I am a literal legend of gambling, ask me anything.

I am a literal legend of gambling, ask me anything.

What im doing is a gift to this dead site but they will probably lock the thread since they want no traffic or interest.

) 32 Views 32
26 October 2023 at 02:13 AM

963 Replies


by PokerEthics k

The horse racing analogy is off imo. Maybe the wsop being similar to the Kentucky derby as in a bucket list type thing I can get behind.

Horse racing and using animals for this type of stuff is surely a dying sport. Horse racing like dog tracks will be gone in the next 40 years with all the animal rights activists.

But poker is booming in certain areas and certain variants. I believe there are more PLo games spread everywhere so if you’re a plo player poker is having a mini boom.

when i say poker is dying ive tried to make it clear many times that "pro poker is dying" micro stakes games and worthless tournaments are doing fine. the paths to make an income as high or higher than you would in another field w/ equal work (upper middle class) is shrinking fast and its not even close or up for debate. the idea that people can chase mini booms and private games around for a meager income is not a selling point. the days of setting up shop in LA, Vegas, Bay area, and walking into public legal games and making an upper middle class income are dwindling fast if they even exist anymore.

this reminds me of the old arguments about card counting as a career dying 25 years ago and people selling stuff or delusional were saying not dying while people on the ground were like "wtf yes its dying!" everyone actually doing it knew it was ending because they had been around when it was viable. Now card counting as a career is basically laughable.

Limon have you ever played poker in jail/prison?

by limon k

when i say poker is dying ive tried to make it clear many times that "pro poker is dying" micro stakes games and worthless tournaments are doing fine. the paths to make an income as high or higher than you would in another field w/ equal work (upper middle class) is shrinking fast and its not even close or up for debate. the idea that people can chase mini booms and private games around for a meager income is not a selling point. the days of setting up shop in LA, Vegas, Bay area, and walking in

Idk it feels like live poker is having a renaissance with all the vloggers live streams and in particular cash plo games up and down the east coast. I went to Borgata for their series and the PLO games were insane. Even holdem cash games were going strong.

There’s card rooms like chasers in New Hampshire Boston encore, Foxwoods, parx, mgm national harbor, Maryland live, the Florida rooms, etc all spreading PLO games that were never spreading such games before so it’s kinda strange to say poker is dying when literally these games post covid are booming.

As far as being a “poker pro”.. ya like 90% of players would be better off working any other job professionally. You can tell this to poker players all you want though and they will know it to be true deep down but they’ll never stop playing and that’s why poker will never die. Everyone thinks they’re in the 1-5% of winners.

by PokerEthics k

Idk it feels like live poker is having a renaissance with all the vloggers live streams and in particular cash plo games up and down the east coast. I went to Borgata for their series and the PLO games were insane. Even holdem cash games were going strong.

There’s card rooms like chasers in New Hampshire Boston encore, Foxwoods, parx, mgm national harbor, Maryland live, the Florida rooms, etc all spreading PLO games that were never spreading such games before so it’s kinda strange to say poker i

He's tried to be quite clear on this. He's not saying your local poker room is going to be shuttered or it's hard to find PLO. He's saying the days of plentiful, fish-filled 25-50 games upon which you can make $150K+/year are dying, not that poker in NH, Boston, CT, MD, FL, etc. is going away entirely.

I wanna learn more about poker. Where should I start? Any advice.

by BrickMMA k

He's tried to be quite clear on this. He's not saying your local poker room is going to be shuttered or it's hard to find PLO. He's saying the days of plentiful, fish-filled 25-50 games upon which you can make $150K+/year are dying, not that poker in NH, Boston, CT, MD, FL, etc. is going away entirely.

Ya I suppose you’re right

by whosnext k

Three political posts removed. There is a fine line between posting about "government" (as in governmental regulations of gambling/poker) and about "politics".

Generally speaking posts about "governments" are typically allowed in NVG if they are part of a productive (non-political) discussion. Political posts (e.g., naming specific politicians or political parties) are not allowed and will be removed.

gods work. excelsior!

by Malagueno k

I wanna learn more about poker. Where should I start? Any advice.

Right Here! 2+2 is still a great resource for poker information. there are a lot of complete morons here (mostly whining about getting cheated in gray market online sites like complete bitches) but there are also a lot of people with good info and good experience. Post in forums that match the topics you want to learn, then if the answers aren't clear or if there is an argument COME HERE TO MY THREAD. I will give you the correct and final answer. Its not hyperbole to say that I'm in the top 1% of the top1% when it comes to poker and gambling knowledge.

At which size of the pot, measured in bb, do you start to implement limping in Omaha Cash games? How big does the ante and/or the pot have to be?

I’m not so sure about live poker ”dying”…certain games may not be as good as they used to be, but it’s still possible to make good money playing as a pro. Just speaking from personal experience. YMMV. I think dying is a little hyperbolic. Maybe waning is a better term.

Limon as a 23 year old who just found out about Poker Sesh, and you in general, you are an absolute gift and beacon of truth to the poker community. I could listen to you talk for hours, you're ****ing hilarious while at the same time speaking real ****. You're not a ****ing sellout and you're a man who sticks their word even if afterwards you realize it isn't in your best interest.

Thanks for all the content you've made in the past aswell as answering any and all questions people have, this **** is chalk full of gold and priceless. My favorite is your ****ing segment about running it twice the Pros vs Fish on pokersesh I couldn't stop laughing man. "Uh hey do you wanna do anything?" Lmaooo

Hey limon, great thread, question i dont think you have answered (if you have im sorry, dont skewer me), say you see a need for a game in your market area, how do you go about proposing one to a room? I live in florida near a hard rock who suck at caring about customers if that matters.

by PokerEthics k

Idk it feels like live poker is having a renaissance with all the vloggers live streams and in particular cash plo games up and down the east coast. I went to Borgata for their series and the PLO games were insane. Even holdem cash games were going strong.

There’s card rooms like chasers in New Hampshire Boston encore, Foxwoods, parx, mgm national harbor, Maryland live, the Florida rooms, etc all spreading PLO games that were never spreading such games before so it’s kinda strange to

I can't speak to these other places(besides Parx) but while the plo games during this Borgata series were good in a few days it will be a ghost town again.

It's a combination of MGM taking over and getting rid of comped hotel rooms,the poker room being run like **** and several local plo players who are there 6-7 days a week being completely insufferable to play with .

If they played 1/2 or 2/5 nl it would be different but in a small player pool a few people can absolutely poison the games. I actually got into it with a crusty nit who was the only guy not straddling and he had the floor called when someone who was absolutely terrible said pot preflop and the dealer didn't hear him. The crusty nit naturally had open limped like the coward he is and wanted to get in cheap.

2016-2019 borgata plo was absolutely booming and any random thurs-sunday would have been better those years than this tournament series was for plo.

Where is the better choice to be a live semi-pro in 2024, Vegas or LA? Assuming one already has a large bankroll and other streams of income and want to play 5/5-5/10 NL and PLO?

I always hear games in Vegas are dried up but I see on Bravo there are multiple 2/5 and 5/10 NL as well as 5/5 PLO on the strip on weeknights.

by Droopi k

Limon as a 23 year old who just found out about Poker Sesh, and you in general, you are an absolute gift and beacon of truth to the poker community. I could listen to you talk for hours, you're ****ing hilarious while at the same time speaking real ****. You're not a ****ing sellout and you're a man who sticks their word even if afterwards you realize it isn't in your best interest.

Thanks for all the content you've made in the past aswell as answering any and all questions people have, this ***

thanks brotha!

At the time i did the "run it twice" vids (8 or 9 years ago originally) there was no good info and so much bad info about "running it" strategy I thought i might as well get the "bible" out there. still stands the test of time.


i am not associated with any videos of me online so dont complain about the editing or whatever. anyone is allowed to put up any of my old videos that they want. its all free use as far as im concerned.

by syndr0me k

Hey limon, great thread, question i dont think you have answered (if you have im sorry, dont skewer me), say you see a need for a game in your market area, how do you go about proposing one to a room? I live in florida near a hard rock who suck at caring about customers if that matters.

i think i answered that here:


by TheTruthSayer k

Where is the better choice to be a live semi-pro in 2024, Vegas or LA? Assuming one already has a large bankroll and other streams of income and want to play 5/5-5/10 NL and PLO?

I always hear games in Vegas are dried up but I see on Bravo there are multiple 2/5 and 5/10 NL as well as 5/5 PLO on the strip on weeknights.

if you can handle living in vegas, its vegas. much cheaper, plenty of games and since youre part time you wont have to play the soul draining reg fest mid week games and concentrate on the juicy weekend games. I could never live in vegas, so its LA all day for me.

by limon k

if you can handle living in vegas, its vegas. much cheaper, plenty of games and since youre part time you wont have to play the soul draining reg fest mid week games and concentrate on the juicy weekend games. I could never live in vegas, so its LA all day for me.

Thanks for the reply! I would be playing during the week, so games in Vegas are bad during the week? LA isn’t?

Also wondering why you could never live in Vegas.

How are poker groupies?

by TheTruthSayer k

Thanks for the reply! I would be playing during the week, so games in Vegas are bad during the week? LA isn’t?

Also wondering why you could never live in Vegas.

Vegas is a tourist town, the locals are actually pretty poor. During the week there is a predominance of poor grinders the rich tourists come in on the weekends. the quality of games will be directly proportional the the hotel occupancy rate (im talking about games 5-10 and above that are worth playing, micro stakes might be good more often)

Los angeles is not a tourist town for poker, its almost all locals/regs, and many of the regs are filthy rich, los angeles is a VERY rich city compared to vegas.

The mojave desert is not conducive to human life. we aren't supposed to be there for long periods. after a week in vegas your body knows this, your mind will soon follow. the facade will crack.

by nucularburro k

How are poker groupies?

the absolute worst in most ways (as shown in this thread). they tend to be the lowest form of subhuman life stalking their superiors and posting constantly in their threads about how "no one should post in this thread". Their love is deep though and their dedication admirable, i have about 100 who will follow me across all social media platforms and amplify all my content. They also tend to have slutty, if not pretty moms who like to bang so thats another small positive.

by limon k

Los angeles is not a tourist town for poker, its almost all locals/regs, and many of the regs are filthy rich, los angeles is a VERY rich city compared to vegas.

This is very true, but you should come down here once in a while and play at Oceans 11. Sister property to the Bike, both run by the Haig Kellegian people.

It is the only decent poker room in 30 miles any direction, so you have all the San Diego and South OC money. So much free money for the taking..

by Stu Ungar k

This is very true, but you should come down here once in a while and play at Oceans 11. Sister property to the Bike, both run by the Haig Kellegian people.

It is the only decent poker room in 30 miles any direction, so you have all the San Diego and South OC money. So much free money for the taking..

i used to play there some long ago, sometimes those military dudes would come in and just put every penny they had on the table and blast. my golf buddy "Z" (zabed) was running it recently. He is a piece of work!

Why does limon get to post whatever he wants and my posts get deleted?

by trampled k

Why does limon get to post whatever he wants and my posts get deleted?

(1) It is a long-standing NVG rule that posts about moderation should go in the NVG Moderation thread.

(2) Personal attacky posts will be deleted from this thread, just like any other NVG thread, regardless of who makes the post.

(3) By my quick count approximately 10 posts by trampled and 50 posts by limon have been deleted from this thread.
