How can I Prove There are or not SuperUsers In O8 Tables in PokerStars?
Hi knowing that a SuperUser and Bot Farms were discover in GGP In Holdem, ( I really
suspect those were happening in O8 tables from 0.25-1atleast )
What do I need to do to proof (or the opposite) same is happening in PokerStars? 0.25-1 O8 tables.
These are the motives to make me think something wrong is happening in Stars too?
1: Accounts that play like they could see your EQUITY / CARDS in every street.
2: Accounts with VPIP 50-90 that cant be beat it.
3: Accounts that play like they were a Team
4: Daily new accounts that win 3-4 Stacks and disapair
5: Accounts that have EXTREME PRESICION to make calls and SPLIT/WIN with marginal cards/draws
and extreme presicion to fold if they are losing.
6: Accounts that can end a 6H Table being 5 of they there not with numbers of decent/good players
7: Marked Accounts that can be seated out while "whales" 80+ vpip are there / but for some reason those
whales dont lose a single hand.
8: In my opinion an anormal "rotation" of "reg" accs. Example 1 WEEK you see 10 reg nicks, next week
those regs is like they take vacations and another 10 reg nicks appear to daily play the same.
Obv I know some things could be pure Variance / but somethings I think is not variance.
Maybe Im wrong but for me could be helpfull if you with more knowledge could tell me which numbers "In this times"
are anormal for someone to be consistently winning in O8 6H Tables as STD
For example a 40/40 is possible to be consistently winning in 3K -5K-10K Hands?
Another thing that is real interisting is that in the past I sent a msg to the PokerStars Security telling my doubts about an accs.
2 times / different nicks ( cause nicks appear in diff times , 1 first then the other , they obviously say nothing wrong detected, but
maybe Vacations those nicks in those 2 times stopped playing when they were playing Daily.
I am not a very good player. I stopped using Tracker (HM) a pair of years. (Wasn't supported in the site so I started to be
"good" with notes and observation only)
Recently I Bought a Tracker again to undertand In my opinion why the accs dont lose. So right now I see Im Nit or Weak
but necesary those accs have a worst range than mine and potentially they should lose more often than me. (Maybe im wrong).
I played some months in ACR but I stopped playing cause I felt there were SuperUsers / Team there (Before the recent scandal)
This is my Grap there.

I stopped playing in Stars for the same reason ( Moved to Android Apps then ACR )
I have returned to Stars and I feel the same : So I need to be clear im very weak and they are very good , thats the reason only.
Ill improve no doubt with tracker again , ( But I cant explain myself right now why I could be playing 50 -100-200 with in my consideration
better players in O8 Tables in Stars and now in .25 - .50 no vs those numbers 40+50+60+70 vpips )
This is my actual grap on Stars (But Is wrong cause I one day I lost like 170usd in one table vs 3 new accs but was in the phone and when I requested my
hand history in The PC, they didnt sent those hands from phone)
If someone can help me to provide a graph with more hands could be good and Thanks (Cause I have played in Stars a lot more)

Can someone find a larger grap from this player?
Sweden1988 Hes seated more than 12-14 hrs daily and when not "other regs"" appear: But his game is "extremely good". I would like to know
if that players is the most good player I have ever played in more than 10 years from .25 to 2 or something else is happening. His game basically consist in
pushing you in any street when he has more Equity but with a presisicion of a not normal human.

And these are the kind of players that Daily play or Daily appear but "dont lose", or lose only vs specific accounts.

Player from yesterday that maybe never will play again:

Player from today

I really understand 20 50 hands are not hands enough but some times those hands 50-100 are the only hands they play in a day and never appear again
but in those hands they win 1-2-3 stacks and for me is incredible not being able to win atleast 1 hand vs them in the sesion because they float or fold with extreme
This is my opponents list from ACR , honestly if someone can get a bigger graph could be fine to know if there werent anomalies , for me players that play
50-100 hands and win , disapear and next day anothers new the same is uncommon. and in ACR that things was happening alot.

Now this is from Stars Winners

Now this is from Stars Loosers ( Marked Yellow not sure vs who they are losing because always they have a PREMIUM hands vs me , and Marked blue
always they have a marginal hands vs me BUT they dont lose vs me and are 2x 3x above)

Example vs a guy called expressserg 44 / 4 these are the hands I play vs him or he vs me not sure how to say it ONLY

I can understand players might think im Nit and play only good hands vs me , but NOT THE ENTIRE POOL OF PLAYERS. And I dont get
vs who his losing because I always see him winning
These players from today:

2x 3x STACKS same stats and probably they wont play anymore or again 2 3 months later (except expressss that acc plays regularly)
For me is very weird to see a lot of new accounts winning with vpips / prf very high plus the regs THAT DONT LOSE ALMOST 0 HANDS VS ME , but the graph says
they are losing vs not sure who.
In these maybe 14 years playing I have been active or involved in the tables when a lot of things have been disovered: Ipoker bots / UB superuser /
Tiger Gaming Frozen Fund / FTP Ponzy / Now ACR, normally nobody believe you , if you say something like there sare superusers, the common
players will say you fish stop crying until they expose something with proof.
Something is happening in stars i have no proof but no doubt neither / I can if necesary put the name of every new acc that "I know" after some minutes
will win.
And if nothing is happening there maybe the winners , that could play and exist in this forum will appear and say the opposite and for me that will be fine.
PD: Results for me incredible not being able to win a single hand vs these kind of accs and later see them 3X .. deff thats not normal.

PD: I must talk very noob (English is not my native) but since times when I played Holdem I use to make my own calcs to improve (No longer working /
needed (I did this like 10 years ago)):

Well hope some one can have more hands or a solid game in hilo tables from .25-2 (Almost the same people play those lvls). To really believe is only my poor game
and nothing else. Thanks.
10 Replies
Today I seated, then 4 insta Seated too / I leave, they close the table ( Is not like they are hunting people because is Fish / They can beat EVERYBODY )
Acc from yesterday / Acc from today

vs you they dont lose.
But hands they play in 3bet pot and AI in flops vs sweden19888 (including his weird hand) For O8 those hands are not good.

I seat out table end

Is not like normal hunts / Fish In, everybody enter , Fish out, everbody leave / Im normally winner long run / This is other thing
2 accs that are playing right now they will win or lose vs Sweden1988 I Can predict that...
For me is weird why only vs specific acc are losing and vs you , they can clean ur bank / and no its not skill things.

I quit from Stars nobody will believe thats not normal.
Not being able to win a single hand vs those numbers because those account show the exact hand they need to beat my hand.

Delete my post if you want / 1 day a more winner player "will discover this"...
Another big "coincidence" after my post almost 3 weeks ago a guy who played Daily 12+ hrs per Day 40/40 and winning basically Daily
looks like he took "vacations" , another big coincidence again... Sweden1988 disappear "for a while".
(I no longer playing there but I was monitoring Daily that, my own "paranoic" reasons)
(I will be very gratefull when a Solid 50-400 hilo poker player there appear here and proof all what I talk is "only" my mind)
Anyway in this 2024 some people consider superusers or accs with the posibility of seing boards IS NOT POSSIBLE
even when some Android poker apps come with his rabbit function where u can see the board if hand is folded no matter the street.
(In that line of code what separate to see boards even if people have not folded??) bahh
... some Android poker apps come with his rabbit function where u can see the board if hand is folded no matter the street. ...
How do you know the apps' rabbit card/s are what they would have dealt in an active hand? Isn't it more likely that the apps are simply embellishing their programs and showing random cards just for their users' fun? The hands are over and it's completely irrelevant to everyone what cards are shown.
How do you know the apps' rabbit card/s are they would have dealt in an active hand? Isn't it more likely that the apps are simply embellishing their programs and showing random cards just for their users' fun? The hands are over and it's completely irrelevant to everyone what cards are shown.
Last edited by Mike Haven. Reason: Corrected the sense of my first line.
I apologize i wrote a good message but i was unlogged. Basically:
1: What you are saying is Android Poker Apps are Rigged and they show what they want.
2: Some APA have GLC and other Certificates same as PS.
3: In that comment my point was, if that option exist in the code, and is available when people fold , for me that option could be available even if people dont fold.
(Your argument here was, APA do that random for fun).
4: I'm here 100% to learn , if somebody (programmer) say, doing that (point 3) is imposible, i would like to read why? (Excluding that there are certificates that guarante some things
dont exist in the code)
Returning to the main thing is not atleast a weird coincidence that 3 times now , when I decide to "send a msg pointing out a suspicious acc to the security team" that acc
disapeared, but now i did this public here.
Im not fully saying hey thats rigged, i really want the opinion of winning regulars there if they exist here IN THIS TIMES, proving they win normal and im wrong,
I have been playing HILO several years now , I have known and played vs a lot of players there ( alot im pretty sure left for the RB ) so my big "doubt" is how, basically
some accs are winning, when in my opinion of numbers they should not winning in the long run. ( Ie Numbers 40/40 50/0 60/2 70/15 ) but maybe im wrong and those
numers are the real winners now.
I would love to see an actual graph of a winning player right now there, and his numbers vpip / prf. Or if someone can tell me where I can take winniner / loosers
in this times I would be very pleased.
1: What you are saying is Android Poker Apps are Rigged and they show what they want.
No, I'm not. If they do what you say, they are choosing to show randomly selected cards after a hand is completed, knowing that for some reason some people like to see if they would have won or lost if they had continued in the hand. It's purely for the fun of the user and completely irrelevant to the already completed hand.
But, please carry on with your main reason for posting. Sorry for my interruption.
Pokerstars is totally rigged, whether it's collusion or bots or something else I don't know. But I have seen too many coincidences to believe everything is on the straight and narrow.
I think that to assume that it is possible to guarantee integrity for online poker in current age of AI and LLM developments, is pure delusion. IMO there is nothing that would guarantee you a fair game but stopping playing online.
For a magical reason, after my post looks like the "action" in the Hilo Tables has been reduced a lot,
where are the "15-20 regulars that played daily" and the "15-20 new accounts" that used to appear daily?