Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes.

Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes.

The world's best poker theoretician, Pete Clarke, has undertaken a public challenge to play 400k NL100 R&C hands on GGpoker. Will we eventually see someone achieving a winrate above 25bb/100 over a large sample?

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23 December 2023 at 12:52 AM

295 Replies


Are there any people beating 100nl on GG rush for that much with 250k+ hand samples?

by MuayThai k

In newest youtube video Pete has admitted that he is aiming for modest 8-9 bb/100 19:45 mark.

can he send me a contact to his dealer? looks like **** he´s been using works well.

i would bet with anyone that he will not even have 5bb/100 (at least 200k hands)

Are there any people beating 100nl on GG rush for that much with 250k+ hand samples?


by 10najkrajsi k


Kind of weird his goal... from his own mouth... is that high, then, no?

by MuayThai k

In newest youtube video Pete has admitted that he is aiming for modest 8-9 bb/100 19:45 mark.

Lol. Everyone playing fast formats knows that the only way to make money from that pool is post bonuses. How can he be that delusional? He never played there and is just like this is the softest pool out there? Is he affiliated with gg btw? Because I thought he was with stars at some point. Makes no sense to play this challense gg unless you are affiliated with them.

Btw maybe he will post the craft results and be like : look i won 10bb / 100 lol. .

Honestly OP is a clown for making 5bb the lowest option.

I doubt anyone could beat GG 100 zoom for that pre-RB.

Second, almost certainly he wont finish it. Wonder why he chose 400k vs like 150k or 200k.

No idea what crushers are winning or what's even possible to win with rake that high, but I'm not convinced, based on what I've seen of the pool that he can't beat the game.

If the games are borderline (or entirely) unbeatable on GG fast, why do people play it?

Is he including rakeback and jackpots in winrate?

by TheStackHunter k

If the games are borderline (or entirely) unbeatable on GG fast, why do people play it?

Where does this come from. In my pt for nl25 it shows around 7,5bb/100. For 24/20/10% 3bet. I'm even a bit up after 80k hands despite being not very good at the game.

by TheStackHunter k

If the games are borderline (or entirely) unbeatable on GG fast, why do people play it?

Rakeback and leaderboards

by kino k

Where does this come from. In my pt for nl25 it shows around 7,5bb/100. For 24/20/10% 3bet. I'm even a bit up after 80k hands despite being not very good at the game.

Clarke is not playing NL25. He is playing NL100.

by TheStackHunter k

If the games are borderline (or entirely) unbeatable on GG fast, why do people play it?

They are profitable post bonuses if you can play long sessions to cash lbs. Also for some that is the only site they can play. Here he is saying he can beat the games 8-9bb pre bonuses and that ain't happening.

Ok, I see. I hope he at least gives it a legitimate shot. It'll be interesting either way.

by ImePaskaa k

Btw maybe he will post the craft results and be like : look i won 10bb / 100 lol. .

I'm starting to wonder if this is where he's going wrong 😂

by ImePaskaa k

Lol. Everyone playing fast formats knows that the only way to make money from that pool is post bonuses. How can he be that delusional? He never played there and is just like this is the softest pool out there? Is he affiliated with gg btw? Because I thought he was with stars at some point. Makes no sense to play this challense gg unless you are affiliated with them.

Btw maybe he will post the craft results and be like : look i won 10bb / 100 lol. .

Onpa ihme että suomalainen änkyttää tuollasta rallienglantia eikä tiedä mistään mistään.

by newguyhere k

No idea what crushers are winning or what's even possible to win with rake that high, but I'm not convinced, based on what I've seen of the pool that he can't beat the game.

imo Pete is 100% a winner in those games, but even if he's doing very well it's gonna be like 3-4bb/100. I wouldn't be surprised if even the top 100nl regs aren't beating 5bb/100. For any table of top winners for a given stake on GG that I've seen, very rarely were people getting any higher than that

The only thing I can think of is that Pete either (1) doesn't actually know how high the rake is, or (2) knows how high the rake is, but is underestimating the effect it will have on his winrate. Maybe a result of him being out of the game in a grinder sense for a while

These are the top 20 winners at 100nl over the last year on GG 100nl regular tables. As you can see, there are very few players over 150k hands with a winrate over 5bb. Keep in mind, that these guys probably table select well, and the fast fold games will be much lower EV, as the regs are fish are much tighter preflop.

by FU_FISH k

Onpa ihme että suomalainen änkyttää tuollasta rallienglantia eikä tiedä mistään mistään.

I have no idea what you are saying mate.

I believe in Pete as recently he started coaching elite high stakes crushers. I think there has to be a reason for them to hire Pete?

by MuayThai k

I believe in Pete as recently he started coaching elite high stakes crushers. I think there has to be a reason for them to hire Pete?


by charlesChickens k


Many examples:

I wouldn’t call a midstakes player in the extremely soft Michigan games an “elite high stakes crusher”.

And Pete isn’t coaching him in that video but agreeing with everything he says

by charlesChickens k

I wouldn’t call a midstakes player in the extremely soft Michigan games an “elite high stakes crusher”.

And Pete isn’t coaching him in that video but agreeing with everything he says

Only watched the first few minutes but the first hand is insane, villain must need to be bluffing every single hand in range on all 3 streets to be a winning call.

So some random dude playing fenced us markets is the definition for : recently he started coaching elite high stakes crushers. No offence but this is bit exaggeration to say the least.

by charlesChickens k

And Pete isn’t coaching him in that video but agreeing with everything he says


by darchas k

Only watched the first few minutes but the first hand is insane, villain must need to be bluffing every single hand in range on all 3 streets to be a winning call.

Yeah that is not a call unless you have some very specific reads villain can jam this here. Feels more like this "hs pro" took this hand to show how he can hero three streets against a competent reg. If he runs against a better hand don't think it ends up being in the video.

All combos of QJ, J9s and 97s are all the bluffs villain would need to make calling correct which doesn't seem unreasonable.

Of course the part they mentioned is whether or not he would also bluff AQ/AJ. That's what can make calling terrible.
