How is this a GTO call?

Action was check call 1/3 bet size flop, check check turn, check call river.
GTO says calling and folding 50% / 50% approximately, so the call should be zero ev in theory, but I doubt this call isn't a negative EV move.
What do you think?
GTOBase is the solver name.
5 Replies
Looks reasonable to me. Facing small bets, most hands that beat a bluff will be at least 0EV, provided they don’t have terrible removal effects.
Including the 3/4 size bet river call?
Here we don't block the flush nor the straights, how more terrible it could be?
Against 3/4 pot, we still have to defend more than half of our range. The fact that we have a pair to the board probably puts this hand in the upper half already (as opposed to hands like AT and pocket pairs that block more bluffs).
It’s also not clear that a diamond/K/T is good to call with, because even though they block some value, they also block lots of in position’s bluffs. So all things considered, A2 looks like a pretty reasonable call!
Against 3/4 pot, we still have to defend more than half of our range. The fact that we have a pair to the board probably puts this hand in the upper half already (as opposed to hands like AT and pocket pairs that block more bluffs).
It’s also not clear that a diamond/K/T is good to call with, because even though they block some value, they also block lots of in position’s bluffs. So all things considered, A2 looks like a pretty reasonable call!
Thank you!