The Declaration of Independence (Updated)

The Declaration of Independence (Updated)

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one individual to dissolve the political bands which have connected him with another, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind require that he should declare the cause which impels him to the separation.

I hold this truth to be self evident, that each man is endowed by the Creator with the unalienable responsibility to pursue higher meaning in his life. That to secure this responsibility, a superior conscience is instituted within each man, deriving its just power from the consent of the governed man and from the Creator himself.

That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of this end, it is the duty of that man to transcend it in his mind.

07 February 2024 at 11:37 PM

27 Replies


by craig1120 k

There is a fatal misunderstanding among progressives in the mistaken belief that progress is led by group identity, when it’s actually individual self-development that leads to progress. The self is universal, which means it’s useless in the domain of group-identity-politics.

Therefore, it can’t be both. It’s one or the other. If you pick the side of group-identity-politics, then you are my enemy because you’re choosing anti-progress.


by craig1120 k

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one individual to dissolve the political bands which have connected him with another, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind require that he should declare the cause which impels him to the separation.

I hold this truth to be self evident, that each man is endowed by the Creator with the unalienable responsibility to pursue higher meaning in his life. That to secure this responsibility, a superior conscience is instituted within ea

What is this? Are you just offering your personal revisions to the actual Declaration of Independence for our contemplation?

by Rococo k

What is this? Are you just offering your personal revisions to the actual Declaration of Independence for our contemplation?

The U.S. DoI was an initial revelation in world history of a universal truth, but it needed to be completed.

by craig1120 k

The U.S. DoI was an initial revelation in world history of a universal truth, but it needed to be completed.

By you? On 2+2?

by Rococo k

By you? On 2+2?

Please refrain from any further trivializing. I have to reach deep down into my soul for this stuff.

by craig1120 k

I have to reach deep down into my soul for this stuff.

I believe it. It feels like you had to reach deep into your colon to come up with this gem.

What was going on before the U.S. DoI?

Declaration 2: This Time, It's Inalienable

by AquaSwing k

What was going on before the U.S. DoI?

Very little conscious affirmation of the rights of the individuated self.

We're totally sure that craig and button are not the same person, right? Right?

LOL, I had the same thought when I read the OP. I'll say no, we aren't totally sure. :p

by Bobo Fett k

LOL, I had the same thought when I read the OP. I'll say no, we aren't totally sure. :p

There is probably a factory in some long-forgotten rust belt town that churns out these clones with the same "grandiloquent posturing" chip.

Craig's posts all have a "spirituality or God is the answer" vibe to them, we just don't ever see the big Reveal because no one follows him down the path and falls into his traps.

Button is just button.

Are we talking about the U.S. Department of the Interior?

by AquaSwing k

Are we talking about the U.S. Department of the Interior?

Yes, and its about damn time. The National Park Service never gets its' due.

The good life is far too radical to be accessed from the cover of a group. You must first become exposed as an individual.

The marginalized need community to assist them in the affirmation process, but they must be affirmed as an individual self for the sake of their development.

The tree of group-id-politics no longer produces good fruit, but the addiction within the populace remains. Search your heart and you’ll see this truth.

Is this some Sovereign Citizen nonsense?

by Didace k

Is this some Sovereign Citizen nonsense?

I’m probably promoting a group id, right? Nevermind what I’m explicitly saying. It’s better to distort yourself so you can extract my devious, underlying intentions.

by craig1120 k

The U.S. DoI was an initial revelation in world history of a universal truth, but it needed to be completed.

No, it wasn't (and I keep a facsimile of it in my desk drawer), it was just a bunch of slavers complaining about the Crown not recognising their right to slave (Somerset v Stewart, Court of Appeal, 1772), and when they said all men -- women didn't count -- were equally entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, they only meant themselves and definitely not their slaves. Also the US didn't exist at that time or for some time afterwards.

by craig1120 k

I’m probably promoting a group id, right? Nevermind what I’m explicitly saying. It’s better to distort yourself so you can extract my devious, underlying intentions.

Nobody understands what you're explicitly saying, that's kind of his point.

Pro writing tip: try to wean yourself off deeply inhaling your own farts and write in a concise, clear manner, avoiding words like "individuated".

Not that there is anything inherently wrong with using long or obscure words, but you're not at the level of your writing career where you should be doing it.

thou shall not covet thy neighbor's ox

by d2_e4 k

Nobody understands what you're explicitly saying, that's kind of his point.

Pro writing tip: try to wean yourself off deeply inhaling your own farts and write in a concise, clear manner, avoiding words like "individuated".

Not that there is anything inherently wrong with using long or obscure words, but you're not at the level of your writing career where you should be doing it.

Let me help you - ‘individuated’ is associated with individual.

by craig1120 k

Let me help you - ‘individuated’ is associated with individual.

I know what it means. I am, however, not sure that you're grasping in which direction the advice is flowing in this interaction.

by d2_e4 k

I know what it means. I am, however, not sure that you're grasping in which direction the advice is flowing in this interaction.

Don’t worry. I make sure to give your advice the weight it deserves.
