Everyday Scams
What sort of everyday scams or rorts do any of you pull. I'm NOT talking about ripping off hundreds of people or anything that is highly illegal and that would most likely result in jail time.
I'm talking about the little things that people do, that might save a few bucks and gives them the satisfaction of getting one over someone, or some corporation.
I'll start the ball rolling, of one I heard recently.
My friend has one of those tags for the road tolls, but he never attaches it to the windscreen. He always drives through the toll sensor and waits for the failure notice in the mail, which normally arrives in 2-3 weeks. If he pays it immediately through his toll account there is no penalty, just the normal road toll cost.
Now here is where the "scam" is - he estimates in about 25-30% of the time he doesn't receive a notice and that's because the camera couldn't pick up his car number plate details for some reason. He thinks he saves $20-25 a month.
What sort of personal scams do any of you pull or have heard of ??
9 Replies
Does anyone know how this scam works? I got a call yesterday on my landline from a person claiming to be with my bank stating they suspect someone is trying to open up credit lines in my name. He had the last four digits of my social security number. He said he had all of my personal information. I asked him not to call again and I hung up on him. He called back literally 9 times in a row screaming how urgent it was and I kept hanging up. As this was happening I got a text from an unknown number asking "is this Henry" which I deleted. After the ninth call I got a call from another person claiming to be with a different bank asking if I was trying to open a credit line with them. I called both banks and they confirmed they did not make the calls. I have no idea just how much information this person really has. Does anyone know how this scam works or what kind of information he might be trying to get from me? I checked my cards and there are no fraudulent charges yet and alerted the credit bureaus as well. Not sure how concerned I should be about this. Thanks to anyone who can help.
Does anyone know how this scam works? I got a call yesterday on my landline from a person claiming to be with my bank stating they suspect someone is trying to open up credit lines in my name. He had the last four digits of my social security number. He said he had all of my personal information. I asked him not to call again and I hung up on him. He called back literally 9 times in a row screaming how urgent it was and I kept hanging up. As this was happening I got a text from an unknow
They are calling to get the rest of the information they need.
Freeze all 3 credit bureaus and keep an eye on things. That’s about all you can do.
Does anyone know how this scam works? I got a call yesterday on my landline from a person claiming to be with my bank stating they suspect someone is trying to open up credit lines in my name. He had the last four digits of my social security number. He said he had all of my personal information. I asked him not to call again and I hung up on him. He called back literally 9 times in a row screaming how urgent it was and I kept hanging up. As this was happening I got a text from an unknow
They take information from open leaks. Which often have last four digits, but not the rest. This information is kept in databases and used in (often Indian) call centers trying to swindle people.
Clever scam by Musk. I occasionally click an X trying to close an ad or window, but end up at his site. New computer I'll figure it out.
What's the angle here. I'm waiting for an uber in a decent sized parking lot that is mostly empty, no other people standing around. The street adjacent is jammed up guy is listed at 0 minutes away, I don't see him then he changes to picked up and starts driving my 10 mile trip. Obviously I cancel and get a refund. Does he get quick access to the money before my complaint?
could've been a mixup with another uber customer
Strange location for a mixup because no one else is standing around, but I have a common name so maybe he got a call from someone else nearby.
When needing a free Uber ride, say your name is txdome.
Scam complete 😀
players that stand up for 15-20 minutes when they are under the gun... Scam.