[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread

Scott said to make a new thread for this.

The main advantage at playing at Tilt is players get to sit right in middle of the table. When you are multi tabling this makes a huge difference because you know exactly where you are and everything is balanced on the screen.

Also, it would nice to have a full cards option like Tilt. Sometimes it is hard to see you cards when you have multiple tables running.

) 9 Views 9
01 February 2008 at 10:18 PM

135 Replies


Has the card sorting been rolled on back?

On Thursday 7 December 2023 this was posted in the release notes:

Card Sorting: Hole Cards are now automatically organised from High to Low after the hand is dealt. This allows players to evaluate the strength of their hand quicker. Players can choose to disable this feature from Settings.

And I know that my whole cards got sorted, but now they are not getting sorted. Anyone else have this "issue"?

It's been temporarily removed as caused an issue with showing all in equity

Any way to turn off these utterly woeful replayer animations?

The hand history of the very last hand of an SNG is sometimes not generated by the PS client. (Messes up my PT4 net won reports as the tournament summary is also not updated.)

Is that a known issue? Does anyone know? I've been dealing with that for about 2 months

So the horrific button pressing lag, the new tables taking focus away (despite settings saying otherwise), finished tournaments not closing (despite settings saying otherwise), having to click fold/raise/call about 15 times before it actually obeys the command, have to click the lobby about 25 times before it'll actually put focus on it etc, are these now all standard things or do I need to reinstall or something?

nothing tilts me more than this stupid donkament power path chest that i dont even want that keeps popping up daily after finishing a tournament. completely gets in the way when im multitabling, wish theres a way to disable it

You should post these to the stars discord. Atleast there are reps that read them.

by ImePaskaa k

You should post these to the stars discord. Atleast there are reps that read them.

Please don't. Someone saying the biggest thing that tilts them is a chest popping up giving them something for free won't be acknowledged and rightly so.

by chabby36 k

Please don't. Someone saying the biggest thing that tilts them is a chest popping up giving them something for free won't be acknowledged and rightly so.

I mean there is no point posting complaints on a general level here when in discord there is a rep who reads them. Ánd the ticket is not free. You need to play something to get it. Nothing is really free. Well outside of freerolls.

One of my pet peeves is getting stacked. No problem, it happens. But why can't Stars give me five seconds to rebuy before dealing the next hand without me?

by UpNDown k

One of my pet peeves is getting stacked. No problem, it happens. But why can't Stars give me five seconds to rebuy before dealing the next hand without me?

auto rebuy (top-up) is your friend 😉

Why doesn't PokerStars bring back full ring tables for nlhe and why can't they lift 4 table cap to like 16 tables for regular cash games?

by Vandalar k

Why doesn't PokerStars bring back full ring tables for nlhe and why can't they lift 4 table cap to like 16 tables for regular cash games?

stars still offers nlhe fr (not zoom). In the lobby there is a filter for table size (you can tick to see HU, 3-6 players, 7-10 players)
there are about 25 tables 50nl & 100nl full ring running right now

new notes/labels ugly as f*ck

Cashier still having issues sometimes not loading? Have to log off and then log in again.

Is there a reason you can't view the upcoming tournaments anymore that is more than 12 hours from now that isn't their special tournaments?

EVERY time i want to close PS client it just freezes and does not close. High tech btw, very secure.

There were 9max Super KOs? Or is that what they call the regular KOs and are gonna be removed?

by Vandalar k

EVERY time i want to close PS client it just freezes and does not close. High tech btw, very secure.

well you also didnt have full ring tables on PS. Are you sure you are using the last/correct client?

And 'Sit here' has disappeared in favour of the giant note-taking apparatus (maybe it's good for mobile players, I dunno). Even worse, the inadequate substitute 'Centre the player' has now disappeared from the replayer. The animations are still there, of course...

So how do you report people for abusive chat now? I cannot find it anywhere. Theres no contact us in the help section either, despite the help telling you to go there, great.

by Vandalar k

Why doesn't PokerStars bring back full ring tables for nlhe and why can't they lift 4 table cap to like 16 tables for regular cash games?

Would love to see table cap increased!

by Filip k

Has the card sorting been rolled on back?

On Thursday 7 December 2023 this was posted in the release notes:

And I know that my whole cards got sorted, but now they are not getting sorted. Anyone else have this "issue"?

Can anyone tell me if it’s possible again to let cards be organized automatically ?


is there some program that will be always on top while I write something into it while play on pokerstars? (and then I copy from this program note to H2N)

is it now impossible to move seats and "sit here"?

by freddy10-4 k

is it now impossible to move seats and "sit here"?

Possible with StarsCaption, Layout editor / Move elements
