Covid-19 Discussion
Has the wisdom and courage to realize that the cure has now become worse than the disease. It's time to open up. Stop moving the ball.
Hospital systems have not been overwhelmed.
Ventilators are not in shortage.
Treatments are being developed.
There is no cure or vaccine. This is not going away for four years.
The devastation of the cure:
Suicide rates picking up.
Massive economic devastation which causes depression, anxiety, obesity, again increase in suicide rates and directly impacts poorer economic areas.
Alcohol sales up 51%.
Domestic Abuse on the uprise
Child abuse on the uprise.
Hospitals that do not have COVID related issues are forced to lay off doctors and nurses as there are not enough patients to economically support it, meaning they won't have the staff to deal with COVID outbreaks.
Michael Avenatti gets released from prison
We all did our part. We sheltered (here in Pennsylvania for 5 weeks already).
Open the office buildings. Open the hair saloons. Get rid of stupid mask laws.
Continue to monitor outbreaks and in areas hospital systems become threatened, reenact tougher guidelines.
And stop shaming people that want common sense solutions. Waiting for a vaccine is stupid and unpractical.
Well, these guys do provide legitimate sources for their data. It can all be checked if someone wishes to I guess.
And not too sure I would call the CDC an unbiased source of data exactly.
You don't have to because the CDC is not the source of that data. It's just where the the links to the data are aggregated. You'd know that if you bothered to even look before desperately trying to handwave it away.
You don't have to because the CDC is not the source of that data. It's just where the the links to the data are aggregated. You'd know that if you bothered to even look before desperately trying to handwave it away.
From the top of the first page of your link.
This page highlights the most current and relevant CDC-authored vaccine effectiveness studies and will be updated with data, as well as key findings from the studies by age group. This page may also include a spotlight on one of the studies to explain more detail and context.
CDC studies published from April 2023–August 2023 on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness found the following:
From the first study link on the page: See the Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest. LOL I was going to copy and paste it but it's too long. However anyone can read it to see how "unbiased" the authors are. It's a joke.
From the top of the first page of your link.
From the first study link on the page: See the Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest. LOL I was going to copy and paste it but it's too long. However anyone can read it to see how "unbiased" the authors are. It's a joke.
Explain the bias to us. And do you just not know what peer-review is? Instead of poo-pooing the authors, let's look at exactly which piece of data you dispute and we can discover why you think it is wrong together, shall we?
Give us your first objection to the actual data. The CDC is not the source of the data used to calculate the effectiveness. Notice I said the CDC isn't the source of the data. Reading for comprehension is important. So what is your first objection to the actual data? You game?
I'll even spot you a starting point. Since you think vaccines are making people more susceptible to severe covid-19, let's look at that specifically.
Effectiveness of mRNA Vaccination in Preventing COVID-19–Associated Invasive Mechanical Ventilation and Death — United States, March 2021–January 2022
Weekly / March 25, 2022 / 71(12);459–465
This paper finds that it is 94% protective vs invasive mechanical ventilation and death against Omicron for March 2021–January 2022.
Does that sound like a good starting point to you? It pretty conclusively disproves your thesis.
Here are the non-CDC references for the data:
Thompson MG, Stenehjem E, Grannis S, et al. Effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines in ambulatory and inpatient care settings. N Engl J Med 2021;385:1355–71. PMID:34496194
Tenforde MW, Self WH, Adams K, et al.; Influenza and Other Viruses in the Acutely Ill (IVY) Network. Association between mRNA vaccination and COVID-19 hospitalization and disease severity. JAMA 2021;326:2043–54. PMID:34734975
Feikin DR, Higdon MM, Abu-Raddad LJ, et al. Duration of effectiveness of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease: results of a systematic review and meta-regression. Lancet 2022;399:924–44. PMID:35202601
Patel MM, York IA, Monto AS, Thompson MG, Fry AM. Immune-mediated attenuation of influenza illness after infection: opportunities and challenges. Lancet Microbe 2021;2:e715–25.
Britton A, Fleming-Dutra KE, Shang N, et al. Association of COVID-19 vaccination with symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection by time since vaccination and Delta variant predominance. JAMA 2022. PMID:35157002
Ferdinands JM, Rao S, Dixon BE, et al. Waning 2-dose and 3-dose effectiveness of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19–associated emergency department and urgent care encounters and hospitalizations among adults during periods of Delta and Omicron variant predominance—VISION Network, 10 states, August 2021–January 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022;71:255–63. PMID:35176007
Liu J, Chandrashekar A, Sellers D, et al. Vaccines elicit highly conserved cellular immunity to SARS-CoV-2 Omicron. Nature 2022. PMID:35102312
A sample of some of the hospitals where the data was taken from:
Hospitals (cities, states) included Baystate Medical Center (Springfield, Massachusetts), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Boston, Massachusetts), Montefiore Medical Center (Bronx, New York), Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Nashville, Tennessee), University of Miami Medical Center (Miami, Florida), Emory University Medical Center (Atlanta, Georgia), Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, Maryland), Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center (Winston-Salem, North Carolina), Baylor Scott & White Health (Temple, Texas), University of Iowa Hospitals (Iowa City, Iowa), University of Michigan Hospital (Ann Arbor, Michigan), Hennepin County Medical Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota), Barnes-Jewish Hospital (St. Louis, Missouri), Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland, Ohio), Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (Columbus, Ohio), Stanford University Medical Center (Stanford, California), UCLA Medical Center (Los Angeles, California), UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (Aurora, Colorado), Oregon Health & Science University Hospital (Portland, Oregon), Intermountain Medical Center (Murray, Utah), and University of Washington (Seattle, Washington).
So. Your objection? Note we are just aggregating data here, not offering opinions that can be tainted by bias. So what is your objection to the DATA? Are all of those hospitals fudging the numbers? If so, why do you think all of those hospitals are fudging the numbers but your random uncredentialed newsletter authors and bloggers can be trusted to the end of the earth? Where are their credentials? Where are their disclosures of potential conflicts of interest? What do you think we'd find if we dug into their professional careers?
You think: Jennifer DeCuir, MD, PhD1,*; Diya Surie, MD1,*; Yuwei Zhu, MD2; Manjusha Gaglani, MBBS3,4,5; Adit A. Ginde, MD6; David J. Douin, MD6; H. Keipp Talbot, MD2; Jonathan D. Casey, MD2; Nicholas M. Mohr, MD7; Tresa McNeal, MD3,4; Shekhar Ghamande, MD3,4; Kevin W. Gibbs, MD8; D. Clark Files, MD8; David N. Hager, MD, PhD9; Minh Phan, MS9; Matthew E. Prekker, MD10; Michelle N. Gong, MD11; Amira Mohamed, MD11; Nicholas J. Johnson, MD12; Jay S. Steingrub, MD13; Ithan D. Peltan, MD14; Samuel M. Brown, MD14; Emily T. Martin, PhD15; Arnold S. Monto, MD15; Akram Khan, MD16; William S. Bender, MD17; Abhijit Duggal, MD18; Jennifer G. Wilson, MD19; Nida Qadir, MD20; Steven Y. Chang, MD, PhD20; Christopher Mallow, MD21; Jennie H. Kwon, DO22; Matthew C. Exline, MD23; Adam S. Lauring, MD, PhD24; Nathan I. Shapiro, MD25; Cristie Columbus, MD4,5; Robert Gottlieb, MD, PhD4,5; Ivana A. Vaughn, PhD26; Mayur Ramesh, MD26; Lois E. Lamerato, MD26; Basmah Safdar, MD27; Natasha Halasa, MD2; James D. Chappell, MD, PhD2; Carlos G. Grijalva, MD2; Adrienne Baughman2; Kelsey N. Womack, PhD2; Jillian P. Rhoads, PhD2; Kimberly W. Hart, MA2; Sydney A. Swan, MPH2; Nathaniel Lewis, PhD1; Meredith L. McMorrow, MD1,†; Wesley H. Self, MD2,†; IVY Network
are all a joke, but "@IGORCHUDOV
I own a popular math website and run a business."
is the bee's knees.
You're the joke. Well, and Igor.
270M Americans vaccinated against COVID 19
5.5 billion worldwide
All of them will eventually die, proving once and for all that Brian was right about the vaccine having a100% mortality rate.
... and how many had mustaches.
Explain the bias to us. And do you just not know what peer-review is? Instead of poo-pooing the authors, let's look at exactly which piece of data you dispute and we can discover why you think it is wrong together, shall we?
Give us your first objection to the actual data. The CDC is not the source of the data used to calculate the effectiveness. Notice I said the CDC isn't the source of the data. Reading for comprehension is important. So what is your first objection to the actual data? You game
Like I said anyone can read the Conflict of Interest disclosure in the study. That pretty much validates my point. No explanation is required (unless you are thick).
Once again you were defeated by the facts my friend. Take the L and move on.
Like I said anyone can read the Conflict of Interest disclosure in the study. That pretty much validates my point. No explanation is required (unless you are thick).
Once again you were defeated by the facts my friend. Take the L and move on.
lol, always with you you get completely thrashed and come back and say "take the L and move on."
You think you don't need to explain how data that wasn't gathered by those people becomes inaccurate because they disclosed where they got money from? And somehow that makes your completely unqualified rando correct without him also disclosing his conflicts of interest? If you think this is somehow a W for you, well...

You can always interpret "take the L and move on" from BJ instead of actually responding as:

And this is always how it ends up with illiterate people ….
We had the same answer in the climate change thread lol from another one like them lol
On the page before the last one .
And then they wonder how can they always be wrong if they don’t read …
That is why they always fell to 1 catch phrases populist politician like trump .
We can’t read much , too long and hard to have an inform opinion .
They think science is easy and u don’t need to study much to understand it .
No wonder …
Dude who can barely put a coherent sentence together accuses others of being illiterate.
I don't care what his first language is. If he can't communicate in English (which is the language we use in this forum) coherently then he shouldn't be throwing the illiterate insult at other posters. What's that saying? "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." I think that applies in this case.
Sorry to wake you up Gorgo by the way. You can go back to sleep now. I'll have some more juicy data studies and articles for you in due course.
I don't care what his first language is. If he can't communicate in English (which is the language we use in this forum) coherently then he shouldn't be throwing the illiterate insult at other posters. What's that saying? "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." I think that applies in this case.
Sorry to wake you up Gorgo by the way. You can go back to sleep now. I'll have some more juicy data studies and articles for you in due course.
Sorry if u can’t understand me .
But calling illiterate someone that can decently communicate in many languages compare to 1 is funny .
But fwiw the TL;DR was always put on articles posted , not on my comments .
So I don’t see how my English communication has anything to do with it shrug .
But keep trying winning useless/meaningless battle instead of what we are really talking here ….
And yes, reverting to such pitiful attacks from trumpster isn’t surprising.
What surprising is the pride from thinking it was a great line to post lol .
« I can only speak and read the ABC language, I’m great ! »
Sorry if u can’t understand me .
But calling illiterate someone that can decently communicate in many languages compare to 1 is funny .
But fwiw the TL;DR was always put on articles posted , not on my comments .
So I don’t see how my English communication has anything to do with it shrug .
You started it dude. You attacked me, remember.
By the way do you know what TL;DR means? Because it sounds like you don't.
I started it ?
Lol ok ….
Well u can’t argue with someone not speaking/writing perfect English and me I can’t argue with someone arguing stuff just on feel instead of reading/learning and using real data’s about it ….
I started it ?
Lol ok ….
Well u can’t argue with someone not speaking/writing perfect English and me I can’t argue with someone arguing stuff just on feel instead of reading/learning and using real data’s about it ….
Yes you did.
However trying to have a logical conversation with you seems to be all but impossible, so I'll put you on ignore from now on. That should fix the problem.
So brian james you don’t have much arguments huh ?
Here is the truth !
I just posted facts I didn’t attack anyone .
U felt attack Im sorry. Just don’t use the same tactics as them ?
Here we go :
Post 10498 !
He wrote this precisely after a text posted by me showing what a vaccine function is , clearly denying what he though was a vaccine suppose
To do …
U know him right ? A guy u share many affinities with trump .
I showed u another one of your friend that did the same action ….
Then :
Same thing in post 981 climate changes thread !
And this is always how it ends up with illiterate people ….
We had the same answer in the climate change thread lol from another one like them lol
On the page before the last one .
And then they wonder how can they always be wrong if they don’t read …
That is why they always fell to 1 catch phrases populist politician like trump .
We can’t read much , too long and hard to have an inform opinion .
They think science is
So 2 Times it happene from 2 different trumpster for the same situation and of my god u respond afterwords what ?????
Like I said anyone can read the Conflict of Interest disclosure in the study. That pretty much validates my point. No explanation is required (unless you are thick).
Once again you were defeated by the facts my friend. Take the L and move on.
Lol !
Stop being a baby and own your **** when your wrong
Especially from someone that love to attack people personally like u do ….
I didn’t attack anyone I stated facts , 3 trumpster uses the same god dam tactics
I thought it was more of an explanation for a series of poor life choices, not just a one-off comment about a specific article or book.
The funny thing in all of this with those guys that can’t or won’t read …
: having little or no education
especially : unable to read or write
an illiterate population
: showing or marked by a lack of acquaintance with the fundamentals of a particular field of knowledg
Illiterate, Aliterate, and Innumerate
Illiterate may be used in both specific and general senses. When used specifically, it refers to the inability to read or write . In a more general sense, illiterate may signify a lack of familiarity with some body of knowledge (as in being "musically illiterate") or indicate a lack of competence in or familiarity with literature.
Illiteracy may be contrasted with aliteracy, which is “the quality or state of being able to read but uninterested in doing so.” And in case you were wondering, a person who is unable to understand or perform basic mathematics, as opposed to reading, is innumerate.
Obviously u won’t get knowledge if u don’t bother to read
Ergo BJ and other trumpster TL;DR !
But they keep arguing on **** they don’t care to acquaint themselves to .
Fun fact, the word for someone that can read but chooses not to do so is actually "aliterate."