Solution for bots AND collusion?

Solution for bots AND collusion?

Step 1: Online sites create tablet/ipad type device which will only run the poker software and nothing else, with built in wifi and wireless charging. No wires go in, no wired go out. Build them to be tamper-proof. Once implemented Players will only be able to play on their sites by using the device.

Step 2: Players pre-order these tablets for free (big enough to be able to comfortably play with 4 games showing (maybe add the ability to swipe to another set of 4 games) (make tablet "mountable" to computer monitor stands/mounts/arms for comfort)

Step 3: Terms and Conditions: 1 device per household per site (if 2+ people live together and all play, they will have to draw straws or play a home-game tourney to see who gets to play on GG and who gets to play on ACR etc. Or have some compromise where you can all have a Pokerstars tablet/GGpoker tablet/ACR tablet but only 1 person can be logged into each site at a time - or ~insert other good ideas here.

This solves both the bot problem, and the collusion problem (at least as far as people being in the same room/house anyways, i still think either needing to use real names or having anti-collusion features like hidden names and randomized seating into cash games would be needed)

But it solves the bot problem, until people build robots that can swipe tablets that is.

Tell me what you guys think and any changes or input is welcome. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

07 January 2024 at 12:49 AM

103 Replies


by yellowfever k

It would be some sort of weighted formula. Like profit/playstyle/volume played. Not just "win 10kusd and now you need the sites computer to play". Their would need to be room for recs to spin up their account and have fun without extended security measures.

If the major pokersites wanted to take security even more serious they would share data with each other in private to protect the game. Like say GGpoker,Stars,and WPN all decided to work together to police the games with a shared database. So

For sure, I agree. I think even beyond KYC and sites sharing info, there also needs to be better collaboration between sites and the tools currently being exploited like GTOw, etc. Partnerships between these entities with multiple levels of KYC and collaboration would throw a serious wrench in people's ability to cheat. Like the fair play check is great and all, but how about just disallowing someone from being logged into GTOw when they're playing on WPN similar to how on stars you get lit up if you have GTO+ or Pio open? Seems like a pretty easy way to make it harder, and that's really all regulation is: making it more difficult to execute/get away with fraud than it's worth.

by DB79 k

Guess i am one of the few who is still crushing at the same rate as 15 years ago then.

Cool story. Has your game improved at all in the last decade and a half?

Play live

by TookashotatChan k

Get good and game select, shitreg

Eh? What are you on about? I never claimed to be good, bad, ugly or whatever. Hell, I'm not reg enough to be considered a shitreg. Nor did I doubt that you are a winning player yourself – in fact, I just take you at your word that you are.

Slugant and borg23 are simply saying games are tougher now than they were 15-20 years ago. The fact that you're a winning player does not refute this.

by Wilbury Twist k

Eh? What are you on about? I never claimed to be good, bad, ugly or whatever. Hell, I'm not reg enough to be considered a shitreg. Nor did I doubt that you are a winning player yourself – in fact, I just take you at your word that you are.

Slugant and borg23 are simply saying games are tougher now than they were 15-20 years ago. The fact that you're a winning player does not refute this.

It's a misleading statement, which is why I added nuance to it. Games are absolutely tougher than they were 20 years ago in the sense that the average skill level of players has increased, but game toughness, insofar as it matters to your winrate, is related to your skill level vs. that average. So if you have improved at a greater rate during that 15 years time than the average player has, you will actually find the games easier than they were then. The skill differential between you and the average opponent is greater now than it was then. And in my case that's true. Hope that makes sense.

by TookashotatChan k

Ya let's make the surveillance state infrastructure even more pronounced than it already is. Instead of just CC and address information to exploit, retinal scans and fingerprints too. Great ****in idea.

I agree with what you’re saying however there are so many Apple ID and phone settings that require 2fa I really don’t think it’s a big deal as you make it to be. It’s technology that already exists and you probably already use 10x a day.

Unless you’re telling me you cover the camera on every device in your home then how can you honestly think your privacy hasn’t already been compromised?

so the real question is

has black friday caused all this cos of usa tards that cant run a billion dollar gold mine? i mean was all this happening pre-black friday ?there was no need to,

so since the market dried up, players win rate can i make the same money as before....cheat...and this is for all the recent threads regarding scandal./cheating etc

poker is a scummbags game now i was once a proud professional winner....

personally i think once HUDS were allowed this allowed cheating.,i really studied poker, 12 tabling multiple cash games, keeping it all in my head, then HUDS were accepted cos it satisfied the higher winners....then this then thing we have a basic program saying call raise fold. fu all. fu luck....

by GreatWhiteFish k

I second the idea of the person that said forcing people to play on camera would be the best way to reduce cheating.

I'm surprised a game where everyone plays with a live webcam hasn't caught on yet (as far as I know?). The addition of nonverbal reads, physical tells and the social aspect would make the game more fun for recs.

It wouldn't be a big hit with multitable grinders, but as far as recs are concerned that's a selling point.

Once they get the metaverse going (remember that?), you might be able to play with your avatar, so there could be some benefits of live play without so much personal ID. But that'll have to wait until everyone's using smart glasses or whatever.

My money is on smart glasses, too. The current bulky headsets are way too trapped in the 80's and you know that high tint sunglasses which can do everything a phone can do is what people have always been working towards anyway.

by dochol31 k

I'm surprised the industry hasn't moved towards VR headsets for a more immersive and sociable experience that mimics real poker.

Wouldn't this also solve screen-scraping and make bot detection way easier? (Tracking head movements, voice etc.)

Maybe some of us don't want online to mimic regular poker. I kinda like not having to be social with the player on ACR who's constantly flinging poo at me or going full rage mode in chat

by TheStackHunter k

My money is on smart glasses, too. The current bulky headsets are way too trapped in the 80's and you know that high tint sunglasses which can do everything a phone can do is what people have always been working towards anyway.

Bigscreen Beyond VR is a lightweight one already on the market. It does cost serious $$$$ though so the price will need to come down. The main reason that the Oculus and others are so bulky is they are essentially gaming PC's on your head. If you have a custom problem like allowing people to run one application like a poker site you can make these things incredibly lightweight already. That said I am not sure where the trade off is in cameras and sensors that you would want to ensure proper monitoring.

You have so many things like chess, poker, computer gaming ….. literally anything people want to play competitively online that it feels like it would make more sense for third party to develop a headset specifically for this problem and then the different applications leverage it. It such an outside the box use of the tech I'm not sure anyone in the industry is even looking at this kind of thing for a headset.

Any of you familiar with the phrase don't make the cure worse than the disease?

by dude45 k

Any of you familiar with the phrase don't make the cure worse than the disease?

the only way forward is vr headset with fingerprint verification and 6 multiangle webcams

by dude45 k

Any of you familiar with the phrase don't make the cure worse than the disease?

People can't conceptualise these things because they haven't used them. If you tried to explain online poker to someone sitting around a table before it existed they would think you were nuts.

None of this even needs to be that intrusive. If you have a system that uses AR instead of VR then the player can even continue to just playing using a computer in the same way they have always done. The people on 2+2 seem to think that your average losing rec online lives in a cave somewhere that isn't aware of how technology is advancing. It is crazy to me that people seem to think we have reached peak cheating where AI is not going to allow the further proliferation of current methods along with new ones. We are in terminal decline and as such the cure to the disease is likely to be something completely untried.

It makes complete sense to me for people wanting to play something competitive online that in the future the best way for that to happen human versus human is to try create a trusted zone where they can be monitored. I could even be barking up completely the wrong tree with AR/VR but something where you can create a playing area that is a trusted zone is the only way forward.

I think one way to test bots is forcing players with a type of captcha that would be difficult for a bot.

Like a task to throw a stated emoji at a stated username.

Like "throw poo at seat 3 to continue"

If there is truth in the other active thread on this topic, there is an 8 figure incentive to cheat. Best of all, the cash out is offshore crypto. Of course the normal player is being cheated.

Game security is a game of cat and mouse. I think we're at a point with tech where the mouse has been caught.

Online poker is not secure and it's play at your own risk.

That's been the case since day one but with how fast tech, and tech minded people have matured their skillsets, there is no scalable way to offer a secure online poker product. If there is a will to cheat, there is a way.

Maybe 15+ years ago, game security was achievable by goodwill and perhaps a lack of tech knowhow/infrastructure. We're never getting that back.

Maybe onshore regulated games with real consequences are the way, but even then, it gets weird.

Just thought of an idea that doesn't solve the online poker problem, but could be a novel way to play.

What if B&M casinos had a machine set up like a slot machine where you can sit and play online poker against other people doing the same? Sort of like an online live hybrid.

I'm not talking about those electronic tables no one seemed to like. More like a single screen for one player, and it links with other machines to allow you to play against people in the same or different casinos.

It would be great for small casinos that don't get enough people to keep a full poker table going all the time, as you could effectively combine the player pools from multiple cities (might have to be within the same state due to regs).

You would be playing on camera, so security could potentially bust people if they try to use RTA on their phone.

It would also be great because you could be playing against random slot machine players that decide to sit down and give it a try. Some novices are intimidated to sit at a casino poker table, but wouldn't think twice to play Texas hold em' on a machine that looks like a slot machine with cool graphics.

Step 1: play live poker (in a casino)
Step 2: don’t play online

by AKAtoe k

Step 1: Online sites create tablet/ipad type device which will only run the poker software and nothing else, with built in wifi and wireless charging. No wires go in, no wired go out. Build them to be tamper-proof. Once implemented Players will only be able to play on their sites by using the device.

Step 2: Players pre-order these tablets for free (big enough to be able to comfortably play with 4 games showing (maybe add the ability to swipe to another set of 4 games) (make tablet "mountable" t

I've been mulling over your poker tablet idea. It's creative, for sure, but there are some practical hurdles. Developing and maintaining such a specialized device would be costly and logistically challenging.

There's another angle to consider. Instead of specialized hardware, what about software that scans the screen and provides real-time advice? This technology could be more feasible to implement and use on existing devices. However, it poses a risk of being used for unfair advantages, almost like a new form of botting. If we were to integrate any cameras or microphones into the tablet, then we would encounter a privacy issue.

Plus, the one device per household rule might be restrictive for households with multiple players, lol.

maybe an immersive vr device that can verify you're human by making you perform vr tasks like getting in a virtual car and driving until you see a building that says "CASINO", parking there and walking in. players should also be forced to verify they're human (and not afk) throughout the immersive experience, like making them manually post their blinds, stack any chips they win, and require they respond to small talk from drunkards at the table.

botnets are probably sophisticated enough to overcome these human-verify tasks by patching waymo api or plopping the vr headset on a robot though.

what's really missing is punitive measures. these bots cash out all their profits to crypto and leave measly balances for site security to (if ever) confiscate and (less likely still) redistribute. if they get banned they just submit a new fake identity and vpn again.

one route would be to make players post something valuable -- like their pet -- as collateral before they're authorized to play. if they're caught botting/colluding, nanonoko could legally confiscate the pet. now there's something to lose. these sites do not have the ability to house and feed a mass of confiscated pets, so they could be added as bonus prizes to sunday mtts or bad beat jackpots. binking five figures is cool; five figures and a golden retriever is life changing.

by smartDFS k

binking five figures is cool; five figures and a golden retriever is life changing.

Leeeeeetsssss goooooo!!!!!!!!


by smartDFS k

one route would be to make players post something valuable -- like their pet -- as collateral before they're authorized to play. if they're caught botting/colluding, nanonoko could legally confiscate the pet. now there's something to lose. these sites do not have the ability to house and feed a mass of confiscated pets, so they could be added as bonus prizes to sunday mtts or bad beat jackpots. binking five figures is cool; five figures and a golden retriever is life changing.

would the thresholds be different based on breed?

by ejames209 k

would the thresholds be different based on breed?

Chihuahua stakes are a rake trap. You're better off working a job until you can at least afford to play for a Weiner dog.

Tighten up KYC checks? That is a dead end.

Inside the Underground Site Where ‘Neural Networks’ Churn Out Fake IDs -
