Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well

Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well

I'll do my best not to be a prick but I will be honest. Although I can't give firsthand PGA Tour experience like JTrout can.


03 September 2009 at 07:44 AM

5 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Guess I should try to finish this up seeing as how it's 6 months later!

Walk to the scorer's building and add up a bunch of large numbers. Then thank the walking scorer and standard bearer and give them each an autographed ball which is standard in tour events.

It's dinner time and I'm hungry, thankfully the USGA has provided us with a heckuva good taco bar to sink our teeth into. We all dive in as it's been a long day. Eventually we get to chatting about the round touching on both the good and the bad. Girlfriend and caddy attack some beers while my mom takes on a glass of wine.

After a while things are pretty loose all throughout player dining. MAJ comes strolling through cradling a glass filled with something stronger than his usual wine. He looks my girlfriend straight in the eye, lifts his glass and announces "SALUD!" She stares him right back and announces the same. He gives her a big smile and continues on his way.

We stick around until way after dark before returning to the hotel for a well deserved stress free night of sleep.

Sleep in the next morning before heading out to the course about 10. We still have full access to everything, I can even use the practice facilities after the players who made the cut have teed off although I chose not to. Have breakfast before wandering out to the range to see who's in form and who might not be. Probably half the players are hitting on the far left where there are no spectators allowed nearby to disturb them.

With tons of people outside the ropes I have little interest in venturing out on the course, so we all migrate back to player dining. About 11 both girlfriend and caddie attack the beers which keeps the table loose for the rest of the day. We watch the action on a closed circuit feed.

That night I take everybody to a nice steakhouse inside a remodeled railroad car. Food was good but not great. Really the only remotely disappointing meal we had during the week plus.

The next day we do it all again although I do choose to venture out to 17 and 18 to watch the last couple of groups fight it out and try to see exactly what it feels like inside the ropes late on a Sunday.

Monday morning we leave town and I am forced to return my Lexus courtesy car. Sadness. Didn't have to fill it with gas beforehand however! Process took about 20 seconds, there were probably 150 of them sitting in a side lot. The two flights home seemed like they took a day although it was only a few hours.

So that's pretty much that, what a great time for a hack that couldn't break 80! I'll touch on what all I learned and what I need to improve on in order to properly compete out there.

Did getting to play that open any other doors for you going forward?

by marknfw k

Did getting to play that open any other doors for you going forward?

Not really. Nowadays when signing up for state opens they require a playing resume, so this summer I just quickly threw down 2023 U.S. Senior Open and was instantly accepted. But it's not like I wasn't going to be accepted anyway.

This was a fun and interesting read throughout, thanks for sharing!

by ntnBO k

After a while things are pretty loose all throughout player dining. MAJ comes strolling through cradling a glass filled with something stronger than his usual wine. He looks my girlfriend straight in the eye, lifts his glass and announces "SALUD!" She stares him right back and announces the same. He gives her a big smile and continues on his way.

what an interesting golf life lived by Jiménez
nine major top 10 finishes
can you imagine the payne being tied with Els, fresh off a Masters win, for second place in a US Open
and the winner was one stroke better every five holes you played because of his woods
