Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread
Hello everyone. I've closed the previous mod thread, and opened this to capture all issues related to moderation policies and actions going forward. I'll kick it off by reposting my intro post from the other thread. Again, I'm happy to be here and look forward to hearing from you.
Hello everyone.
I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to serve as a moderator in Politics and Society. I asked for this position because I believe we are experiencing a polarization in our politics and society unseen since the 1960s. We may well be at a juncture from which we will either make great progress or suffer great setbacks in regards to our democratic foundations and civil rights over the next few years. So I believe it is important to maintain a forum for discussing these important topics. When the other mods had to step back a bit due to their real life time obligations, I asked to join the mod team to help keep the forum going.
I have not followed this forum in the past, though I have been reading through threads the last few days and made a few posts. This has allowed me to get a sense of the initial impression the forum likely makes on new readers who are deciding if our forum is a place they would like to visit regularly and participate in. While I see some familiar names from the live poker forum, many of you I have not had any interaction with to date. I have no preconceived notions of anyone's posting behavior and will essentially start from a clean slate.
I will shortly post more about my modding approach and give my initial impressions of the forum based on my observations over the last several days. I will be soliciting your input on things you like about the forum that you want to remain, and things you don't like that you would like me to change. Your candid input and feedback is very important to me. Especially, please don't hesitate to let me know if you think a policy or a proposal is a bad idea. I'd rather hear it before it goes into effect than after.
My overall modding principle is simple: Be Nice. Disagreement need not be disrespectful, and everyone must be treated with respect. Calling a poster derogatory names or hurling snarky insults never usefully advances a discussion. It just bogs things down and turns off many would be participants. And it's not nice. Don't do it.
My goal is to have a forum where people with a wide variety of opinions along the political spectrum enjoy expressing and debating their views in a spirited manner, free from insults, bigotry and denigrating comments. If you enjoy discussing these important and often polarizing issues in a passionate, yet respectful manner, I look forward to getting to know you and working with you to create a forum people will enjoy visiting and contributing to. You can be as committed, determined and relentless as you like in advocating for your position. Be persuasive, thought provoking and challenging. But be nice.
I want to thank tame_deuces and King Spew for their support in bringing me onboard and for all the time and effort they have put into making the forum better. While I am taking over most of the day to day modding responsibilities, both are retaining their mod status and superpowers, and will be supporting the forum as their availability permits. And I personally welcome their continued advice and feedback.
Again, I am happy to be here and look forward to getting to know you.
Just go here and say ban me. Yw
No. actually but that said, I'm saying you know damn well it's an anti Semitic trope and post it anyway. Just as you know Nazi comparisons are anti Semitic but compare anyway. Reason being you're an anti Semite.
is it an anti-Islamic or anti-Arab trope to claim Arabs dancing shows how evil they are as Dun outlined?
Just popping in to say the mods have an impossible job here. No possible way to please everyone. As far as I can tell, they seem to be doing a pretty good job.
Karl the OG Marx has been temp banned 2 months for insults. Over the last 3 months he has received 4 mod warnings and 2 tempbans (one for 30 days) for this issue. I pm'd him just yesterday warning him again about another personal attack post and warned him that given his multiple warnings and bans, that a ban would follow if he continued. And he continued
I took your suggestion and looked at the old mod thread started in 2020. Quite the eye opener. Almost all the same names as today, posting almost the same lines about modding and deletions and bans, about personal insults and accusing people of being racists, liars, etc.
As to there being no need for deletions or staying on topic in the mod thread, here's a little sample:
Btw, cleaning up threads is mod speak for deleting or moving posts. There are numerous references to mods cleaning up threads
Again, none of the views you’re assigning are accurate. I agree this has been a complete waste of time for me. I understand that’s maybe not your intent but if you aren’t understanding the posts your responding to, just making up interpretations doesn’t help.
No. actually but that said, I'm saying you know damn well it's an anti Semitic trope and post it anyway. Just as you know Nazi comparisons are anti Semitic but compare anyway. Reason being you're an anti Semite.
You're welcome to your opinion and I understand about the broader accusations of Israelis dancing in the streets or causing the 9/11 attack. But as I said before, the particular post in question gave a link to an ABC article that was actually published, describing a particular event, and later that account was further investigated and found to be accurate. So posting a link to an article that has been fact checked is not posting an antisemitic trope, nor is that original article an antisemitic trope.
You're welcome to your opinion and I understand about the broader accusations of Israelis dancing in the streets or causing the 9/11 attack. But as I said before, the particular post in question gave a link to an ABC article that was actually published, describing a particular event, and later that account was further investigated and found to be accurate. So posting a link to an article that has been fact checked is not posting an antisemitic trope, nor is that original article an antisemitic t
Corpus finds antisemitic tropes tying his shoes in the morning.
You're welcome to your opinion and I understand about the broader accusations of Israelis dancing in the streets or causing the 9/11 attack. But as I said before, the particular post in question gave a link to an ABC article that was actually published, describing a particular event, and later that account was further investigated and found to be accurate. So posting a link to an article that has been fact checked is not posting an antisemitic trope, nor is that original article an antisemitic t
Corpus gave a great example he didn't attack the argument but attacked the individual as Antisemetic . The post was deleted and he should be issued a warning if he repeats a week suspension
Sadly we have fallen into calling anyone a racist, antisemitic , trans phobe
Reactive abuse is specifically defined as a manipulation tactic used by perpetrators of abuse to convince both the victim of abuse and others that they are the ones being abused. It occurs when the person being abused reacts strongly to the abuse they’re suffering, perhaps choosing to argue back or physically defend themselves from the person abusing them. Once they do this, the person abusing them uses it as an example or “proof” that they are actually being abused, and that the person being abused is actually to blame.
My recent PM to ganstaman:
[QUOTE=Bluegrassplayer]Thanks for the PM and letting me know. I did not report several of the posts which definitely fall into this category as they were in places I know the mods were actively reading, including the mod thread.
I am currently not about to leave, although continually taking the high road is wearing on my patience, as is evident with the increased frequency of my insults towards him the Ukraine thread. This is a side I do not like about myself. I am getting considerably more and more petty and when I read stuff like this:
I am very tempted to post in Victor fashion and say "Do you know what Russia does to its prisoners?" and post information about the castrations, electrocutions, rapes, beatings etc. There are many other ways in which I could post like Victor is allowed to do, and it is getting more and more difficult to avoid doing so despite knowing that it will absolutely be bad for the threads much as Victor's posts are. This is not even mentioning repeatedly mentioning false narratives used to dehumanize people, despite having them proven false and then providing no further evidence that they are true once they're disproven. It is textbook definition of gaslighting. I am 100% sure if Ukrainians were Jews the stuff that Victor posts would be deemed antisemitic or if they were Muslim then his views would be deemed as racist and genocidal.[/QUOTE]
One victim was definitely banned, maybe two.
Part of the reason they were banned was because they reacted instead of using the report function. Since I began posting here the report function has been useless. Mod warnings have been useless. Posting in this thread has been ignored and met with trolling until today. Suggesting they report instead of reacting is both unrealistic and ignoring the fact that the avenues you suggest they use have been neglected for some time, causing even greater frustration.
I apologize if this heinous post offended you
No need to apologize, it did not offend me. It is an awful thing to put people through.
You seem to have missed the point.
Worth mentioning that one of the forms of trolling commonly used by this person is intentionally misrepresenting arguments repeatedly, even after being corrected multiple times.
For weeks on end? I usually have to pay extra for that.
Worth mentioning that one of the forms of trolling commonly used by this person is intentionally misrepresenting arguments repeatedly, even after being corrected multiple times.
now this is rich coming from you. you intentionally misinterpret and twist everything I say. you quibble over the slightest meaning of a word for pages on end.
if I ever said anything inaccurate in the past, you bring it up constantly no matter how many times I reconsider or accept a mea culpa.
further, when I ask for clarification on your posts, as you repeatedly demand of me to the point that it seems that you are just trying to bate me, then you refuse to answer and generally make a snarky reply like "scroll up" or "asked and answered".
maybe if you trolled less, then you would get a bit more respect.
Calling them useless is true but doesn't really capture the situation. The replies I've seen to this are "no." "**** that" and also misrepresenting the mod's political stance in order to suggest they are morally reprehensible and therefore not to be followed.
Each time this has been enough to get the issue to drop. Think about the message this sends to other posters and how they might react.
I don't believe any of that is true Victor, but more than happy to address any examples you have. Until you bring them forward I can't really help you.
you could be less of a troll and you would get better discussion. but you arent interested in that so you get treated the way you treat others.
Saying that I'm a troll is beyond ridiculous. I am the poster who has backed his opinion with sources and explained his thought process the most in the thread you and I participate in.
Please stop trying to bait me to get a reaction.
If a mod could step in here and tell Victor to stop trolling me (in the mod thread no less) I would appreciate it.
I don't believe any of that is true Victor, but more than happy to address any examples you have. Until you bring them forward I can't really help you.
oh and if you want an example, this post is a really good one. good job if that was intentional bc that would be pretty funny.
oh and if you want an example, this post is a really good one. good job if that was intentional bc that would be pretty funny.
Thanks for pointing out an example of my trolling. I agree this is a good example of the type of thing you consider trolling. The mods can decide if it fits their criteria or not.
I didnt ask the mods to do anything. I dont want them to do anything.
you just wonder why I am not really charitable towards you at this point, well your post is a good example of the 2 of the things I pointed out, namely relentlessly demanding citations (for an opinion no less lol) and being snarky.
I didnt ask the mods to do anything. I dont want them to do anything.
you just wonder why I am not really charitable towards you at this point, well your post is a good example of the 2 of the things I pointed out, namely demanding citations (for an opinion no less lol) and being snarky.
While he's definitely snarky, that didn't really feel like an opinion but more like a statement of fact.
is it an anti-Islamic or anti-Arab trope to claim Arabs dancing shows how evil they are as Dun outlined?
Anti Semitism/Islamophobia- tomayto/tomato. You were engaging in anti Semitism and have bafflingly been given an apparent free pass on this hence your growing bolder with the more blatant anti Semitic tropes such as dancing Israelis. And your actual motive is totally irrelevant. You're still engaging in anti Semitism and it's disgusting.