Dumb rules i made up but i think should be real
DUMB RULE #1 " 3 pairs"
3 pairs beat 2 pairs... DUH!
Call me old fashioned but 3 is more than 2 in my book.
Going counterfeit is something somebody made-up..it doesn't exist because i have 3 pairs!
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DUMB RULE #2 " Two trips"
KK vs. 89
flop 89k
turn 8
river 9
kkk99 beats 99988 right ?
WRONG! 999888 beats kkk99 because he has TWO TRIPS !
Two trips beats a full house
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DUMB RULE #3 "Poor man's straight"
This is for when nobody has a pair
A3579 and 2468T are poor man's straights
a 3 5 7 9 beats ace high
2 4 6 8 10 beats a 3 5 7 9
pocket 2's beat a poor man's straight
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DUMB RULE #4 "Overtime"
There is no push. Cards continue to be dealt until there is a winner.
Dealers will not like this rule... well, suck it up buttercup.
Would you rather be stirring hot tar on a roof installing roof shingles? That's what I thought now keep dealing.
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To be continued...
(Also i invented a game called Zombie Poker i will explain in another thread but i want a cut of the rake if you play it because i hereby declare a trademark and patent pending and stuff)
6 Replies
You realize that for the first rule changes you could just turn "best 5 cards win" into "best 6 cards win"?
#3 is called "skip straight". There are games that use alternate straights, like that one or "round the corner straights". I've never heard of a game where one pair beats one of those alternate straights though. That sounds pretty stupid. Hand rankings should still be done based on likelihood of the hand.
Norman Chad called; he wants his sense of humor back
Sounds like you might like Pai Gow Poker as a casino table game. That three pair is a really good hand there.
#4 is illegal and will get the casino fined.
Alternative to #4: there are no splits except playing the board, because it goes Spades > Hearts > Diamonds > Clubs. Both players with AKo on A9876 no flush possible? The A with the better suit wins anyway.
You could even beat someone in a spot you'd think means you're playing the board. AAAAKc on board, you have the Ks, you beat the board and win with the absolute nuts.