Netflix "Watch Instantly"
I just recently rejoined Netflix and was pleased to see they have added a "Watch Instantly" feature where you can stream a movie over the internet. The selection of movies/shows is subpar, but it's free baby! Well, free as in no extra charge. You can watch 1 hour for every dollar/month your subscription is and it doesn't affect your queued/shipped movies at all. Minuses are that you have to be running Windows and Internet Explorer, but the quality is great! I have a garbage laptop, but it looks the same as a DVD to me and it hasn't skipped/paused/hiccuped once so far.
I watched American Nightmare, and everyone seems to be rightfully angry at law enforcement. But holy ****, **** the media too.
Watched American Nightmare as well. Really interesting.
So yeah… Obliterated is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen…. I mean… I’m gonna watch it and I’m gonna hate every second of it….
appreciate all the spoiler usage, you guys are
watched American Nightmare also
very strange story 😃
Liking Griselda two episodes in, but I’m pretty much into all the Narcos-type content.
Griselda was ok, but treated her like too much of a woman doing her best in a man's world than the psychopathic murderer she was.
Griselda was ok, but treated her like too much of a woman doing her best in a man's world than the psychopathic murderer she was.
Good show. Really enjoyed it. Wasn’t close to NARCOS level, still good entertainment nevertheless. Last 2 episodes weren’t so good.
Sofia was average. Overacting on many occasions, couldn’t pull off intense scenes like veteran great actors.
Agree, it seems very unlikely Muller had accomplises he typifies the ultimate loner and is a master manipulator who convinced both victims that others were working with him
The FBI and ex-GF connection is very strange , could just be a coincidence or something very shady going on
Fascinating documentary well worth watching.
Griselda, pretty wild story. I just wish I knew what really happened compared to what was shown. Apparently her one living son has written a book. But how would he know all the facts? But I thought Vergara did a good job showing all the fear, paranoia and insanity that comes when you are the head of a major drug operation.
Feud: Capote Vs The Swans on FX/Hulu Wednesday. It's Ryan Murphy and a bunch of stars, should be good.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith with Donald Glover on Friday
Final season of Curb Your Enthusiasm on Sunday.
Feb. 8th new seasons of Tokyo Vice and Halo, I need to catch up on a few episodes still from season 1's.
first one looks good, second one reminds me of this
yeah i don't get it either, he ruined the daily show for me
worst part of watching that is hearing the audience laugh at him pantomiming action or making bond soundtrack noises, not even jokes nor funny
No strong opinion on his comedy, but his book Born a Crime is very good and funny. He’s led an interesting life.
Trevor Noah is one of the least funny people I’ve ever heard
Thanks for the reminder. This shows is well rounded. The visuals are great. The performance are awesome. And there are multiple story lines that all get enough treatment to be fully fleshed out and interesting.
Agreed. Thought the strikes might kill it, so we were very happy to hear it’s coming back.
Wayne definitely needs a season 2. I think Amazon owns it now.