I am a literal legend of gambling, ask me anything.

I am a literal legend of gambling, ask me anything.

What im doing is a gift to this dead site but they will probably lock the thread since they want no traffic or interest.

) 32 Views 32
26 October 2023 at 02:13 AM

963 Replies


by trampled k

Why does limon get to post whatever he wants and my posts get deleted?

Awwww. Do you feel “trampled”? Go start your own thread that everyone can ignore you crybaby bitch. Stop clogging up this legendary epic thread.

Hi limon. Time to name drop 😀

Biggest non-poker celeb you've ever partied with? (Using "partied very liberally here - anyone you've been at an event with, even if you didn't speak to them directly, would count imo.) Bonus points for anyone in Hollywood, sports, and politics

by whosnext k

(1) It is a long-standing NVG rule that posts about moderation should go in the NVG Moderation thread.

(2) Personal attacky posts will be deleted from this thread, just like any other NVG thread, regardless of who makes the post.

(3) By my quick count approximately 10 posts by trampled and 50 posts by limon have been deleted from this thread.

Ok limon has made about 500X my posts and maybe you missed the ones above me. Don't think it gets more "personal attacky"? I think I'd probably get banned if i consistently posted like this, so any reason it is acceptable?

Awwww. Do you feel “trampled”? Go start your own thread that everyone can ignore you crybaby bitch. Stop clogging up this legendary epic thread.

Calling people slaves and making sexual comments about your detractors is not legend behavior, and it is a drain on moderator resources to have them coming in here to police this. I am aware that people who don't like limon are equally combative, but being a public figure means having to learn how to deal with trolls and dissenters. I don't care who's more right and who's more wrong. I don't care who started it. Grow up.

by trampled k

Ok limon has made about 500X my posts and maybe you missed the ones above me. Don't think it gets more "personal attacky"? I think I'd probably get banned if i consistently posted like this, so any reason it is acceptable?

cry harder bitch. you know you dont have to post in this thread you dumb kunt. dont start no shyt, wont be no shyt. slave ass stalker ho.

by RosaParks1 k

Calling people slaves and making sexual comments about your detractors is not legend behavior, and it is a drain on moderator resources to have them coming in here to police this. I am aware that people who don't like limon are equally combative, but being a public figure means having to learn how to deal with trolls and dissenters. I don't care who's more right and who's more wrong. I don't care who started it. Grow up.

im more right, i didn't start anything, so fukk off.

there is no "both sides" here you fukking infant. i answer all good faith questions politely and thoroughly taking care to use MY time to do a FREE service to THIS SITE and the poker community in general and treat everyone the way i would want to be treated. if i was a lowlife piece of shyt trolling someone else's AMA i would want to be attacked with extreme prejudice. but i would never do that, because im a literal fukking legend.

by King_of_NYC k

Hi limon. Time to name drop 😀

Biggest non-poker celeb you've ever partied with? (Using "partied very liberally here - anyone you've been at an event with, even if you didn't speak to them directly, would count imo.) Bonus points for anyone in Hollywood, sports, and politics

hello king, thank you for the well thought out and sincere question, i will now answer it politely and in full like i do with all questions of this kind (attention mods)

I played in danny masterson and vince vaughn home games. masterson very creepy, vaughn very cool. Ive hung out and shot the shyt with barkley at Shadow creek more than once. Ive played in the same poker games as many celebrities Paquiao, Phelps, Cheadle (hung out with cheadle at golf course as well), tobey, bruno mars, dicaprio. never a bad experience, celebs are cool customers at poker table IME.

Hello friends!!!

Anything fun happen while i was away?

Lets fire this puppy back up!!!!

by limon k

Anything fun happen while i was away?

They took the fun away. Now it's back.

Oh, wow. It's back and Limon is free.

by David Sklansky k

Very simple, especially online. Certain hands, perhaps only 72, perhaps 72, 82, and92, perhaps even any hand with a deuce, gets half (or possibly some other fraction) its money back when it loses. When the hand is over eligible hands are exposed, including those in the blinds and the refund gets taken out of the pot before the winner collects.

I have suggested something like this to casino marketing departments many times over the years. Marketing/ bonus from casinos is always completely wrong. because they dont play poker they always give bonuses and comps for VOLUME. This is 100% wrong. You should give bonuses and comps for BAD/POOR PLAY. The players who put in the most volume are the players the casino wants LEAST. They are bot grinders taking from the system. The casino is taking the rake of the losing players who keep the grinders in action and giving it to the grinders who are destroying them through comps/promotions!!!!! This makes all the games worse and the casino to actually make LESS RAKE.

Comps and promotions should be set up so that only BAD PLAYERS get them, then the rake of the parasites on the system is going to the players who actually keep them in action. This is the proper way comps are supposed to work. The casino should constantly be giving out what amounts to medium size (not too big) jackpots for POOR PLAY. Example: A $5000 jackpot for making a 7 high straight flush or smaller. Nearly all of these small jackpots won every day will be won by FISH! pros are unlikely to play these little cards and go all the way with them. Im sur there are better ideas, this just popped into my mind. What would you propose to reward bad play??

Welcome back limey boy, Whats the most you ever heard of someone paying for girls? Either one time or long term.

by limon k

I have suggested something like this to casino marketing departments many times over the years. Marketing/ bonus from casinos is always completely wrong. because they dont play poker they always give bonuses and comps for VOLUME. This is 100% wrong. You should give bonuses and comps for BAD/POOR PLAY. The players who put in the most volume are the players the casino wants LEAST. They are bot grinders taking from the system. The casino is taking the rake of the losing players who keep the grinder

Years ago, and I pit this in my Cardrooms book:


I told a poker room manager that he should find the 10 worse players in town and give them all the promotional money with the stipulation that they have to play until they're broke.

More realistically, what this means, as Limon also points out, is that poker room promotions should be designed to make it more likely that a poor player will get the money. An similar example to what Limon gives is to give a prize for a straight-flush wheel rather than a royal flush.


So what your saying is, more rake is better?

by Mixedgamelover k

So what your saying is, more rake is better?

If you're referring to me, I make it very clear in my Cardrooms book that the rake has gotten too high.


by Mason Malmuth k

If you're referring to me, I make it very clear in my Cardrooms book that the rake has gotten too high.


No it was to limons post about giving less to grinders.

by Mixedgamelover k

No it was to limons post about giving less to grinders.

The rake stays the same. The promotions (which are going to be spent anyway) go to the GAMBOOOOLERS like all promotions in a casino that is running properly. I’m the king run it’s better for everyone


Glad you are back.

It appears you are financially successful. Enjoy hosting poker game, fine food/drinks, advantage plays and playing golf.

Do you volunteer and donate to any causes you care about?

You need to do a Where are they Now? Pokersesh was fun listening to and all the regular characters who called in. Curious what everyone is up to now. They were all real correct? No paid actors? The casino Janitor who called in etc...
2hats. The Poker Mentor etc...

It was quite a fun and motley crew.

Hi Lemon, welcome back

Giving the promotional money to a 7- or even 6-high straight flush would preferentially reward bad players over good ones even more than to a steel wheel. DUCY?

How about a promotion where if seven-deuce makes either 77722 or 22277 it wins a big pot of promotional money, whether or not it is the best hand at the showdown?

by limon k

The players who put in the most volume are the players the casino wants LEAST. They are bot grinders taking from the system. The casino is taking the rake of the losing players who keep the grinders in action and giving it to the grinders who are destroying them through comps/promotions!!!!! This makes all the games worse and the casino to actually make LESS RAKE.

I think you are only half-right here. In the lower-stakes games I play, the people like me who are taking money out of the game are not even a majority of the people who put in long hours. The bad regs, the people who play every day out of boredom and the desire to socialize, are the majority of the everyday players, and they are not beating the rake. They do tend to be nittier than the players who really inject money into the game, but they pay rake, they keep games going, and the casino management loves them (to the extent that casino management cares about poker at all).

And the promotions induce them to pay more rake, because when it's folded to the blinds, instead of chopping and keeping the money on the table from going down the slot, they selectively play the card combos that can make promotional hands, trading immediate rake for the long shot of hitting a high-hand prize. It tilts the **** out of me, because they are playing their superior combos and chopping with their garbage hands, putting anyone who chops every hand to avoid rake at a disadvantage. If I find myself sitting next to one of these angle-shooting scumbags, **** the rake, I'm never chopping.
