Covid-19 Discussion
Has the wisdom and courage to realize that the cure has now become worse than the disease. It's time to open up. Stop moving the ball.
Hospital systems have not been overwhelmed.
Ventilators are not in shortage.
Treatments are being developed.
There is no cure or vaccine. This is not going away for four years.
The devastation of the cure:
Suicide rates picking up.
Massive economic devastation which causes depression, anxiety, obesity, again increase in suicide rates and directly impacts poorer economic areas.
Alcohol sales up 51%.
Domestic Abuse on the uprise
Child abuse on the uprise.
Hospitals that do not have COVID related issues are forced to lay off doctors and nurses as there are not enough patients to economically support it, meaning they won't have the staff to deal with COVID outbreaks.
Michael Avenatti gets released from prison
We all did our part. We sheltered (here in Pennsylvania for 5 weeks already).
Open the office buildings. Open the hair saloons. Get rid of stupid mask laws.
Continue to monitor outbreaks and in areas hospital systems become threatened, reenact tougher guidelines.
And stop shaming people that want common sense solutions. Waiting for a vaccine is stupid and unpractical.
Speaking of reading books here's an interesting one I just recently came across. As I'm illiterate I won't be able to read it but others might be able to.
“Vaccine” Injuries, Lies, and Deaths: The Alarming Facts About the Covid Vaccines and Helpful Resources for Healing Paperback – March 10, 2023
by Deanna L. Kline (Author)
4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 22 ratings
See all formats and editions
The COVID vaccine has caused more injuries than all other vaccines combinedin the history of modern medicine – yet highly-regarded 3-letter government organizations fail to communicate this critical information to the public. Instead, they convince doctors to administer the vaccine . . . persuade patients to receive it . . . and lie to those who question it. Yet the casualties are real.
Take Kyle Warner, for example: a healthy 29-year-old professional mountain biker, who quit riding after his COVID vaccine due to the onset of pericarditis and reactive arthritis – similar to numerous otherwise healthy young adults who suffered from myocarditis, stroke, and more. Or consider the 50-year-old man who went from healthy to handicapped. Or ponder the hundreds of thousands of senior citizens who, post-jab, couldn’t maintain their balance, suffered from heart failure, and developed other serious illnesses.
When Deanna Kline, a USAF Veteran and nurse with more than 35 years of experience, began encountering numerous patients suffering from COVID vaccine injuries, she was shocked when uncovering the staggering number of adverse events resulting from a single vaccine – numbers that seemed to be carefully hidden from the public eye.
Written in clear, easy to understand language, Kline shares the stories of real people who suffered myriad adverse vaccine events, to educate the public and put an end to the ridicule aimed at those who speak out against this dangerous vaccine. It is her hope that, armed with powerful information, you will be equipped to make informed decisions about a controversial vaccine that has ruined – and ended – the lives of far too many individuals.
In the words of Ken Ruettgers, Ph.D. College Professor of Sociology and Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame Inductee: “Kline provides an honest and transparent look behind the medical curtain of COVID-19 vax reactions and the fallout from a failed policy that devastated hundreds of thousands of people that trusted our medical and governmental institutions. A real eye-opener!”
Neat, anecdotes from an unqualified nurse ascribing things to "vaccine injury" with absolutely no evidence to try to fit an anti-vax narrative. Just what everyone wanted.
Senior citizens having health problems? Must be THE JAB!
I don't know. She looks fairly well qualified to me.
Deanna Kline
I have been in the medical field for 35 years, first as a United States Air Force Medic, then as a phlebotomist, EKG technician, Registered Nurse, ICD Diagnosis Coder, Staff Educator/QI, and finally, an Adult-Geriatric Nurse Practitioner. I have worked primarily in cardiac intensive care, followed by home and hospice care and, more recently, primary care.
You said she was an unqualified nurse. Obviously she isn't.
So, you lied.
Hey Gorgo. Do you like my new avatar?
On this..... Gorg is totally correct.
She is not qualified to give more than simply an opinion.
I don't think anyone is saying it is anything other than an opinion. An opinion that is based on her own personal observations from her work as a nurse caring for these patients, I would guess. I haven't read the book (I can't read, remember) so I don't know what evidence if any she brings to back up her claims.
Funny thing is though that when actual qualified doctors present similar claims Gorgo dismisses them as quacks.
"Qualified doctors" is a much smaller subset than many assume.
I don't think anyone is saying it is anything other than an opinion. An opinion that is based on her own personal observations from her work as a nurse caring for these patients, I would guess. I haven't read the book (I can't read, remember) so I don't know what evidence if any she brings to back up her claims.
Funny thing is though that when actual qualified doctors present similar claims Gorgo dismisses them as quacks.
Not without demonstrating why they are wrong. See how that works?
Probably not, so I'll explain.
Here we have an unqualified person presenting claims based on anecdotes and no actual evidence. There is hard evidence showing her claims are untrue. This is a non-starter. No one should be giving stuff like this the time of day.
You claim elsewhere that I dismiss claims from qualified people in a similar manner. I do not. If a qualified person makes claims with no evidence, but there is hard evidence contradicting their position, you just need to ask for evidence supporting their claim. If there is none and their position is an outlier (contradicted by wide consensus of the community), this is usually a grifter or someone you would correctly label a quack.
If this qualified person then presents a claim with evidence, but it's contradicted by hard evidence elsewhere, a closer look is necessary. One would need to examine the evidence, check the peer-review status of the references used, all of that.
These types of claims are not handled in the same way by me nor anyone else in the medical community, despite your protestation.
Speaking of reading books here's an interesting one I just recently came across. As I'm illiterate I won't be able to read it but others might be able to.
Is book a science study ?
No Evidence Excess Deaths Linked to Vaccines, Contrary to Claims Online
By Kate Yandell
Posted on April 17, 2023
Let’s say for fun it’s true that covid killed more people then any other vaccine .
Do you have any other vaccine that was distributed to like 75% of the world population up to like 5.5 billions persons ?
Passing that .
Humans have been extremely efficient by producing vaccines and usually as time goes by , we always get better at doing this .
But this time for I don’t know why , we failed at producing vaccines as safe as all the others , even more so with a virus that should vastly be less dangerous then many other virus ?
While having millions times more powerful data processing due to amazing computational ressources that didn’t exist like 20-30 years ago but already we were able to produce safe vaccine vs dangerous virus 50 years ago ?
There is basically not any science reviews peers paper that link massive deaths from covid vaccine ? How so ?
Every government agencies and private corporations around the world are all in bed together to lie to the general population ? Conspiracy much ?
And all media’s band together to hide the story of how Covid vaccine dangerous ?
I’m sur Fox News and the like wouldn’t jump at that kinda of story and « tell the truth » on how Covid vaccines are dangerous if there was proofs right ?
They would burry it ?
Why write a book instead of publishing research ?
Probably because they can’t !
Ah yes -> monetizing the « aliterate « ( gorgonian 🙄 😃) .
Funny thing is though that when actual qualified doctors present similar claims Gorgo dismisses them as quacks.
Because this is how science works !!!
It’s about the ENTIRE body of works that matters .
Science consensus is based like i have 98 doctors that say true and 2 doctors that say false , the stats says the 2 doctors are wrong
( due to faulty result experiments , experiments that can’t be reproduce, bias, or w.e that can happen statistically ) .
( let me guess …. TL;DWatch ?
Now u can choose to believe the 2% about vaccine ( like all the climate change deniers do on climate) .
We , the general population , says that using such poor evidences and not science consensus is a bad idea to make government policies …..
I'm confused. On the one hand I get attacked for not reading books and on the other I get attacked for advising people to read a book.
The reviews of the book didn't think it was stupid. And as you haven't read it your opinion is not valid.
The reviews are only by people that don't understand basic science. Positive reviews don't change that it is a stupid book.
And the only way I'm wrong about it being a stupid book is if the description is lying about what's in it.
The anecdotes of an unqualified anti-vax nurse that attempt to contradict scientific consensus has zero chance of being anything but stupid.
You are welcome to whatever absolutely laughable opinions on that you'd like to have, though.
The reviews are only by people that don't understand basic science. Positive reviews don't change that it is a stupid book.
And the only way I'm wrong about it being a stupid book is if the description is lying about what's in it.
The anecdotes of an unqualified anti-vax nurse that attempt to contradict scientific consensus has zero chance of being anything but stupid.
You are welcome to whatever absolutely laughable opinions on that you'd like to have, though.
From one of the reviews.
This book is a great read with factual information from top tier medical professionals. There is no media fogged information legislated throughout the book. The information is provided by experienced and knowledgeable professionals that have witnessed first hand affect to those that have received the Covid shots. We need more people in the medical field that actually care about patients' wellbeing as Deanna Kline and the numerous other contributions these professionals have provided.
So, it looks like it's not just the "anecdotes of an unqualified anti-vax nurse" as you put it. As I said until you actually read the book you have no idea what evidence is presented in it and by whom.
Therefore my verdict is that your opinion is still invalid. Yet another L for you I'm afraid.
From one of the reviews.
So, it looks like it's not just the "anecdotes of an unqualified anti-vax nurse" as you put it. As I said until you actually read the book you have no idea what evidence is presented in it and by whom.
Therefore my verdict is that your opinion is still invalid. Yet another L for you I'm afraid.
Source: "from one of the reviews"
Oh, well if one of the reviewers said it was facts, it must be.

But please do continue promoting this book you've never read. I'm sure it's the big one that finally proves you right and 99.99% of the medical community wrong! I can't wait to see the photos of this rando nurse accepting her Pulitzer for breaking the story of the century!
Hmmm... I wonder how we can possibly confirm whether the reviewer is correct or not? Let me see.
Not reading the book won't do it. Let me see, let me see. What could we do? Gee, I don't know.
Actually, I'm intrigued now. I might see if I can get hold of a copy.