POG Politics Thread Version 3

POG Politics Thread Version 3

Come on in! Since Dustin is taking his ball and going home, it's time to start a new politics thread.

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17 September 2020 at 09:34 PM

1666 Replies


by filthyvermin k

if recording zooms is a thing

Can confirm it is a thing. Do not know if it requires a subscription tho.

Thanks for the tenants meeting update, I'm not sure anything has more potential for amazeballs than renters in luxury apartments organizing a tenants union. Get it done!

elevator 2(the one by my apartment) has been broken for months... and this is just after they repaired it, when it had been broken for almost a year!! so it's been working like one month out of the last 1.5 years.

and they sent us all an email notifying us they will be airbnbing units in our building! that's going to be a nightmare.

and when I came home last night, the key fob scanner on stairway 2 was broken, so I couldn't open the door to the stairs! so the stairs and the elevator were both broken!

people's cars have been getting broken into inside the locked garage.

and other issues. lots of crime in our neighborhood. we used to have 24 hour security, now it's only 12 hours, so people are roaming the hallways fairly often and trying to steal whatever

filthy, have you ever thought of leaving san francisco? not being cheeky here, genuinely wondering.

by TBobLP k

filthy, have you ever thought of leaving san francisco? not being cheeky here, genuinely wondering.

yes! I've thought about it! I hate San Francisco!! I've been dreaming of moving to LA for like 30 years! I finally did it in 2017. i've been living in LA ever since. and I love it here

I think my favorite place to live would be someplace with beautiful nature. I love hiking. but I can't make money in those places.

I might retire to Columbia or some such place

by filthyvermin k

yes! I've thought about it! I hate San Francisco!! I've been dreaming of moving to LA for like 30 years! I finally did it in 2017. i've been living in LA ever since. and I love it here

I think my favorite place to live would be someplace with beautiful nature. I love hiking. but I can't make money in those places.

I might retire to Columbia or some such place

dont die before we get a chance to go hiking together. deal?

by filthyvermin k

yes! I've thought about it! I hate San Francisco!! I've been dreaming of moving to LA for like 30 years! I finally did it in 2017. i've been living in LA ever since. and I love it here

I think my favorite place to live would be someplace with beautiful nature. I love hiking. but I can't make money in those places.

I might retire to Columbia or some such place

Plenty of good hiking in Colombia. Get a flight to Medellin and I'll show you around.

The problem with living permanently in Colombia is that residency is a bit harder to obtain-- it takes like an 80k usd investment (maybe more), whereas with Guatemala you can just get your passport stamped in Mexico every 3 months and live there forever.

looks like scotus overruled the colorado ballot thing 9-0 mostly based on federalism

by pwnsall k

looks like scotus overruled the colorado ballot thing 9-0 mostly based on federalism

Which was an entirely obvious result.

The state level efforts to kick Trump off the ballot were always just political theater.

And the Colorado supreme Court apparently

by Booker Wolfbox k

Which was an entirely obvious result.

The state level efforts to kick Trump off the ballot were always just political theater.

Are states now required to allow children and foreigners onto their federal election ballots with enough signatures?

by Wearwolf k

Are states now required to allow children and foreigners onto their federal election ballots with enough signatures?

Considering that Article I and Article II of the Constitution answer that question explicitly I’m going to go ahead and assume that you’re trolling.

Do those articles specifically empower to the States to bar such individuals from formal candidacy?

What do they say

SCOTUS wrote about the patchwork of state-by-state evidence law potentially yielding disparate federal election implications - has anyone told them about felony disqualification?

ETA - I have to take this one back... I guess I had just assumed that felons could not hold federal office (given that they cannot vote afaiu) but I was apparently wrong there!
All the same, it's a least a little cringy that they would be concerned with differing hearsay rules barring candidates in some states and not others, while those same disparities are fine for capital crimes and child custody purposes. Given that they're specifically concerned with federal uniformity here, I can get past the point for now.

by pwnsall k

What do they say

No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

The framing of "States enforcing the insurrection clause" is not the correct one, imo.

The secretaries of state ensure that only valid candidates be presented on their states' ballots. Colorado's secretary of state, subject to the result of a judicial fact-finding inquiry, determined that Trump was not a valid candidate according to the plain language of the US Constitution. There was no usurpation of any federal power in this case to trigger the Federalism alarm bells, and it should escape nobody's attention that the "States rights" folks are again reversing course when it suits their political preference.

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or
hold any office, civil or military, under the United
States, or under any State, who, having previously
taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer
of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any
State, to support the Constitution of the United States,
shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against
the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies
thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of
each House, remove such disability.”

"No person shall be ..."

I just had to assure my wife that I am not playing werewolf again, lol

It was always going to be quirky for states to enforce federal standards for federal offices.

SCOTUS pod I listened to talked about a lot but didn't talk about federalism at all before the ruling which I found strange

Not sure if States are allowed to have their own criteria for federal offices but I'd assume so.

Even when the podcast was talking before the ruling seemed like the federal govt should potentially be in charge of determining if someone was too young etc.

If Colorado elected a senator too young they'd just have to be kicked off after the fact.

But it also sounds like being too young isn't challenged much so not much cases about it

Maybe some citizenship questions could be challenged

In the end it was 9-0 for a reason and nitpicking on logical consistency between law rulings will be as biased as the rulings themselves.

One of the bigger points I disagree with the SCOTUS pod before the ruling was a ruling against Trump not meaning much long term for future cases. I think that greatly lacks imagination.

This Katie Britt is milfy hot but her speech was awful. Pretty weird!

Hey filthy, looks like you need to step up your hater game. This twitterer has USA#1 as responsible for so many genocides it’s hard to believe anyone is left to genocide!

usa is currently genociding life on earth

I'm an OG hater

I never knew who Beyonce was before. but I know who she is now

by filthyvermin k

I never knew who Beyonce was before. but I know who she is now


by Booker Wolfbox k


I'm assuming Filthy meant "I didn't really know what kind of person Beyonce was, but I do now".
