a winrate above 25bb/100 over a large sample?

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23 December 2023 at 12:52 AM

295 Replies


yeah need updates!

by newguyhere k

Has he started yet?

He streamed a couple sessions on the Carrot Corner twitch last month. His latest vids on youtube talk about it, but no updates on how far he is or the schedule for completion.

I remember he went on a long ass rant on a 965r flop CO vs BB where he talks about bb should be donking a ton and how its significantly better for bb etc and how bb has all the sets, 2 pairs, st8s etc

when if you just took 2 seconds to think, bb vs co 3bets 99 at some freq
, doesnt have 95s (at least I dont defend) and co opens all the sets/st8's/65s so the only adv bb has vs co is 96s which is like only 1% of their range 2-3 combos vs 300 total lol

much different than say an 875 flop that gives bb a bit more top set/96s/64s/85s

anyway gl gl

by MuayThai k

The world's best poker theoretician, Pete Clarke, has undertaken a public challenge to play 400k NL100 R&C hands on GGpoker. Will we eventually see someone achieving a winrate above 25bb/100 over a large sample?

you forgot 0-5bb vote option lol I literally cant vote but 0-5 is too wide of a range, the difference between 0bb and 5bb is enormous in a fast fold format

by ImePaskaa k

What do you mean a winrate? If he makes more than 1bb/100 color me surprised.

Yeh it's 100% this. And that's not a negative perception on Pete's ability just the impact of gg's rake. So yes I'm surprised too he'd put himself through this for so many hands. I know he has some new courses and this is probably a good advert to drive viewers there. I think his Rio and free YouTube stuff is good and he has a unique way of explaining concepts (although I think his YouTube has gone a big click-baity of late which might be part of a push to attract more beginning players.)

-1 or -2bb pre rb , the options to vote for are ridiculous

Is he posting his results anywhere?

by Mlark k

Is he posting his results anywhere?

Pete strikes me as the type to do the challenge and post results after that tbh

by norwich k

Pete strikes me as the type to do the challenge and post results after that tbh

*If it goes well 😉

Otherwise we'll never hear about it again.

He is destroying nl10 regs for years. Teaching them how to play gto.

Why is the thinking in this thread that Pete could barely post a winrate at all? Is it the site's rake structure (GG)?

by TheStackHunter k

Why is the thinking in this thread that Pete could barely post a winrate at all? Is it the site's rake structure (GG)?

Rake structure + he's not that good.

If he was so good at Poker he'd be crushing nosebleeds rather than trying to peddle overpriced coaching and refusing to post a graph / results to support the price he commands.

by Masq k

Rake structure + he's not that good.

If he was so good at Poker he'd be crushing nosebleeds rather than trying to peddle overpriced coaching and refusing to post a graph / results to support the price he commands.

I see. That makes sense. He's going to play 10nl?

by Masq k

Rake structure + he's not that good.

If he was so good at Poker he'd be crushing nosebleeds rather than trying to peddle overpriced coaching and refusing to post a graph / results to support the price he commands.

Plus his voice sounds like a witch, like its the type of voice that you "want to hear" except after a while it's ****

by TheStackHunter k

I see. That makes sense. He's going to play 10nl?

OP says NL100.

Not really sure why this is a PG&C thread when Pete is not going to be contributing. It's more an NVG topic if anything.

by Masq k

OP says NL100.

Not really sure why this is a PG&C thread when Pete is not going to be contributing. It's more an NVG topic if anything.

nah this thread should 100% be in like coaching or something like that, this just feels like an advertisement, maybe news / gossip but i dunno. i dont think petes gonna post a graph for like a year, he went on a long rant on twitch once when someone asked saying how he isnt going to show a graph with a small sample because the small sample is meaningless and people will draw negatives conclusions from it or something like that while its still subject to variance

by Masq k

Rake structure + he's not that good.

If he was so good at Poker he'd be crushing nosebleeds rather than trying to peddle overpriced coaching and refusing to post a graph / results to support the price he commands.

So any winning player that isn't crushing nosebleeds isn't actually good at poker?

Agree that his coaching [and courses] are way overpriced.

More worth getting a solver than buying his courses

For a lot of people, including myself, knowing how to study and what I should be looking for in a solver required coaching. But yeah, lots of cheaper options in the market than Pete's imho.

by FazendeiroBH k

For a lot of people, including myself, knowing how to study and what I should be looking for in a solver required coaching. But yeah, lots of cheaper options in the market than Pete's imho.

This 100%. Getting a solver without any idea how to use it is the worst idea. Like getting a commercial hud thinking now I can exploit everyone out there. There are no shortcuts unfortunately.

by Parasense k

If he makes more than 10bb/100hands, i will happily get naked, and put myself on fire with napalm all over me, streaming it live on twitch.

Can I get a link? 🤭

anywhere to follow it?

In newest youtube video Pete has admitted that he is aiming for modest 8-9 bb/100 19:45 mark.

by MuayThai k

In newest youtube video Pete has admitted that he is aiming for modest 8-9 bb/100 19:45 mark.

I think Linus would struggle to get that winrate with the rake.
