British Politics

British Politics

Been on holiday for a few weeks, surprised to find no general discussion of British politics so though I'd kick one off.

Tory leadership contest is quickly turning into farce. Trump has backed Boris, which should be reason enough for anyone with half a brain to exclude him.

Of the other candidates Rory Stewart looks the best of the outsiders. Surprised to see Cleverly and Javid not further up the betting, but not sure the Tory membership are ready for a brown PM.

Regarding the LD leadership contest, Jo Swinson is miles ahead of any other candidate (and indeed any of the Tory lot). Should be a shoe in.

Finally, it's Groundhog Day in Labour - the more serious the anti-Semitism claims get, the more Corbyn's cronies write their own obituary by blaming it on outlandish conspiracy theories - this week, it's apparently the Jewish Embassy's fault...

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01 June 2019 at 06:29 AM

3882 Replies


by Hoopie1 k

Disappointed that you are accepting monies to focus on shitposting elsewhere tbh.

You boys better have a whip around to keep me here then

The CCE study of 561 incels, by three leading academics, is the first to use clinical measures to assess levels of autism

great news lads, turns out we've been part of a study all this time

Anyone who has spent any time in incel spaces online knows that they are full of vile sexist comments

your mum

by Elrazor k

Was Brexit the centre ground? Historically you are correct, but just because things have happened in the past is no guarantee of the future. I think the argument can be made that Brexit was an indication that the centre will not always hold.

Peopel talk about complacency but the biggest complacency is from those who think the future will be pretty much ok because it mostly has been post war.

The problem with the left is that they have lost their sense of identity. IDK whether they have lost interest in the working classes or whether they just take them for granted = either way, the working class vote is up for grabs. Therefore the middle and working class are both now swing voters in a way the upper middle/pensioner vote is not.

Starmer will beat the Tories in spite of his political offering, not because of it. Either the Tories will quickly regroup under someone like Badenoch, or they will flounder for a couple of years allowing Farage to sneak in through the back door and take over. I think either Badenoch or Farage beat Starmer in 5 years, as his flagship policy is to maintain the same policies that have got the Tories kicked out.

Could be but 2 or 3 terms (maybe even 4) is quite likely. Doesn't really make any difference how long if labour are implementing right wing policies while not tackling the underlying problems.

by joejoe1337 k

You boys better have a whip around to keep me here then

Am prepared to go to a whole tenner.

by BOIDS k

great news lads, turns out we've been part of a study all this time


Don't know why you needed to interview that many when you could have simply digested Elrazor's rants about how feminism, immigrants and the Left have deprived him of his rights (to sex and more money) and come to the same conclusion.

In case anyone wants to actually read the thing:

by joejoe1337 k

Probably a good moment to mention that I had a piece published in the telegraph this week lol

Nice read, thanks for sharing. I've read some of William Costello's work on incels (Think he's from David Buss' lab?). How did you come by the collaboration?

Interestingly, you can probably substitute 'Incel' for 'trans' in your article and you're probably correct re: characteristics/behaviours of teenage girls identifying as trans.

by Elrazor k

Nice read, thanks for sharing. I've read some of William Costello's work on incels (Think he's from David Buss' lab?). How did you come by the collaboration?

Interestingly, you can probably substitute 'Incel' for 'trans' in your article and you're probably correct re: characteristics/behaviours of teenage girls identifying as trans.

William actually did his MSc and began his PhD in Swansea (where I'm at) before moving to Austin.

Yes, by no means an expert in anything trans-related, but I know that suicide ideation and attempts are very high and that the case has been made that autism is very high too.

by joejoe1337 k

Yes, by no means an expert in anything trans-related, but I know that suicide ideation and attempts are very high...

No, not as far as we know. The most-publicised study on that was run by an advocacy group and relied on a self-selected questionnaire sample of just 27 people, of whom 13 claimed to have had suicidal thoughts, which is statistically worthless. More professional studies have found no increased suicide risk, if you control for other mental-health factors.

For instance:-

This study didn't find an increased risk during or after 'medical transition', but other studies have.

...and that the case has been made that autism is very high too.

Well, about 10% of the children put through the Tavistock GIDS clinic (due for closure next month, and not before time) were autistic, compared to less than 2% in the general population, which is worrying, and I believe the number of children in care who were 'processed' by GIDS was also gravely disproportionate. Both groups of children obviously tend to be under the control of social workers, who at present operate under a particular ideology enforced by disciplinary measures (though these measures have lately been found unlawful in the Rachel Meade case -- Meade v Westminster City Council and Social Work England, 2024.)

by Elrazor k

Nice read, thanks for sharing. I've read some of William Costello's work on incels (Think he's from David Buss' lab?). How did you come by the collaboration?

Interestingly, you can probably substitute 'Incel' for 'trans' in your article and you're probably correct re: characteristics/behaviours of teenage girls identifying as trans.

Bear in mind that 'Incel' in that context only refers to odd fellows who choose to self-identify in that way and not to single men in general. Also bear in mind that many if not most couples are largely celibate, after an initial period, and often involuntarily so -- they'd quite like to have sex now and then but they just don't fancy their partners any more.

by 57 On Red k

Bear in mind that 'Incel' in that context only refers to odd fellows who choose to self-identify in that way and not to single men in general. Also bear in mind that many if not most couples are largely celibate, after an initial period, and often involuntarily so -- they'd quite like to have sex now and then but they just don't fancy their partners any more.

I thought incel meant a lot more than "single". I thought it meant virgin, single as a choice, outside of the "dating market" as a political/identitarian choice.

by 57 On Red k

Also bear in mind that many if not most couples are largely celibate, after an initial period, and often involuntarily so -- they'd quite like to have sex now and then but they just don't fancy their partners any more.

That must be a very recent development because, outside of post partum temporary problems, I never heard of this as anything but "a severe marital crisis" if either partner starts abstaining from having sex with the other still wanting it

by 57 On Red k

No, not as far as we know. The most-publicised study on that was run by an advocacy group and relied on a self-selected questionnaire sample of just 27 people, of whom 13 claimed to have had suicidal thoughts, which is statistically worthless. More professional studies have found no increased suicide risk, if you control for other mental-health factors.

For instance:-

This study didn't find an increased risk during or after 'medica

There are other studies though:

Including this meta-review:

Sent from my Pixel Tablet using Tapatalk

by Luciom k

I thought incel meant a lot more than "single". I thought it meant virgin, single as a choice, outside of the "dating market" as a political/identitarian choice.

No, the "in" is "involuntary" ie single but not through choice, because no sane woman (or one who speaks the same language) would want anything to do with them.

But as we've been told in this thread by an incel himself, that's all the fault of a) feminism for encouraging young women not to put up with toxic masculinity and b) immigrants for out-competing him in the attractiveness marketplace.

Rumours abound of Tory backbench hopes that Sunak will throw the towel in to allow the quick anointment of a successor without the fanfare of a protracted leadership campaign if May's election results are as bad as expected.

WIll he go early?

Cross-sectional studies are not a good way of examining suicide. The best evidence I've seen comes from a 25 year longitudinal Dutch study, which found trans people 3-4 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population (not controlling for mental health status), with that number invariant over time.

Trends in suicide death risk in transgen...

by joejoe1337 k

William actually did his MSc and began his PhD in Swansea (where I'm at) before moving to Austin.

Interesting, his career seems to be on an upward trajectory and he seems a nice guy so I hope the paper does well 👍

by Luciom k

I thought incel meant a lot more than "single". I thought it meant virgin, single as a choice, outside of the "dating market" as a political/identitarian choice.

Incel = involuntary celibate. So they would like to form relationships with women, but can't. Of course, not every "incel" end up on 4chan spouting misogynistic nonsense, but the self-identifying tag usually refers to this online community.

by Elrazor k

Incel = involuntary celibate. So they would like to form relationships with women, but can't. Of course, not every "incel" end up on 4chan spouting misogynistic nonsense, but the self-identifying tag usually refers to this online community.

Ok I evidently didn't spend much time to investigate that group (not sure I ever will tbh)

by Elrazor k

Cross-sectional studies are not a good way of examining suicide. The best evidence I've seen comes from a 25 year longitudinal Dutch study, which found trans people 3-4 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population (not controlling for mental health status), with that number invariant over time.

Trends in suicide death risk in transgen...

That's not what the Finnish study found, because they did in fact control for other mental health conditions. They found that the apparent elevated suicide risk, 0.3% compared to 0.1% (so not large anyway), disappeared when the proper controls were applied. That is, 'trans' people are no more suicidal than 'non-trans' people with the same mental conditions, though there is an indication that people with certain mental conditions are more likely to present as 'trans'. And this was a long-term study, 1996-2019. The study also found that 'medical transition' made no difference, that is, it did not alleviate suicide risk. So, as for the infamous Tavistock slogan, 'Would you rather have a dead son than a live daughter?'... well, those clinicians should never have said that, and there is evidence from the Appleby hearings that those clinicians were up to no good, and there's a reason why the Tavistock was closed.

Yes, I’ve seen the finish study which was published only this week. It’s very similar methodologically to the Dutch study and draws very similar conclusions - with the important addition of the elevated suicide risk in trans people disappearing when controlling for mental health

by 57 On Red k

That's not what the Finnish study found, because they did in fact control for other mental health conditions. They found that the apparent elevated suicide risk, 0.3% compared to 0.1% (so not large anyway), disappeared when the proper controls were applied. That is, 'trans' people are no more suicidal than 'non-trans' people with the same mental conditions, though there is an indication that people with certain mental conditions are more likely to present as 'trans'. And this was a long-term stu

Those clinicians should be removed from their roles for life at the very minimum, that's the idea.

Bad faith experts are a cancer and as a society we should forcefully fight against them as enemies of society.

You claimed without absolute certainty that removing the breasts of a 15y old was necessary to save her life? You disappear from society, you never touch another person as an healthcare worker, especially not a minor. You are a monster and be thankful we don't give you the death penalty

Your swelling as you typed that last sentence is almost palpable.

Have you heard of Judge Jeffries?

Just checking in to see how the Kemi Badenoch for leader campaign is going.
