Favorite Candy

Favorite Candy


19 January 2024 at 02:09 PM

116 Replies


I like Riesens, the dark chocolate hard caramels.
I also like Whoppers, especially when they sell them in a milk carton. Because they're malted milk balls, you see. Chalk-a-licious!
Old school Baby Ruths are probably slept upon these days.

My personal candy drawer of stuff I don't share with the kids:

Basically everything that's sour, preferably Haribo, and licorice, preferably strong and salty.

by kioshk k

I like Riesens, the dark chocolate hard caramels.

Nitpick: "Riesen" is already the plural.

Isn't there still a No Lists rule? Ban OP IMO.

Sour skittles, kit kat, twix, sour patch kids, gummi bears


I just ate some of my friends sourpatch watermelons was delicious sparked idea to write this. Usually always go for chocolate but the gummies have reached pinnacle flavor wise imo.. I tried these gummys covered in nerd last week Tha t was amazing to

by madlex k

My personal candy drawer of stuff I don't share with the kids:

Basically everything that's sour, preferably Haribo, and licorice, preferably strong and salty.

Nitpick: "Riesen" is already the plural.

Nice one of my dreams in life is to always have a stocked candy drawer 8)

by kioshk k

I like Riesens, the dark chocolate hard caramels.
I also like Whoppers, especially when they sell them in a milk carton. Because they're malted milk balls, you see. Chalk-a-licious!
Old school Baby Ruths are probably slept upon these days.

How do you feel about Werther's Originals?

I'm not a big candy eater, but any variety of turtles (chocolate covered caramel nuts, usually pecans but peanuts work too) are my favorite.

Wyld Huckleberry cannabis infused gummies.
Peppermint Patties (bite sized - full size make me sick to my stomach)
Milky Way Dark
100k/Clark Bar (tie)
Charleston Chew

Skittles jelly beans
Payday. I'm a huge sweet tooth but I love the saltiness of these.



Nerds Gummy Clusters GOAT

by Tuma k


You're not you when you're HANGRY.

3 Musketeers is where it's at. Something simple? Mr. Goodbar.

by Booker Wolfbox k

How do you feel about Werther's Originals?

I'm not a big candy eater, but any variety of turtles (chocolate covered caramel nuts, usually pecans but peanuts work too) are my favorite.

Werther's aren't bad, a werthy candy if you will, but I'm more about the Riesen d'etre.

my favorite candies are the ones they sell at the disp

Candy Bars - Baby Ruth, Zero, Reese Cup, 100k Bar

All other candy - just about anything sour

1a. Heath Bar
1b. Skor

Chocolate and toffee cant' be beat!

2. Trader Joes Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
3. Dark Chocolate Kit Kats
4. White Chocolate Kit Kats
5. Hersheys Cookies and Cream Bar

Hershey's with almonds also good.

You know what guys.. My favorite might be:


Hershey's cookies and creme.

Twix has a good cookies and creme. The salted caramel twix is solid also.

Can't forget Reese's cups as well. I love their holiday shaped items: hearts, pumpkins, easter eggs....

by mrbaseball k

1a. Heath Bar
1b. Skor

Chocolate and toffee cant' be beat!

Damn I waited a day to post and you beat me too it.

Well, my computer turn open screen shows random crap and today it was the Matterhorn mountain. The Matterhorn is on the cover of a yummy candy cover of Toblerone bar so I'll post that as my honorable mention.

by mrbaseball k

1a. Heath Bar
1b. Skor

Chocolate and toffee cant' be beat!

Funny thing, I went to get groceries this morning right after I read this, and waiting to check out I was looking for the Skor but couldn't find, but the Heath was only 98 cents which is a steal these days, cheaper than most. Bought it, eating it right now, delicious.

My mom (still kicking) used to make an angel food cake with a coffee/mocha frosting and crushed Heath bars over the top. It was sooooooooooo good.

Damn, I must find that recipe.

by ladybruin k

The Matterhorn is on the cover of a yummy candy cover of Toblerone bar so I'll post that as my honorable mention.

Isn't that supposed to change when they start manufacturing outside Switzerland? No idea if that happened yet.

by madlex k

Isn't that supposed to change when they start manufacturing outside Switzerland? No idea if that happened yet.

Yes, apparently the Swiss care as much about their chocolate as they do about their watches. I'm not sure if it has happened yet, but once the manufacturing moves to another country, the Swiss Matterhorn symbol must go.

When I was a kid someone told me there was a bear hidden in the Matterhorn symbol on Toblerone. I still haven't found that damn bear.

EDIT oh snap, I just found the bear, I'm out on phone but will circle it later if someone doesn't get to it by then.

by ladybruin k

Yes, apparently the Swiss care as much about their chocolate as they do about their watches. I'm not sure if it has happened yet, but once the manufacturing moves to another country, the Swiss Matterhorn symbol must go.

When I was a kid someone told me there was a bear hidden in the Matterhorn symbol on Toblerone. I still haven't found that damn bear.

EDIT oh snap, I just found the bear, I'm out on phone but will circle it later if someone doesn't get to it by then.

Isn't the bear the white part right in the center?

Similar to "made in Germany", I think the Swiss chamber of commerce says that items that are associated with being manufactured in Switzerland can be sold at a 20% higher price.

As irrational as it sounds, if I go to the World Market to buy stuff from the German section I always check where it's manufactured. I'm very sure the Haribo made in Turkey are exactly the same as the ones made in Germany but I never buy them.
