Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI)

Twin River Casino (Lincoln, RI)

Poker is coming by this August.

By Sam Wroblewski

Twin River Casino is adding poker to their selection of table games.

According to a news release, 16 poker tables will be built inside the casino’s new poker room and eight traditional games, such as Blackjack, will round out the other additions. Twin River Chairman John Taylor said the gambling expansion will create 120 more jobs.

“An important part of our business philosophy has been to listen to what our customers want, and the addition of a poker room is one of most often heard requests,” said Taylor in a statement. “We’re thrilled to increase the number of table games we currently offer, which also means we will expand our workforce once again.”
The addition is meant to fill out the non-smoking floor of the casino, in order to replicate the gaming experience on Twin River’s first floor.

“We’re consistently looking for new opportunities to deliver an exciting gaming and entertainment product in a customer friendly environment.”

274 slot machines will be removed to accommodate the new tables.

The new games are slated to be operational by August.

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09 June 2015 at 07:44 PM

86 Replies


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Can anyone explain the rake structure? I know it has changed a lot since I've been visiting.

$2/$5 rake is $1 for every $10 in the pot, stopping at $8.

$5/$10 is a timed game, $10/player/half-hour.

word is the 5/10 NLH game is dead. only 5/10 PLO instead

and the 10/20 NLH tuesdays is only higher stake NLH available


if you want to play 5/10, head on over to mohegan W F S. happy to get it running every day though with twin refugees

by bmoney k

word is the 5/10 NLH game is dead. only 5/10 PLO instead

and the 10/20 NLH tuesdays is only higher stake NLH available


Wouldn’t say it’s DEAD but Wednesdays and Thursdays are measurably slower lately. 10/20 started at 10am and filled up by 11ish today but did not have a 2nd game running by 4:30 when I left.

But compared to November/December of 2023, the game is less populated for sure but is rarely NOT running

Last time I was there all the 5/10 regs told
Me they only play 5/10 plo now. So I was stuck to 2/5

I realize the poker room is non smoking but the first floor is not. The wife is a slot player and will not play where smoking is allowed, so I dont go there.

I wonder if they would attract more players if they put the smokers outside and offered a cleaner environment.

by jelloman k

I wonder if they would attract more players if they put the smokers outside and offered a cleaner environment.

Answer your own question by walking the downstairs floor area the next time you're there. I'd wager it has the highest percentage of smokers of any casino I've been to, other than maybe Turning Stone. I think it's due to location, plus the more blue collar vibe compared to nearby casinos.

by bmoney k

Last time I was there all the 5/10 regs told
Me they only play 5/10 plo now. So I was stuck to 2/5

Monday is the 5/10 PLO day so if it was a Monday, not surprised that the NL game wasn’t running.

I know Calvin and Matt will go out of their way to keep the NL game alive over PLO.

by jelloman k

I realize the poker room is non smoking but the first floor is not. The wife is a slot player and will not play where smoking is allowed, so I dont go there.

I wonder if they would attract more players if they put the smokers outside and offered a cleaner environment.

If you come in thru the Valet entrance, the entire 2nd floor is smoke free and has plenty of slot games of varying flavors. I’m sensitive to cigarette smoke and I never notice anything unless someone has just come back in from a butt break

by jb1aze k

Monday is the 5/10 PLO day so if it was a Monday, not surprised that the NL game wasn’t running.

I know Calvin and Matt will go out of their way to keep the NL game alive over PLO.

it was a thursday and Calvin specifically told me they no longer play NLH 5/10 he even went from our 2/5 game and started the 5/10 PLO game....sad

We still play the 5/10 NL, last couple of weeks there have been a couple vip players who like PLO more so that has taken preference. The action has slowed and NL will be the main game unless that changes again.

I went recently and the games had some really good players but two bad players in particular. I followed these 2 kids to play 3 handed at higher stakes and they were horrible. I think Matt was one name and Calvin was the other . I cleaned out Calvin in poker and Matt with all prop bets. Next time we play 3 handed I'll probably pay their rake to make it fair.

by BK1248 k

I went recently and the games had some really good players but two bad players in particular. I followed these 2 kids to play 3 handed at higher stakes and they were horrible. I think Matt was one name and Calvin was the other . I cleaned out Calvin in poker and Matt with all prop bets. Next time we play 3 handed I'll probably pay their rake to make it fair.

Glad to hear there's always some easy action floating around!

Any rumors regarding the igaming bill in terms of online poker offered by Ballys? I see slots and live dealer casino games but no mention of poker. Anyone got the scoop?

Twin River was a **** show last night.

They were so short on dealers, the lists for every game were very long. The 1-2 list was over 40 people at one point, around when I noticed that the amount of people hanging out in the room waiting to be called was larger than the amount of people actually playing.

Then it got worse, and they actually closed down live tables to send dealers home.

The dealer shortage seems to be caused by a number of factors:

1 - Twin River is on a hiring freeze for poker dealers - which is completely insane
2 - When Twin hired all the new poker dealers when they reopened the room after covid, they promised them all they'd only tax them on their base rate ($15ish/hr), not their tips. Once they hired all the dealers they needed, they changed their tune and now tax them on that rate + their tips.
3 - There's a cascading effect where dealers quit because of this, so the remaining dealers get asked to work more, then they feel overworked and start calling out, then the ones not calling out get even more overworked, then they start calling out too. Basically, every single day there's call outs. And because they're not hiring, that just means the room is perpetually understaffed for demand.

Basically you can't play here any more unless you are willing to wait an hour+ to get on a table, for the most part, until Twin River gets their **** together.

sad. it has so much potential but I'm seeing some of those dealer issues and can kind of tell the good staff there isn't being given the help they need to succeed and with the poker player crowd its tough as there are so many very particular personalities that can't understand that and make it harder. the system also blows and is outdated so lots of energy is wasted that could be much more efficient.

obviously there is the rumor that Maverick Gaming comes in and changes the game. there was talked about openly in the room according to some regs.

last week on the only friends podcast they were interviewing Wayne Chiang who did Live at the Bike and now just launched Ballys Live at Commerce. it was an offhanded comment but in that interview he mentioned what Bally's was going overall and putting effort into building out there poker brand he mentioned Bally's in Vegas at the Trop, what he was doing at Commerce and also mentioned Erik Perrson opening up a new room and doing a stream in Rhode Island. so that is in the works for sure although actually making that happen might be too much given the situation. that is our only hope in New England for having any decent poker option that ,might even come close to pre pandemic.

It's bonkers how different Twin is on a busy Saturday night post-covid compared to pre-covid.

Pre-covid on a busy Saturday night, every one of the 24 (28?) tables in the room would be full, with 4 or 5 of those being $2/$5 and 2 or 3 being $5/$10. Now on a Saturday night if we're lucky there's 8 tables in play, with two of them being $2/$5 and one $5/10 (with a list that would make an amazing must-move if they had a dealer to launch it)

Also I think the Omaha experiment is completely dead, I haven't seen it running any time I've been there in a month or so

Saturday night was a nice return to form for the room, a total reversal over the Thursday **** show.

They had 16 tables running, including four $2-$5s and two $5-$10s. Action was great

i dont know, that poker is dark and cramped and bad, they only good thing is rake is ok

Will be in the area this weekend, how long should I expect to wait for 1-2/2-5 if I show up at 10pm on a Saturday? Does the room still close at 2am?

Any news about the supposed renovations?

Rumors but dealers are saying the deal was finalized with Maverick. Renovations by year end 2024

Heard the already started clearing slot machines on second floor.

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