I am a literal legend of gambling, ask me anything.

I am a literal legend of gambling, ask me anything.

What im doing is a gift to this dead site but they will probably lock the thread since they want no traffic or interest.

) 32 Views 32
26 October 2023 at 02:13 AM

963 Replies


by rickroll k

what is the lowest point of:

business life

love life

gambling life

life in general

and how did you climb back if you did

business? uh, none really, i suppose some people would be upset with changing jobs or something but ive never really cared. the day i start something im already thinking about the exit so when the time comes the people who think they are "making a move" have no idea what's about to hit them. more than once ive went from being fired to getting a large 5 or 6 figure "exit package" in 24 hours.

ive been with the same chick basically forever at this point. things change but different isn't necessarily worse or better.

gambling, probably now, not that its low but its almost over. i have less motivation to gamble every day its around 15 hours a week now, prob less than 10 in a year id guess. but you never know!!!

after my second ACL tear i was probably pretty depressed i suppose. i knew my sports days were over and it was just golf from there on out.

i dont really climb back because i dont get in holes. im always planning for the worst so the bad stuff that happens is not a big deal. ive been lucky i suppose not to have some crazy major unforeseen accident.

by limon k

business? uh, none really, i suppose some people would be upset with changing jobs or something but ive never really cared. the day i start something im already thinking about the exit so when the time comes the people who think they are "making a move" have no idea what's about to hit them. more than once ive went from being fired to getting a large 5 or 6 figure "exit package" in 24 hours.

ive been with the same chick basically forever at this point. things change but different isn't necessari

Please explain in a little more detail how you turned the table and changed a “you’re fired” situation into a “here’s $100,000+ goodbye and good luck” situation.

Thank you sir.

by Grimstard k

Please explain in a little more detail how you turned the table and changed a “you’re fired” situation into a “here’s $100,000+ goodbye and good luck” situation.

Thank you sir.

well just leave that to your imagination for obvious reasons. i will say one of my first finance jobs I was fired by a dipshit scumbag for basically having no respect for him even though i was a top performer. I knew tons of dirt on this idiot but never collected any of it, no actual proof. i instantly learned from that experience and knew it would never happen again. i was always a top/top performer wherever i worked but i rarely suffer fools or bite my tongue so i always needed insurance policies against illegal political termination. Im good friends with one old employer so he never got to see the dossier. lolololol. i always treat others as i wish to be treated and have an impeccable reputation for fairness and honesty in business but im never a sucker.

this is long ago though, in poker ive always been basically an independent contractor when working with with people and a winning poker player so theres no reason for me to care about that politics stuff or covering my ass. Its why i chose poker to begin with, not being your own boss is exhausting and perilous depending on your personality. being your own boss is extremely high risk and most fail.

another auto delete, rip

by Droopi k

Hey Limon, some big PLO games have been running at Hustler daily, do you only play at the bike or do you go to other places occasionally?

i never travel anywhere to play poker anymore. im wayyyy on the back 9 of my poker career and dont really care about the poker game in general. i just go places where i know people more like a social club.

by Grimstard k

Please explain in a little more detail how you turned the table and changed a “you’re fired” situation into a “here’s $100,000+ goodbye and good luck” situation.

Thank you sir.

i replied in detail but the bot deleted it and im not doing it again. complain to max.

If you were a transgender how would you have approached poker and gambling back in the day. Also,would you have tried to qualify for the lpga?

by limon k

so apparently if you want to go different places during the day at your own leisure and see people you enjoy and do things you enjoy thats bad now? and if you get paid for it its worse? there are some serious freaks on these boards.

Strawman arguments don't make your story add up any better. You claimed over 10 years ago you had all these outside cashflow investments and only needed to make $100k/yr or something. Now hosting a semi-private game and being tethered to a shitty casino while not playing is the nut retirement

When you go to the golf course do you actually play or do you just drink at the club bar? Maybe work a few hours as a course marshal? You could probably get paid for that too!

by DizzyG k

If you were a transgender how would you have approached poker and gambling back in the day. Also,would you have tried to qualify for the lpga?

hmm, nothing would change with poker. poker is a level playing field. there is no privilege in poker, in fact, in practice its more like "reverse privilege". Any game filled with rich old white men is going to be the best game in the casino guaranteed. they are the fish on a level playing field.

golf is different. i will say firstly that i couldn't play well enough as a man or woman to be on the LPGA. ive played with LPGA players at shadow creek (middle tees) and they smoked me! boring golf, plodding around the course almost never missing a shot putting very well and boom, at the end card a very forgettable 2 under. Played with male pros as well and its a different animal, they are making shots I cant even imagine, playing a game im not familiar with (and these were nationwide tour guys). When we played shadow with the women our caddy, who knows im a pretty big gambler on the course said, "try to set up a match with me v. that LPGA pro, ill give as much as 2 a side from tips or even from their tees and still be a big fav". I tried but the ladies wouldn't take it for real money, even they knew a random caddy part time on Mackenzie tour would likely smoke them.

BUT, assuming i was a Transgender good enough to play on LPGA, i would 100% do it. LPGA (and all womens "sports") are segregated contests. A segregated contest is not a sport, its an exhibition (male sports before integration were exhibitions and no records set at that time should be taken seriously). A sport is OPEN. Why shouldn't a Transgender play in a contrived segregated exhibition? the purpose is just to sell tickets, no one cares about the "sport" part and thats why its segregated. A transgender would definitely sell more tickets for a while.

by DizzyG k

If you were a transgender how would you have approached poker and gambling back in the day. Also,would you have tried to qualify for the lpga?

i answered this in detail but the bot deleted it. (answer now in "about the forums" thread as an example of the bot gone wild. please go there for answer (its a good one).

now the bot deleted my question about the bot in the about the forums forum . i guess this thread is done. cant post anything.

by limon k

i answered this in detail but the bot deleted it. (answer now in "about the forums" thread as an example of the bot gone wild. please go there for answer (its a good one).

I restored it.

Can you restore my deleted posts too please? They’re quite important

by Videopro k

I restored it.

It’s gone again!!!

Can you just moderate this forum. The bot is not ready for prime time. It’s just clicking buttons.

Wtf is wrong with this bot? Stop deleting posts.

Limon, are you still hosting your plo game? I haven’t seen it on bravo and Vertucci has been running his mouth that Suited Superman has taken your place as LA plo host goat.

Also, I will pm you knee rehab links, I know people that can still dunk without an acl, we can get you back to better than ever before, even if you have a few more Lbs than the glory days.

by Lionelhuttz k

Wtf is wrong with this bot? Stop deleting posts.

Limon, are you still hosting your plo game? I haven’t seen it on bravo and Vertucci has been running his mouth that Suited Superman has taken your place as LA plo host goat.

Also, I will pm you knee rehab links, I know people that can still dunk without an acl, we can get you back to better than ever before, even if you have a few more Lbs than the glory days.

There are no more hosted games at the casino for several months, every game is under the same umbrella now and run by marketing. I am grandfathered in as a floating plo "prop" and do nothing above that. I actually play more mix and limit HE than plo the last few months.

I have both knees reconstructed and have no interest in testing them. golf is 100% fine with me at this point. thanks for the offer though!

Limon, do you have a lot of poker history with Greg fullblowntilt Mueller or Phil unibomber Laak? They seemed like the reggiest regs during my short visit to LA decades ago. Any good stories involving these guys?

how do you become a prop player, the 3-4 casinos i've contacted about it during my playing days told me they don't exist

by rickroll k

how do you become a prop player, the 3-4 casinos i've contacted about it during my playing days told me they don't exist

you gotta be connected. friendly with important people like Wayne Chung

by limon k

business? uh, none really, i suppose some people would be upset with changing jobs or something but ive never really cared. the day i start something im already thinking about the exit so when the time comes the people who think they are "making a move" have no idea what's about to hit them. more than once ive went from being fired to getting a large 5 or 6 figure "exit package" in 24 hours.

How interesting, I have a net worth of 7 or 11 figures. If you encountered a man also in their 50s with insecurities like yourself, would you suggest they get therapy?

by trampled k

How interesting, I have a net worth of 7 or 11 figures. If you encountered a man also in their 50s with insecurities like yourself, would you suggest they get therapy?

Therapy? You must be from New York.

by trampled k

How interesting, I have a net worth of 7 or 11 figures. If you encountered a man also in their 50s with insecurities like yourself, would you suggest they get therapy?

I'm not sure therapy is going to help with your obsession. Maybe.

by marknfw k

I'm not sure therapy is going to help with your obsession. Maybe.

hes just doing stalker mad libs at this point. epic.

Something weird is going on: I click on the next pate arrow and it reloads the page I am on. (I do 100 posts/page, so I click on the '19' and page 18 reloads.)

Except that that post I just made is the first on page 19. Must be a side effect of the deletions/restorations.
