"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre

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29 November 2019 at 06:28 PM

4679 Replies


by King Spew k

Our rule with boarders is.... "sure you can stay with us but because you board, you sleep in the garage."

Fair deal. I’ll take it.

Really looking forward to this weekend. We were thinking of Beaver Creek one day, but Keystone is supposed to get nuked on just as much. Bergman Express here we come!

Can’t wait to hear about the drive with pending storm and 100% of front range jerrys rushing to catch their first pow of the year

by JackInDaCrak k

Can’t wait to hear about the drive with pending storm and 100% of front range jerrys rushing to catch their first pow of the year

Is what it is, we’re weekend warriors. At least we’re going Sunday/Monday and not Saturday.

Sooo you coming or naw? 😀

I had surgery 2 weeks ago, another few weeks before I can get up there. Dr's orders.

Utah is going off right now. Got super duper lucky with lifts opening and ropes dropping - got first trax on some stuff where that does not happen too often. Mid week pow days are the bees knees. The street poker chick just nixed the vegas biking weekend in favor of gnar shreddin so we prolly head down in a week or 2.

Heal up fast JIDC season is just really starting

by squid face k

Utah is going off right now. Got super duper lucky with lifts opening and ropes dropping - got first trax on some stuff where that does not happen too often. Mid week pow days are the bees knees. The street poker chick just nixed the vegas biking weekend in favor of gnar shreddin so we prolly head down in a week or 2.

Heal up fast JIDC season is just really starting

How cold is it? We’re in store for a huge storm, but super cold temps.

temps are plummetting right now currently 11. Spoda snow nonstop till sunday. All kinds o travel advisories in effect so cant go to vegas but skiing gunna b sick

Stay safe out there, folks. Scary stuff outta Palisades with an inbounds slide that had 1 death and several injured.


Brag: We had such a nice December here in Saskabush.

Beat: Now it's -23F, windchill -42F.

Variance: Not a mosquito around though.

I've played a lot of bad players in my life but I think this one takes the cake.

Old Vietnamese guy sits down for $800, the first hand he gets 82o in a bomb pot and stacks off on a 853cc flop. My nut flush draw and 2 overs couldn't get there. Whatever. He drags the $1800 pot and tips the dealer $500.

Couple hands later, another bomb pot, he donk jams the turn with 64o on a KK27hhh board into 2 players. Next guy calls with AQhh for the nut flush, and I'm last to act with K7 for the nuts. Nice.

Couple hands later he limps with 72o and calls an all-in, beating AKo.

Every hand he's bending the cards like it's baccarat. I don't think he knows that you're allowed to fold.

Knowing that he literally doesn't have a fold button, I just overbet jammed KTo on KK99J. He called with 55.

by SABR42 k

Knowing that he literally doesn't have a fold button, I just overbet jammed KTo on KK99J. He called with 55.

Free money. Just be careful to not let anyone tap the tank.

He left after the 55 hand. Another old guy felt the need to tap the tank and asked him why he called with 5-high. SMH.

People are idiots. Another guy at the table called a string bet on him on a different hand. Seriously. The worst player of all-time is at the table and you're trying to call him out on technicalities? All these **** regs have zero awareness and I'm glad they all suck at poker and have **** results long-term.

til rob farha is an elderly vietnamese gentleman

Funniest hand I saw over the Christmas break:

I come back from a bathroom break and the river has been dealt. One guy has gone all-in and the other guy (a long time semi-reg) is standing up out of his seat looking at the board and bet.

"Man, I'm pretty sure I have like 10 outs".

I'm a little confused, look back at the table, and yup, all 5 cards have been dealt.

Still, the guy is standing up and assessing the situation, and still muttering, "Yes, I'm almost certain all my outs are good. I have to call. I call."

He slides in his chips, waits, and then seems a little taken aback when his opponent tables his hand. He looks back at the table, finally realizes his mistake, shakes his head, and tosses his cards into the muck.


by gobbledygeek k

Funniest hand I saw over the Christmas break:

I come back from a bathroom break and the river has been dealt. One guy has gone all-in and the other guy (a long time semi-reg) is standing up out of his seat looking at the board and bet.

"Man, I'm pretty sure I have like 10 outs".

I'm a little confused, look back at the table, and yup, all 5 cards have been dealt.

Still, the guy is standing up and assessing the situation, and still muttering, "Yes, I'm almost certain all my outs are good. I have to


Its going off in the wasatch. We have gotten 5 feet so far in PC and are expecting 1-2 more.

8" at the house so far. Maybe a few more before dark. APD and Jr are lapping Keystone right now.

too much of a circus for us today King Spew. Canyons side access was closed due to high winds AND whole upper mtn closed - avy danger x-treem (LCC interlodge happenin) MLK crowds and town completely bananas. Powder mtn has been closed last couple o days too

APD said there were very few liftlines all day. Snow was epic.

Keystone was epic today! 7” of fresh, plus everything untouched from the day before because they were shut down. Almost zero wind and we were heating up from digging Jr out every time the pow swallowed him. Lol.

Could not have asked for a better day. Little guy became a man today with the way he rode. Absolutely on the rails getting it. Should be just as good tomorrow, the only decision we have is Keystone or Breck.

by AcePlayerDeluxe k

Keystone was epic today! 7” of fresh, plus everything untouched from the day before because they were shut down. Almost zero wind and we were heating up from digging Jr out every time the pow swallowed him. Lol.

Could not have asked for a better day. Little guy became a man today with the way he rode. Absolutely on the rails getting it. Should be just as good tomorrow, the only decision we have is Keystone or Breck.

thats ossum mang! A huge percentage of my best memories are getting silly with my kid on the hill. The best thing is it never stops.

Tomorrow should be borderline epic here.


As an eagles fan that has come to grips with this season of cluster****ery and fully expects to watch them sink like a rock tomorrow night, it was great watching the cowboys get curb stomped

Love how the cowboys tried to set themselves up as the permanent best team in the country and all it bought them was die hard rivalries with multiple clubs
