Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11552 Replies


by angle_shooter k

Not to mention Trooper Sunday and the Go Gamble merch and coffee bean sales. But yeah it seems Trooper has finally found his true calling in life, and it has nothing to do with gambling or poker. Who would have thunk it!

You guys are funny.

by Petrucci k

Just watched the latest Sprkli vlog, and it hit me once again that i have never seen Trooper so geniunely happy and motivated to do things.

Its pretty clear that he was overdue to put the gambling behind him,then focus his time/energy on something else more fullfilling for him. As much as i dislike Trooper and have made fun of him, its good to see the direction he is headed in life -wich is clearly good for him on a personal level.

No haters, "f-words"(the one that'll get you cancelled), "autists", or souls to crush in the candy game. Just big bucks. Good on him.

by topg2024 k

They're selling hats too.

They should be selling coffee too.

Trooper is like the autistic kid who gets a job washing cars after high school and is as happy as a pig in slop

He may also get a mop bucket with his nickname on it

Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk

So a big, massive result for them the other day was selling 30 boxes of pralines for $10 each...
So $500 gross per market is not a far off estimate. and gross sales cant exceed is it $35000?
Gas, tables, bags, stickers, food/baking supplies, materials,

They are hamstrung by this license. They need a commercial license for shipping, they need to hire help with making more pralines, they need to go to more markets a week....

If he pulls this off, into a self sufficient candy making enterprise, I mean well done. I just cant see it right now for any more then what it is, which is a flash in the pan. Its hardly even a flash.

As adults, we often take joy in partaking in activities we enjoyed in our formative years. Trooper has told the story many times about how he would sell candy at school to make big bucks. He was born to sell. Now he has a brand that locals love, and he IS the candyman.

The candy biz probably takes him back to simplier times and it brings him joy.

by foatie k

As adults, we often take joy in partaking in activities we enjoyed in our formative years. Trooper has told the story many times about how he would sell candy at school to make big bucks. He was born to sell. Now he has a brand that locals love, and he IS the candyman.

The candy biz probably takes him back to simplier times and it brings him joy.

I actually remember selling large candy bars in high school for a dollar that I bought at 3/99 cents in a local 99 cents store and on a good day I'd make about 60 bucks which was awesome for a high school kid in the late 90s.

I also sold bottles of cold water in parks by me in the spring and summer when I wasn't playing baseball and I'd make 200-300 a weekend.

I felt like the richest man in America at that time.

Meanwhile 25 years later we have dipshits making 10 dollars an hour or less playing poker in their 30s smugly telling us how intelligent they are.

Honestly I hope Trooper is happy, makes decent money peddling candy and is never stupid enough to pretend he's a poker pro again.

When Diesel gets around to watching the 2024 Trooper videos, what will he branch out into selling?

Pictures holding signs with tourists on fremont street.

Its really remarkable how similar el diesel is to King Cobra JFS.

I knew he reminded me of someone but couldnt put my finger on it, but thats who it is.

by foatie k

As adults, we often take joy in partaking in activities we enjoyed in our formative years. Trooper has told the story many times about how he would sell candy at school to make big bucks. He was born to sell. Now he has a brand that locals love, and he IS the candyman.

The candy biz probably takes him back to simplier times and it brings him joy.

This. When ever Trooper talked about what a "hustler" he was, he always fell back to telling the story of selling candy in grade school.

Maybe selling candy was his life calling after all.

For Trooper's candy selling business at farmer's markets, it's all well and good right now. Let's see how things go with foot traffic and how well the quality of the products hold up when it's 110 degrees outside.

Mr. and Mrs T need to try and scale up the business as quickly as possible... and find larger distribution channels.
eventually the Business and it's brand recognition can be sold off and absorbed by a larger company.

by prev k

frostys are a spoon food

Peas are a Knife food...

by Koshka k

For Trooper's candy selling business at farmer's markets, it's all well and good right now. Let's see how things go with foot traffic and how well the quality of the products hold up when it's 110 degrees outside.

Absolutely agree. And by no means am i certain they can pull off this Sparkly sweets to become a fulltime gig (or even more)for both of them.

But that Trooper is happier than he have been in a decade is pretty obvious when you look at their vlogs.

Rice is such a curious case. On the surface he seems quite affable and smart but if you actually pay attention to the content of what he says it's absolutely wild. In terms of getting on in life never have I seen someone who makes the most suboptimal decisions. The fact he is so sure of himself is probably what makes the car crash so compelling.

by Same_again k

Rice is such a curious case. On the surface he seems quite affable and smart but if you actually pay attention to the content of what he says it's absolutely wild. In terms of getting on in life never have I seen someone who makes the most suboptimal decisions. The fact he is so sure of himself is probably what makes the car crash so compelling.

That part that makes the least sense is he always leaves Vegas during the times when the games are best. It makes sense that he plays in Vegas most of the year because it’s the only chance he has to hop between rooms quickly looking for tourists that don’t know who he is and will pay him off.

by FL Pkrdlr k

That part that makes the least sense is he always leaves Vegas during the times when the games are best. It makes sense that he plays in Vegas most of the year because it’s the only chance he has to hop between rooms quickly looking for tourists that don’t know who he is and will pay him off.

I assume you are referring to the summer/WSOP time. in my own (limited) experience, I have like 5 straight winning winter trips and 4 straight losing summer trips. so I don't prescribe to the "WSOP time is the easiest Vegas games" idea.

I don't agree that Diesel is freaking out over his poker sessions. He seems pretty calm to me.

Also, he is already at rock bottom and he is perfectly happy with his life, so I doubt he'll ever have a meltdown moment.

If he somehow goes busto he can literally work a min wage job and he would be better off financially or go back to his parents house. I would say he will never go busto the way he plays.

Diesel is chilling. He has no aspirations to improve his life and therefore no stress or progress will ever be made, and he won't care.

He could start doing uber eats and door dash and he would make more money than he does now.

He's basically living a loser's dream life right now.

He probably lives on $1,500 a month, there's a chance that he reaches a point where majority of his expenses can be paid with youtube. He has low effort low quality videos so he can go on indefinitely. Even at $500 a month from youtube he can probably reach a point where his portfolio + youtube can sustain him in 15 years time.

People like Trooper and Diesel would make for an interesting case study.

Both live unremarkable lives with Diesel living an minimalist life and making minimum wage hourly at the lowest limits of NL in Vegas. Yet both have rabid supporters and some even seem to be jealous of their lifestyles.

by Koshka k

People like Trooper and Diesel would make for an interesting case study.

Both live unremarkable lives with Diesel living an minimalist life and making minimum wage hourly at the lowest limits of NL in Vegas. Yet both have rabid supporters and some even seem to be jealous of their lifestyles.

Not participating in the ratrace and having absolutely 0 expectations of yourself must be nice in some ways.

I do think majority of Diesel's fans are people that don't have good lives. People on welfare, people living in their cars, people in disability, etc.

I remember he was getting criticism from some of his viewers becausehe wouldn't consider living in a car, they were talking as if diesel was a fat cat lol.

You cant underestimate how low IQ the average American is. People will cling to anyone who speaks confidently as if they know it all. The venn diagram of Rice & Trooper supporters and people who could be talked into leaving their family and joining a cult in the woods would be a perfect circle.

There's tons of lonely people out there living way worse lives than Trooper and Rice, desperately looking for a figure they can relate to as their life champion and they'll cling onto everything they do in a similar way that Rice does with Trooper.

Its no surpise they get a fanbase. There's some LOLCows on youtube with kmillions of subscribers making 10x what Rice and T make on youtube who are clearly mentally challenged, yet they still get an audience of devout followers and donations.

Tl;Dr version.... lonely stupid people will do anything for friendship even if it's paying a guy on the internet you'll never meet.

by FL Pkrdlr k

That part that makes the least sense is he always leaves Vegas during the times when the games are best. It makes sense that he plays in Vegas most of the year because it’s the only chance he has to hop between rooms quickly looking for tourists that don’t know who he is and will pay him off.

The games at 1-2 and 1-3 probably aren’t that different during the WSOP and with all the grinders in town he might be more likely to run into those types. Also, 1-2 and 1-3 have the longest waiting lists during the WSOP.

It makes sense to leave town because wherever he goes will have fewer serious players (because serious players will often go to Vegas). Although at the stakes he plays that probably doesn’t matter much.

by prev k

Not participating in the ratrace and having absolutely 0 expectations of yourself must be nice in some ways.

I do think majority of Diesel's fans are people that don't have good lives. People on welfare, people living in their cars, people in disability, etc.

I remember he was getting criticism from some of his viewers becausehe wouldn't consider living in a car, they were talking as if diesel was a fat cat lol.

Some people eat a steak from outback and think it’s phenomenal. Others are only satisfied with wagyu cooked by a top chef. Sometimes I wonder who’s better off.

I knew a Buddhist who used to go on retreats where they had to live in silence for a month. Some people search out simplicity.

Rice is like a modern day Buddhist Thoreau

by Koshka k

...both (Trooper and Rice) have rabid supporters and some even seem to be jealous of their lifestyles.

Even the biggest losers on earth have a handful of supporters.

I doubt any person approaching normal is jealous of their 'lifestyles'.
