Fargo - Season 3
Starts Wednesday. I didn't realize it was coming this early in the year. Gonna be hard for them to top last season, but I do love me some Ewan McGregor.
Loving this season. Best season since the first season IMO. Juno Temple is great. Some pretty good references to the Coen Universe in Episode 5. One of my favs was when the narrator (Jason Schwartzman!) is talking about "The Tiger" and he spells it "T I G... ER" just like Glen from Raising Arizona.
The Frances McDormand character was also named "Dot" in Raising Arizona.
That wasn't the only Raising Arizona reference, as when they were looking for Scotty her grandma said the same line as Nathan Arizona used in Raising Arizona about hers being "the one house in this state where she ain't at"
Best ep yet?
Yea, was good, seemed more like a penultimate episode, so that means next week should be even better.
Really good episode. Juno Temple and Jon Hamm are both phenomenal.
Can someone explain to me why Graves goes in there alone? Not even calling anyone. Seems very out of character.
Can someone explain to me why Graves goes in there alone? Not even calling anyone. Seems very out of character.
Arrogance and ignorance. He and his boss have always been able to push everyone around, local law enforcement included. He had no clue he what he was up against.
Can someone explain to me why Graves goes in there alone? Not even calling anyone. Seems very out of character.
what Kurn said + witt tells him it's urgent. to me the scene where lorraine calls and he hesitates before declining suggests he's not sure if she'd sign off on trading dot for the election, so (maybe for the first time this season?) he takes matters into his own hands to do something valiant. lesson: never be valiant.
Arrogance and ignorance. He and his boss have always been able to push everyone around, local law enforcement included. He had no clue he what he was up against.
That would be consistent with his character, but I don't think he acted it that way. He seemed to be acting a bit nervous.
Not a fan of Fargo, I take it.
They just flashed that up there in original and all the other seasons. It's just a gimmick. "Based on a true story" is vague enough that it could apply to anything, but the movies and shows are not based on any specific real life events.
Finally all caught up. I do not agree that E8 was the best yet. Very solid, but I think a couple have been better.
Cast is superb, with the exception of Jennifer Jason Leigh. I get that she's 61 now, but she still seems too young. And whereas the rest of the cast really blends into their roles amazingly, I feel like I can't say the same about her. Like she's trying to come across as a "let them eat cake" type but instead just seems like a parody of the part she's playing.
Also, am I wrong or did we see her husband just briefly in one episode interacting with Scotttie and then playing around with toys? Maybe I missed the backstory on them, or was it not covered? If that was the sum total of his screen time, why bother having him appear at all?
I guess I'm the only one who thinks this season isn't good? It's entertaining as always but there is zero nuance with the characters. Dot is the most amazing lady ever and Roy is just cartooinshly pure evil. The political stuff is way too on the nose. Indira jumps out to me as being really poorly acted everytime she's on screen even more than Chris Rock did.
E9 was an enjoyable watch, but...
it really stretched the boundaries of believability. Like Dot, after Roy had been made aware she escaped, was still able to basically go through the Tillman house and not run into anyone, other than the new Mrs. Tillman, who instead of shooting her on sight or calling out to get reinforcements like anyone in her shoes would do, basically engages her in dialogue? And LOL at the idea that Dot would be able to spend a nanosecond in the "tomb" given the state of decaying bodies in there. And I get that Munch is otherworldly, but overcoming three armed guys? Sure, I realize they were focused on the task at hand, but that seems like quite a stretch. And Munch and Gator apparently walk on foot from wherever he doled out Gator's punishment all the way to the Tillman ranch, without (a) attracting any attention, or (b) Gator freezing to death? And Roy doesn't shoot Munch on site, why exactly? Those are just the few I'm remembering off the top of my head, but I'm sure there were others.
The show still delivers, and kudos for some great performances. But more and more I find that engaging in post-viewing assessment knocks it down a few pegs.
I enjoyed it while watching it and the more I think about the ending, the more I like it. It was such an odd mix of tones in the final section but it worked incredibly well.
I don’t remember much about the first 4 seasons to know where to rank this one, but it’s in the top 2.
Thought it was a great finale and a very good season overall. I'd probably still rank S2 as my favorite but probably put this one on par with S1.
I wasn't sure about ending the season with so much Munch. But after watching it, I thought it worked.
I thought that was the best season. Godamn.
My only real nitpick with s3 would be
the death of Witt Farr. I just don't think a cop would stand there while a violent armed kidnapping suspect refuses to drop a knife and keeps approaching closer in tight quarters.
I get that evil sometimes wins, but I'm just not sure how much having Witt die added to the show. Felt unnecessary.
Everyone knows the 21-foot rule, especially cops.
I thought the good vs evil stuff was risky and at times felt a little heavy handed. But overall I enjoyed it and thought the whole story worked well start to finish.
It's odd. I liked it a lot while watching, but now, given time to nitpick and poke holes, it doesn't age as well. Still, the performances, excepting JJL, were great. Had Dave Foley done a non-comedic role previously? He crushed it and Hamm was amazing.
My only real nitpick with s3 would be
the death of Witt Farr. I just don't think a cop would stand there while a violent armed kidnapping suspect refuses to drop a knife and keeps approaching closer in tight quarters.
I get that evil sometimes wins, but I'm just not sure how much having Witt die added to the show. Felt unnecessary.
haha I immediately started ranting about that to my wife as we were watching then ranted about it to my buddy when we were discussing the finale via text it's obv pretty insignificant in grand scheme of the finale but it's just super lazy writing (writers just wanted him to die and too lazy to find a better way to make that happen) and it's somewhat insulting that they think their audience is too stupid to have any issue with that nonsense.
I have no problem suspending disbelief and I'm not looking for a documentary when I watch a show or movie but when a character does something just so ridiculously unrealistically and not because it serves any purpose or makes any sense within that universe solely because the writers couldn't come up with something better it's annoying.
glad it bothered someone else 😀
/end rant
I agree that was a bit of a tilt, but the one that still sticks with me is
The whole Gator and Munch situation, where somehow Munch surmises that Gator would be able to find where he is living. Did he locate the tracker? Is he in the habit of looking for them? Either way, how many hours or nights did he spend there moving the rocking chair, when Gator could've just as easily tried something different? Tilting...
This seems to be the default Fargo Discussion Thread, not exclusive to S3...
...so related to Fargo, but not entirely on topic...
...Guy Ritchie has a new Limited Series on Netflix "The Gentlemen" which is a spinoff of his movie of the same name.
I like Guy Ritchie, but I didn't love the movie. It felt like it was rushed a bit through production. The acting wasn't great, nor was the direction. McConaughey's performance seemed like it was mailed in. Hugh Grant just didn't have the chops to pull off the heavy intimidating gangster role (much like Chris Rock in Fargo S4).
This series is a little like the TV adaptation of Fargo. Sort of like establishing a "Guy Ritchie Universe" similar to the Coen Universe. Toss in a little Tarantino influence and this is how "The Gentlemen" feels. I'm only a few episodes into it so far, but it has good acting, casting, writing, production values, and direction.
I'm enjoying it.