[DumbosTrunk] [$150/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified]
Hi everyone,
I have been playing primarily live PLO5 for several years now as a semi-pro and pro with very good results across all stakes up to $25/$50+. I have written a plo5 strat guide and keep a poker blog here as well. I would like to help players who want to take their game to the next level. I enjoy teaching and seeing students improve and learn - and make more money playing!
We would examine your play using hand histories and identify your leaks. We'd review preflop and postflop concepts and talk mental game too. Price: $50/hour. and you get a copy of my strat guide as well at no extra charge.
PM me to get started!
I now charge $150/hr. and $700 for five 1-hour sessions, and people can contact me on discord at Dumbostrunk or email me to buy my 21-page strategy guide ($50) at [email]ichispiro@gmail.com[/email]. If buying the strat guide, please provide your email address to send the guide to.
Posted beginning of year looking for coach. Been having coaching with John(dumbo) for a week now. Started by going back to basic even though I have been playing daily for nearly 3 years. Reason for looking for a coach is that my results have dropped off recently. Going back to the basics was nothing new but it did allow me to reset my thought process as bad habits have slipped in. Seeing much better results already and happy to keep posting on here with my progress. Have already recommended John to a friend. Looking forward to improving and learning more.
DT, i was unaware you are offering coaching services.
As a fellow community member and someone who has regular read and replied to your forum submissions over the years, I can not in good conscience, endorse your services.
Winning at poker does not give someone the qualifications to teach others. In many cases, trying to do so is both unethical and irresponsible.
DT, i was unaware you are offering coaching services.
As a fellow community member and someone who has regular read and replied to your forum submissions over the years, I can not in good conscience, endorse your services.
Winning at poker does not give someone the qualifications to teach others. In many cases, trying to do so is both unethical and irresponsible.
Monikrazy, your post is pretty misleading.
You forgot to mention that you very recently got into an argument with me over a strat post in which you threatened to never reply to my strat threads again, and then replied anyway even after saying you wouldn't, after we used different simulations about multiway all in equity of a low hand against multiple high hands (a question I was genuinely interested in). And now here you are going out of your way to provide a non-endorsement I didn't even ask for out of pure spite, masquerading as protecting the poker community - from what? Someone winning $100-$300 an hour whose fellow winning pros all told him he was qualified to provide these services, but who all said it was probably not in my own interests to improve the field?
I post hands or theories/concepts that are interesting to me in the strat forums as a way to share ideas. They are usually on the fringe of core strategies I employ at the tables day in and day out. Sometimes I post hands for a sanity check during periods of runbad when we second guess ourselves. I don't post the thousands of hands I won using those core strategies because they are too mundane to bother. And I have always wanted to teach others how to improve and win a lot of money like me, and now 5 years into my poker journey I finally feel qualified to do that.
But bottom line is: I have a solid, proven track of crushing these games over a large sample and I am only getting better. I just posted my best year ever, doubling the previous year's profits.
I am sorry you don't believe in my abilities, but thankfully for me, you don't have to. My results speak for themselves. Since you are so doubtful, I invite you to come play with me at MGM National Harbor and see how terribly I play for yourself in person. We could even start a game heads up.
DT I have got annoyed at many of your posts over the years. As have dozens of prominents posters in the forums. We have communicated our frustrations in constructive and appropiate ways.
And even if you don't think the same, I know that my previous post in this thread was objective and honest. It was not motivated by personal malice or animosity against you.
I have provided paid coaching poker services in the past, and continue to receive regular inquiries about my coaching. *i don't coach anymore, it's not an advertisement*
If you want to use the forum for your own benefit, and have benefited from its presence over the years, you must accept that its other members also have rights. The coaching forum is supposed to help community members AND coaches.
Everyone who reads this thread is entitled to their own opinion about my motivations.
I don't intend to keep posting in this thread; I've all ready said what I wanted to say. IF I change my opinion on your coaching services in the future, I would be more than willing to speak with mods to have my previous posts removed.
Just for reference, a lot of omaha posters disagree with monikrazy: https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/38/om....
Monikrazy also rejected my offer to play heads up.
If you want to improve your PLO5 game from someone with a long track record of winning, please reach out.
can you explain why you are coaching for 50$/hr while posting results for 2023 where you claim to average ~100$/hr from playing over 1000 hours?
can you explain why you are coaching for 50$/hr while posting results for 2023 where you claim to average ~100$/hr from playing over 1000 hours?
Because I am candidly new to teaching poker for profit and I recognize that there are more experienced folks out there than me. I want to attract as many students as possible and generate experience for myself and a positive track record of helping people learn and improve their results.
This isn't a money making machine for me, my poker play is my primary income. This is more of a passion project I have had in mind for a while now.
As someone who has played with, and received coaching from Dumbo; I can attest to the fact that is he a very well-thought and well-versed with his poker game. He consistently beats hold ‘em and PLO games at mid and high stakes.
Personally, he has helped me go from a losing PLO5 poker player to a player making ~$45/hr. This is through reading over his strategy guide multiple times and sharing some strategy over meals at the MGMNH.
He asked me to share my honest opinion here but did not tell me what to say. I can say this…
He has always expressed curiosity in my play and wanted to provide help with making me a better player. The basis of his PLO5 strategy is not rocket science and its premise can be adapted by anyone to help make them more profitable. Of course it’s gets more and more in depth and that’s where the coaching becomes a great benefit.
For me, paying $50 an hour bi-weekly is a steal. If you’re serious about your game, take a chance and I’m certain Dumbo will go above and beyond to make sure it’s working out for you.
How much would you charge for just your strategy guide? Does it cover Omaha high, high-low, or both?
I wish I played more PLO5. Hard enough to find PLO4 around here :(
Further update on my coaching, had an hour over video call so John could watch me play. I played my normal game whilst discussing my thought process behind every decision. We then discussed any tweaks after the hand and the reasons behind those tweaks. I actually found this method really helpful as I feel my post hand reviews may incorporate additional thought process as I now have all the information and know the outcome of the hand and therefore doing this during the hand feels more raw and probably far more honest. Very much enjoying the journey. Thanks
Monikrazy seems incredibly salty and unwarranted input here.
While I have never got coaching from DumbosTrunk, I have had positive experiences with him. I met him a year ago after recently moving to the area and sometimes visit the live scene where he plays. Before I had connected the dots of Dumbo and his real identity I already had mentally tagged him as a solid player. As someone who grinds online mainly, it is rare that I tag live regs as solid.
Dumbo openly answered my questions and gave me good advice asking for nothing in return.
The guy is only asking $50 an hour I mean there are 50NL grinders in the forum with 20k hand samples asking for a higher hourly here. Dumbo grinded his roll up and is playing 25/50 with years of experience. Just being able to consult with someone like that for $50 an hour seems incredibly +EV to me.
How Monikrazy can say this offer is unethical and irresponsible is mind boggling.
Why aren't these threads moderated? It seems silly that people who have no first hand experience with the coach get to post these type of comments.
Dont have anything to add besides that i think the bar for someone who is charging $50/h is incredibly low and it seems unfair to judge them like monikrazy did.
Thanks for the kind words, fellas!
I am enjoying working with my students. It’s quite the fulfilling experience!
Here is my updated lifetime plo5 graph and more recent results for just plo5:

You can follow my personal journey climbing the stakes from 1/3 no limit in my poker blog here as well. (Spoiler: lots of chip porn.)
I don’t know how long my rate will remain at $50/hr., but I’m happy to offer a discount for the time being while I still grow my student base and collect positive references. Cheers!
no offence but the way you post makes you seem like 99.999% scammer
What about the way I post makes it seem that way? The impressive results, multiple positive references, heavy discount from my hourly to attract new students, other? Seems more like a baseless accusation to me.
And it's spelled "offense." The way you post makes you seem like another troll with nothing better to do than to flame someone's thread who is genuinely trying to help others improve their PLO5 game.
What about the way I post makes it seem that way? The impressive results, multiple positive references, heavy discount from my hourly to attract new students, other? Seems more like a baseless accusation to me.
And it's spelled "offense." The way you post makes you seem like another troll with nothing better to do than to flame someone's thread who is genuinely trying to help others improve their PLO5 game.
one example might be attempting to correct spelling that is actually correct

'Murica though 😃
What is the difference offence and offense?
Present Continuous | Grammarly Blog
In one sense, offense means an attack. But it also means an affront or insult. Offense can also be spelled offence. The difference is that offense is the standard spelling in the United States, while offence is standard in other English-speaking countries.
Offence vs. Offense—What Is the Difference? - Grammarly.
And you never responded to my other comments. I am not scamming anyone. As I told you, my students are doing incredibly well so I already have results to back it up. Like Javanewt said, do your research first, like for example reaching out to me privately.
Can we get a graph from 1/1/2023 until today?