The Box of Chocolates Thread (You never know what you're going to get!)
Welcome to the General Discussion thread. If you have a topic that doesn't warrant its own thread, post it here. Have a free form discussion going that no longer fits in the original thread? It may be moved here to give it a place to wander. Also, general chit chat is welcome!
What is all wrong? I understand the issue, as I said: "When only one specific poster has an issue sending a PM to only one other specific poster" - did I miss something?
Our suggestions are trying to get to the root of the problem, not to pick on you. Browser has suggested that you "Pls post here a screen shot of a test message all prepared right before you hit send, and then another screen shot just after hitting send that shows the error message. This is so unusual that the more I can show the software guys the better. Thanks.", and I've suggested that when you do that, you "try actually clipping your name from a screen like this and pasting it in the appropriate field of the PM".
If only his PM skills were as good as his youtube posting skills.....
What is all wrong? I understand the issue, as I said: "When only one specific poster has an issue sending a PM to only one other specific poster" - did I miss something?
Our suggestions are trying to get to the root of the problem, not to pick on you. Browser has suggested that you "Pls post here a screen shot of a test message all prepared right before you hit send, and then another screen shot just after hitting send that shows the error message. This is so unusual that the more I can show the
how can it be a " user error" , when I can send to any other person here as I stated?
Entering the name wrong, for one example. When you reply to a PM, the name is auto-filled, and it works. When you start a new PM, it doesn't. One of the possibilities is that the name is being entered wrong, which is why I suggested cut-and-pasting it. And if you were able to take screen shots as browser suggested, we could have more certainty. These are precisely the sort of things I'll be asked if I take it forward to anyone that works on the software, which is why we're asking you to do the same if you'd like us to try to get to the bottom of this.
The fact that you can send to any other person is precisely why user error is a stronger possibility. If you couldn't send a new PM to anyone, that sounds far more likely to be a software issue. I don't care either way and am not aiming to make you look bad, just trying to eliminate whatever I can.
washoe take a video
Entering the name wrong, for one example. When you reply to a PM, the name is auto-filled,
when I click on his screenname and click send message to "browser..."
it also does the auto fill in. thats what I do, its a link which does not work. I literally cant do anything wrong here. its the system.
now I tested rickroll and lucky bobo and one more and it does not work on neither. lol rigged.
yup, Im hacked now or what? wtf?
lucky or bobo or anyone can you try to send me a message ?
I never had an issue sending pms, this is new.
I deleted cookies now and everything.
"Please complete both the subject and message fields."
this is what I always get here bobo. although these fields are filled in.
and you tell me its usually a user error? lol def not here.
lucky or bobo or anyone can you try to send me a message ?
I never had an issue sending pms, this is new.
I deleted cookies now and everything.
"Please complete both the subject and message fields."
this is what I always get here bobo. although these fields are filled in.
and you tell me its usually a user error? lol def not here.
I just sent you a PM
ok so its working for you. for me, no. thanks
all I can do is reply.
somebody is f with me here, bobo. bc I reported 2 posters yesterday insulting me for no reason bc they dont like trump.
they stalked me, insulted so I reported then, but nothing happened. follow up is only possible though pm which seems to be disabled now.
this is no coincidence.
different browser works now, different ip too.
I just sent lucky a pm. went through I think.
washoe, perhaps the stroud boys have hacked you?

when I click on his screenname and click send message to "browser..."
it also does the auto fill in. thats what I do, its a link which does not work. I literally cant do anything wrong here. its the system.
lucky or bobo or anyone can you try to send me a message ?
I never had an issue sending pms, this is new.
I deleted cookies now and everything.
"Please complete both the subject and message fields."
this is what I always get here bobo. although these fields are filled in.
and you tell me its usually a user error? lol def not here.
No, I was saying it was likely to be a user error based on what I knew at the time. I wasn't aware that it was happening by clicking the Send PM link. My apologies if I missed that earlier. If you're clicking on the link to send someone a user name, then clearly there's a software or browser issue.
different browser works now, different ip too.
I just sent lucky a pm. went through I think.
Ding ding ding ding! Excellent, now we have things narrowed down. What browser does it not work with?
somebody is f with me here, bobo. bc I reported 2 posters yesterday insulting me for no reason bc they dont like trump.
they stalked me, insulted so I reported then, but nothing happened. follow up is only possible though pm which seems to be disabled now.
this is no coincidence.
Dude, no. Even as an admin, I can't shut off only one method of sending PMs. I can shut off your PMs completely, or enable them - there are no ways to stop you only from using a link to send one. And if someone is so skilled as to be able to hack into the software and change that only for you, why wouldn't they stop you from sending PMs directly or replying to PMs as well? And why wouldn't they be using those skills to make some money rather than making it slightly more difficult for you to report some insulting posts?
Pretty sure you're safe, even from the Stroud Boys. 😀
hey bobo, lucky, lozen and victor and anyone who wants move your azzes to the rap thread, will ya?!
we can listen and talk about vanilla ice and dmx and stuff... you dig? I know you all like it, dont be so shy! 😉
there is nobody. nobody will listen just us... I know king spew likes some good tunes like joe cocker and stuff.
but were gonna listen to rap first? u dig?
yea, bobo lets move the convo about vanilla and rap to the rap thread.
youre gonna like it 😀
lucky can you tell us more about dmx?
u got any stories?
I never even saw him myself. I wasn't living there at the time he was around just my brother,.
The only story is that one time one of his dogs got out and tried to fight my brother's dog, and that my brother would see him at the local circle-K from time to time.
oh, that happens all the time with dogs I guess.
hey bobo, lucky, lozen and victor and anyone who wants move your azzes to the rap thread, will ya?!
we can listen and talk about vanilla ice and dmx and stuff... you dig? I know you all like it, dont be so shy! 😉
there is nobody. nobody will listen just us... I know king spew likes some good tunes like joe cocker and stuff.
but were gonna listen to rap first? u dig?
yea, bobo lets move the convo about vanilla and rap to the rap thread.
youre gonna like it 😀
Let’s not forget Vanilla Ice not the first white rapper
Your all forgetting Blondie
How long is d2 banned for?
Only 2 days.
yea exactly. but she didnt have any serrious impact did she? not sure if bobo is aware of this, without him eminem woudlnt have happened. vanilla brought rap into everyones household. he made everyone rap in the streets.
we have to thank him for paving the way to masterpieces like this and/ or any rap into music mainstream.