Preflop strategy: AKo in BB

Preflop strategy: AKo in BB

Vilain is a 50/33/13 fish aggro, his CO RFI is 29.6%, his 4B rate after raise is 14.7%.

Also he folds extremely little at 3B, only 16% and I've never seen it open limp.

Winamax - €4 NL (5 max) - Holdem - 4 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (BB): 108 BB
CO: 96.47 BB
BTN: 367.5 BB
SB: 171.29 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A K

CO raises to 2.5 BB, fold, fold, Hero ??

What is the best play here? 3Bet 9, 11, 13+ BB? Call? Fold? Personally, I prefer call but I think it's closed.

I also wonder if 3B shove is not an option...

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21 February 2024 at 08:53 PM

54 Replies


by TripleBerryJam k

ChatGPT says...
While Ace-King is a strong hand, it's important to recognize that the villain's range is likely to contain many hands that dominate you, such as Ace-Queen, Ace-Jack,

It's science.

by GTOautistic k

It's just mathematical, we will gain 5-6% EQ against its wider calling range and on this 5-6% EQ we will not realize much, between 80 and 85% max.

Your equity may go down but but that is not the biggest factor. Your EV increases because the pot is much larger going to the flop and your equity realization increases with the betting lead.

Jamming and just calling vs the CO fish open are major, major mistakes. Meaning they are for sure missing out on EV.

It's not even close. I am pretty sure over 99% of professional poker players would agree with me on this. I don't know what to tell you man. What the right decision in poker is in any given situation is debatable, but this one is about as close as it gets to known.

Against a 50% opening range (22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q2s+, J3s+, T6s+, 96s+, 86s+, 76s, A2o+, K4o+, Q7o+, J8o+, T8o+, 98o) AKo has 65% equity. If villain doesnÂ’t four bet, he likely isnÂ’t at the top of this range, so our equity is likely even higher when villain flats. A strategy of three betting and just calling down against an aggro player like this will be +EV. We can probably float most flops against an aggro, so we can realize most of our PF equity. We wonÂ’t win every time obviously but we should print by three betting AKo

People think I'm trolling but I'm not.

If you use a preflop solver you will see that as counterintuitive as it may seem, from 40% open raise and less, the EV of 3B AKo oop drops if vilain underfold.

That the more it underfolds, the more it tends to call AKo in BB.

I put it there and you do what you want with it.

Wishing you a pleasant day.

by Mlark k

It's not even close. I am pretty sure over 99% of professional poker players would agree with me on this. I don't know what to tell you man. What the right decision in poker is in any given situation is debatable, but this one is about as close as it gets to known.

I don't think so, or maybe they're not good "pros".

by GTOautistic k

People think I'm trolling but I'm not.

If you use a preflop solver you will see that as counterintuitive as it may seem, from 40% open raise and less, the EV of 3B AKo oop drops if vilain underfold.

That the more it underfolds, the more it tends to call AKo in BB.

I put it there and you do what you want with it.

Wishing you a pleasant day.

Okay, yes, the EV of 3b AKo goes down vs this villain. But the EV of 3betting is still going to be much higher 3betting than flatting. I'm currently running this preflop sim right now.

Rake is 6.5%, 3bb cap, no preflop rake. Villain opening from cutoff 29.6% of hands, folds 16% of hands to 3bet, 4bets 14.7% of hands of opening range. Open size is 2.5 BB, 3bet size from bb is 13bb, 4bet size is 28.6.

AKo is a 100% 3bet. What you notice about the 3betting range is that it is very linear compared to a solver that isn't node locked. The top of range is always 3betting and the polar 3bets from the BB like suited connectors, A5s, etc disappear:

You can see the EV for 3betting AKo is much higher for 3betting than it is for flatting:

Also, the EV of 3betting JJ+ goes up immensely vs this villain. AKo 3betting might go down from 2.9bb to 2.5bb, but AA goes up from about 13.1b to 17bb, KK goes up from 8.5bb to 11.2bb, QQ goes from 4.9bb to 6.7bb, JJ goes from 2.7bb to 3.5bb.

by Mlark k

Okay, yes, the EV of 3b AKo goes down vs this villain. But the EV of 3betting is still going to be much higher 3betting than flatting. I'm currently running this preflop sim right now.

Also, the EV of 3betting JJ+ goes up immensely vs this villain. AKo 3betting might go down from 2.9bb to 2.5bb, but AA goes up from about 13.1b to 17bb, KK goes up from 8.5bb to 11.2bb, QQ goes from 4.9bb to 6.7bb, JJ goes from 2.7bb to 3.5bb.

In some simus wizard, EV of 3B AKo vs GTO is 2.5bb and it goes down to EV of call at 1.86bb vs vilain which folds only 10% and 4B "normal".

In addition, the fact of 3B being quite expensive like 13bb adds a little EV to the extent that AKo captures more than half of the pot postflop (51-52%) vs wide calling range and the pot will be bigger than on a 3B at 11bb.

Also it is likely that such a strong range against such a weak range will outperform in EQ realization in theory especially for AKo, because it will CB 100% all the flops and vilain GTO will "overfold" and very little raise, which will not, or not necessarily, be the case in practice.

Furthermore, the theoretical EV of 3B shove being between that of call and 3B (if vilain call 99+/AK) and difficult to exploit in practice, there is a chance that it is the best play with AKo vs underfolders.

For the rest, yes the EV of AKs and especially TT-AA increases considerably.

Ps: Also the fact that you made it 4B 15% instead of the theoretical 12% can explain, in part, the difference in EV between 3B and call which persists, as long as there is a surplus of bluff in 4B/fold.

by AskZandar k

move up to 2k NL.

Move up to 10k NL.

Move this to BBV imo

I'm a bit amazed this is actually a serious thread lol, but alright

If you truly are being serious, probably the most important question to ask first is: how big is your sample size on villain?

by AskZandar k

Move up to 10k NL.

On my usual 10NL tables, there are already more rake but above all more fishes with unpredictable behavior and difficult to read than NL10K+ regs which will play in a very theoretical and homogeneous way.

My 10NL tables are objectively more difficult and intellectually stimulating than the 10KNL+, and I don't play for money but for glory and the challenge.

by Mlark k

You can see the EV for 3betting AKo is much higher for 3betting than it is for flatting:

On the EV of call that I hadn't seen, it surprises me that you only find 1.15bb knowing that on simus wizards with the rake structure of 50NL, it oscillates between 1.5 and 1.7bb...

Also the EV of 3B in 50NL is slightly better than in 500NL, and conversely calling in 500NL is slightly better than in 50NL.

It could well be that with a rake structure of 50-100NL, AKo is still a pure 3B even if it underfolds.

by GTOautistic k

On my usual 10NL tables, there are already more rake but above all more fishes with unpredictable behavior and difficult to read than NL10K+ regs which will play in a very theoretical and homogeneous way.

My 10NL tables are objectively more difficult and intellectually stimulating than the 10KNL+, and I don't play for money but for glory and the challenge.

Yeah I think it's great that you choose to play microstakes and probably lose money, when you can easily crush 10k NL and make 6-7 figures per year.

by GTOautistic k

My 10NL tables are objectively more difficult and intellectually stimulating than the 10KNL+, and I don't play for money but for glory and the challenge.

Sick level

You should stop playing poker, this game is not for you.

AK vs this opponent is nuts - 3bet as big as possible.
Your fear that the flop is something like Q85 and you check/fold is just stupid - this is how poker works.

Stop playing - you do not like risks - so you will never ever be a winner but a losing nit.
Probably the most senseless thread ever - I still cannot believe this is just trolling.

Classic thread from a fish trying to learn some stupid GTO stuff for 10NL by heart but having no idea and feeling for poker at all.

by Kendoo k

You should stop playing poker, this game is not for you.

AK vs this opponent is nuts - 3bet as big as possible.
Your fear that the flop is something like Q85 and you check/fold is just stupid - this is how poker works.

Stop playing - you do not like risks - so you will never ever be a winner but a losing nit.
Probably the most senseless thread ever - I still cannot believe this is just trolling.

Classic thread from a fish trying to learn some stupid GTO stuff for 10NL by heart but having no idea and

Clearly a troll. Look at the quote reply to the 10knl comment. Looks like it's been copy and pasted from Chat GPT

username checks out

by Kendoo k

You should stop playing poker, this game is not for you.

AK vs this opponent is nuts - 3bet as big as possible.
Your fear that the flop is something like Q85 and you check/fold is just stupid - this is how poker works.

Stop playing - you do not like risks - so you will never ever be a winner but a losing nit.
Probably the most senseless thread ever - I still cannot believe this is just trolling.

Classic thread from a fish trying to learn some stupid GTO stuff for 10NL by heart but having no idea and

by TheBritishLion k

Clearly a troll. Look at the quote reply to the 10knl comment. Looks like it's been copy and pasted from Chat GPT

by NittyOldMan1 k

username checks out

"When the sage points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger".

Are you that FazendeiroBH guy who did the weird "PolPotRipper" trolling in the blogs subforum?

At least this round was better lol, since it wasn't immediately obvious to many of us that you're trolling

by GTOautistic k

Vilain is a 50/33/13 fish aggro, his CO RFI is 29.6%, his 4B rate after raise is 14.7%.

Also he folds extremely little at 3B, only 16% and I've never seen it open limp.

Winamax - €4 NL (5 max) - Holdem - 4 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (BB): 108 BB
CO: 96.47 BB
BTN: 367.5 BB
SB: 171.29 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A K

CO raises to 2.5 BB, fold, fold, Hero ??

What is the best play here? 3Bet 9, 11, 13+ BB? Call? Fold? Personally, I prefer call but I think it's closed.

I also w

„I have not failed. I‘ve just found 10000 ways that won‘t work“.

if he calls too much just 3b to 20bb bro, what are you talking about...
Your sim is constrained to "normal" sizings, i assure you if you allow for bigger and bigger sizings it will keep going bigger rather than calling. At some point you could just 3b to 50bb and xc every flop if he keeps not folding to the 3b
Also your sim assumes the guy plays perfectly postflop which is obviously a total joke

I don't understand why nobody has even discussed folding pre yet. You guys aren't thinking through this line enough.

by FreakDaddy k

I don't understand why nobody has even discussed folding pre yet. You guys aren't thinking through this line enough.

Because some players are going to treat AK like it's AA no matter what the situation is. Period.

by aner0 k

Also your sim assumes the guy plays perfectly postflop which is obviously a total joke

This is not a joke, basically it doesn't matter since we're comparing the EV of two lines, and if vilain is bad, AKo's postflop EQ realization will increase in the same proportions in the call as in 3B... but if you mean that its postflop "imperfections" will benefit 3B more due to the larger pot size than in SRP, that's true.

This is also the only valid implicit reason that makes 3B better than call, in practice, in this spot against lambda fish which underfolds 3B.

3B 20bb+ makes sense if it increases the frequency of fold3B, otherwise 3b allin has a chance of being the best of all.

But now the same profile which would no longer open 30% but 20% as in HJ-LJ (with a rake structure of 400NL or more), and all other actions that call AKo in BB are indefensible, we could even qualify it as a crime against poker, and anyone who claims otherwise will be incompetent or lying. :(
