BvB vs 84 vpip. When to call, when to fold?
Not many hands on villain, about 40. Saw him do some whack stuff and is one of those guys that loves the pot button and I'm not really sure what to do vs PSB in a lot of spots. Easy vs b50 or less to continue with quite a bit but b75 and larger I feel like if i fold any pair on almost any board then I'm overfolding. This gets me into a lot of spots similar to this. 80 vpip kinda feels like I can call down pretty wide, what do you think? Players can come and go quickly here with short stacks so every pot counts. I'm not interested in easy folds but still kinda in shotting phase so I want to make sure I'm getting everything I can without being too OOL
PartyGaming - $0.25 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 4 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
CO: 65.92 BB
BTN: 59.76 BB
SB: 123.68 BB
Hero (BB): 101.24 BB
SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has 7♦ 7♣
fold, BTN calls 1 BB, SB raises to 4 BB, Hero calls 3 BB, BTN calls 3 BB
Flop: (12 BB, 3 players) 6♥ 8♣ T♠
SB bets 11.36 BB, Hero calls 11.36 BB, fold
Turn: (34.72 BB, 2 players) 8♦
SB bets 32.8 BB, Hero ?
4 Replies
I think this is about how variance tolerant you are. I think calling down here is OK, even without the gutshot but you could also fold and wait for a stronger hand. You are right that they might bust or leave the table suddenly, but you're in position of villain and will probably get new chances very soon.
I think this is about how variance tolerant you are. I think calling down here is OK, even without the gutshot but you could also fold and wait for a stronger hand. You are right that they might bust or leave the table suddenly, but you're in position of villain and will probably get new chances very soon.
Don't really agree with this mentality and it's a pretty common one, you only have this spot right now. The spot is either positive/negative/neutral EV and it's very likely not neutral.
Very nice turn call.
These SB raises over a limper are really weak preflop from fish (and from regs they are stronger than normal PFR's).
Wait until you see a fish's limp RR range, it's so crazy it needs its own sim.
Don't really agree with this mentality and it's a pretty common one, you only have this spot right now. The spot is either positive/negative/neutral EV and it's very likely not neutral.
Very nice turn call.
These SB raises over a limper are really weak preflop from fish (and from regs they are stronger than normal PFR's).
Wait until you see a fish's limp RR range, it's so crazy it needs its own sim.
FWIW, I'd call down here in a heartbeat. But if you know you will tilt when villain shows T4s it might still be a better idea to fold in marginal spots with a lot of money on the line. And yes, we should work to tilt less and just play the game, calmly assessing the EV of each play.
3bet pre to isolate the fish then betting big to get it in on these board.
As played I call or even jam turn