Free Kindle Book Give-a-Way
Hi Everyone:
The rewrite and expansion of my book Gambling Theory and Other Topics: Expanded Edition is 99.9 percent finished. I'm just waiting on receiving the final cover files to load into Amazon. The new book cover has been approved and I should have the final files tomorrow. Then the book will get loaded into Amazon.
And once Amazon accepts the kindle files, I'll schedule a three day period, probably 2/6/24 - 2-8/24 where anyone who has kindle capability can go to Amazon and download the book for free.
Once this is all set up, I'll come back to this thread with more specific information.
By the way, in the history of poker/gambling, this is a very important book. It introduced the concept of non-self-weighting strategies to the gambling world, variance and the standard deviation to most poker players, gave a reasonable way to estimate the standard deviation, is the source of the Independent Chip Model which today is one of the most important concepts for poker tournaments, was the first place to give a reasonable way to estimate what your required bankroll would be, and lots of other stuff.
The book is now completely loaded into Amazon. As soon as they approve the book, which can take a day or two, I'll get the free kindle give-a-way scheduled.
Hi Everyone:
The book is now up on Amazon. You can view the kindle here:
and you can view the printed version here:
Also, as promised, the free kindle give-a-way is scheduled for Feb. 6, 7, and 8. That means on those days you can go to the Amazon kindle page above and then download the kindle for free.
looking forward to it
Ahhh, so it's not actually a Kindle giveaway. It's a Kindle book giveaway
it's all about marketing pete 😀
This is one of my favorite books of all time. Definitely going to buy the paperback version (I lost mine years ago when I moved). What are the biggest areas you’ve updated or expanded from the original?
This is one of my favorite books of all time. Definitely going to buy the paperback version (I lost mine years ago when I moved). What are the biggest areas you’ve updated or expanded from the original?
I added 20 new chapters, additional explanation in many chapters, plus the book review section is now up to date with all my latest reviews. Some of the new chapter titles are:
A Few Definitions - Expectation; Variance and The Standard Deviation; Gambling
A Bankroll Formula
Two chapters on Bankroll Management
Is Poker Mostly Luck of Skill
Increasing Expectation at the Price pf Variance
But This Doesn't Always Happen (referring to the previous chapter)
Regression Towards the Mean
Understand Specific Theory
Negative Effects of the Large Standard Deviation
But There’s Also a Good Side
Is Real Life a Gamble?
Identifying a Cheater
The Independent Chip Model
Great thanks, looking forward to checking it out.
This was one of my favourites from back in the day. On a pilgrimage to The Gambler's Book Club on Charleston and 11th in Las Vegas around 1981 I bought a pre 2plus2 version of Holdem Poker by David that costs $1.95 (a year or so later it went up to $2.95)! IIRC early versions of your books also sold there. Anyway, as I age most of my reading is done online and on a Kindle. Love the fact one can blow up the print a bit as ones eyes tire.
This was one of my favourites from back in the day. On a pilgrimage to The Gambler's Book Club on Charleston and 11th in Las Vegas around 1981 I bought a pre 2plus2 version of Holdem Poker by David that costs $1.95 (a year or so later it went up to $2.95)! IIRC early versions of your books also sold there. Anyway, as I age most of my reading is done online and on a Kindle. Love the fact one can blow up the print a bit as ones eyes tire.
I like kindles as well, especially for their note taking capability which I use whenever I read a poker book.
Also, Gambler's Book Club still exists. It's now part of Gambler's General Store on Main Street near downtown Las Vegas.
Awesome, thanks Mason. Haven’t read the original edition, so I’ll look forward to this.
Hi Everyone:
Just a reminder that the free kindle will be available starting tomorrow.
The free kindle give-a-way is now on. Just go to the Amazon kindle page and you can download the book for free:
Was very simple, got it now. Thanks!
Thanks! Looking forward to reading this over the weekend.
Done, thanks for the offer, Mason.
Nice, first time I see both front and back of a book in the Kindle thumbnail, I bet the content is original too!
Got it, now I need to learn how to read. Is that chapter one? 😀
Thanks dude!
Please stop advertising. What is this Forum here? Can I advertise, too?
Thanks Mason. I was due to re-read this book, as I hadn't looked at it for over ten years (or fifteen or twenty). I already started reading it and I'm already glad I did. It's re-introducing some concepts I hadn't thought about in a while.