Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes.
The world's best poker theoretician, Pete Clarke, has undertaken a public challenge to play 400k NL100 R&C hands on GGpoker. Will we eventually see someone achieving a winrate above 25bb/100 over a large sample?
I thought statname tracked only regular tables, at all sites.
yes, and offering coaching newbies while not being able to beat game is a SCAM
that guy charge 316$ per hour, while his hourly playing is like 20$.
lol no, not a scam. In the case of Peter, you have youtube, RIO, FTGU, his books, people vouching for him, lots of resources to judge. Ok ok you said newbie. A newbie who moved up thru 2nl and 5nl with decent winrates without rushing too much, let's say at least 50k hands in both limits and no less than 5 bb/100, if not lazy, has the intellectual building and the knowledge of how poker training works to go seek and judge by himself. A newbie who is a loser at those limits has no business looking for a coach yet, too expensive and he may be on the % of population who doesn't even have it in himself to beat any poker game.
Hell maybe even 10nl you must be able to beat by yourself and by looking for resources without anyone guiding you.
$316/hr for coaching is insane from a low stakes grinder
lol no, not a scam. In the case of Peter, you have youtube, RIO, FTGU, his books, people vouching for him, lots of resources to judge. Ok ok you said newbie. A newbie who moved up thru 2nl and 5nl with decent winrates without rushing too much, let's say at least 50k hands in both limits and no less than 5 bb/100, if not lazy, has the intellectual building and the knowledge of how poker training works to go seek and judge by himself. A newbie who is a loser at those limits has no business looking
That's the thing though, you can get most of his insight for $50 via FTGU course. That's not to knock the course, it's what made me a winning player in the first place, and it's fantastic for beginners, but 300$/hr is the range where you can start to afford high stakes players who are at the top of the modern game, and not someone who is primarily oriented to low/midstakes. You're ultimately paying for the brand name/known quantity.
My calculation from the last month at nl200 RNC:
Fish buffet 14% rb, GG care 2,85%
from LD : for 8k hands avg rb 7,8%
So without BBJ it is 24,65% (BBJ lets say 1bb/100 it is 12,5%)
SO together you get RB 37% !!! HOW CAN YOU GET 60%?
May i ask you whats you Winrate for getting 14% from FB?
Has he posted any results yet?
He went busto
My guy played 600 hands 3 tabling zoom in a challenge. See you in 30 years guys
played for 45 mins and called it a day
"Running considerably under EV" he says, by two buy ins. 400 EV to 200 winnings. He posted a 1k hand graph
Clarke lets see a real pre RB graph of a serious number of hands.
I would say it is substantially more likely that he doesn't finish the challenge than he posts a pre RB winrate.
Then we'll hear him get argumentative about it for years.
He should include the hands he played at 200 zoom so it doesnt take as long
How a borderline **** reg has managed to forge a career as a coach constantly confuses me
It shouldn't.
90% of getting students is marketing. Look at Upswing for example, most of their content is average at best and Doug makes money hand over fist.
The coach doesn't have to be good at poker, he just has to be better than his student. And the student most likely won't be able to discern between great information and average information.
This is why (recent) graphs are 100% necessary when looking for a coach.