The costs of trans visibility
Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:
For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and
. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.
We need to do better.
What wild conjecture do you think I was making? That males are by far the more perverted of the two sexes? That's wild conjecture to you? Seems like a basic fact to me, not wild conjecture.
I just want to understand what you're thinking before I answer you. Because I cannot honestly believe that any human is foolish enough to believe that statement is "wild conjecture" but if you believe that please let me know.
You should start a thread about male violence against women instead of transposing that concern onto a group of women. stop blaming women for male violence.
Cute. Although interesting as you quote Lia’s records in men’s events it’s worth noting just how significantly her record in women’s events dropped due to the effects of HRT.
We don't know whether her times dropped off due to the effects of HRT, or whether her times dropped off as she so easily wins everything therefore doesn't swim or train as hard.
she also missed an entire year of training/competition, that likely had a negative impact as well
You should start a thread about male violence against women instead of transposing that concern onto a group of women. stop blaming women for male violence.
I 100% agree with this statement. Transwomen are men and women should not take the blame for their violence. Yet as it stands now those crimes are being reported as and counted statistically as women violence, not male violence. This is also what JK Rowling believes. I'm glad you also agree with that sentiment Bryce. Thank you for seeing reason. Hopefully more people like you will come together and we can put a stop to this madness.
Someone livestreamed themselves torturing and killing a cat, and nothing was done about it before the person moved up to killing people?
If they're a biological woman, you can draw a pretty strong inference that they're not entering a woman's locker room to be a "peeping Tamina."
If they're a biological man dressed up as a woman entering a woman's locker room, that's more than a remote possibility.
By your logic, the changing rooms and dressing rooms are still going to be loaded with perverts doing perverted things. Trans men juiced to the gills on testosterone are going to be masturbating in corners of female locker rooms uncontrollably as they creep over sexy college singles in their area
There is literally no winning when your world view includes half the population being irredeemable perverts
I'm not making any assumptions about how common it is, but I know perverts exist in the world and if you open a loophole that gives them potential access to female-only spaces, some abusers will try to take advantage of that.
I just don't see any advantage to opening this loophole when the only benefit is saving genuine trans people from a relatively minor inconvenience of either using the men's changeroom, or finding a more private area to change.
Not all biological men are perverts, but all or almost all perverts are biological men.
Anyway, men in a room with men is no problem. The weak sex that needs to be protected is female/women in lockers and bathrooms.
Cute. Although interesting as you quote Lia’s records in men’s events it’s worth noting just how significantly her record in women’s events dropped due to the effects of HRT.
Nothing dropped. She still looks and swims like Michael phelps.
Shes the fastest women ever and shes still in college. And that in short and long distance. Thats pathetic you know?
That's the same excuse used to try and bar homosexuals from locker rooms. OMG, this guy is sexually attracted to guys, and he's in a room of naked guys! There are many openly lesbian tennis and basketball players, yet somehow they manage to coexist in the locker rooms without making the straight players feel uncomfortable. Would that college swim team not allow a lesbian team member in the locker room because she is attracted to women? Of course not.
The story at the link quotes only a single un
Look up what others teammates say about her. Everybody saw it and nobody is fine with IT. Interestingly enough you wont find a positve Statement about her from any actual teammate imo.
a few of the students from the anonymous letter came out and said they came under heavy pressure from the school to sign the counter letter
key here though is that uke tried to spin a counter letter to the original as if the original never happened and the teammates spontaneously wrote a letter supporting lia, just goes to show that facts and reality don't matter one iota to these people who will happily lie over easily fact checked stuff about this
it's a religion at this point
shameful behavior f
I remember that. It was a conter letter to the original compaint from students, teammates and parents. The university concucted IT.
How come Uke is allowed to lie his ass off here? You/we should report that as IT is certainly against rules to gaslight and lie and spin everything around.
Nothing dropped. She still looks and swims like Michael phelps.
Shes the fastest women ever and shes still in college. And that in short and long distance. Thats pathetic you know?
This isn’t some secret. Go to the same wiki page where Elrazor quoted her times in men’s event. Then scroll down and look at the times post HRT in women’s events. They dropped. This isn’t surprising, it is well established that HRT in biological males reduces measures of physical performance. Of course you all can make up whatever other conspiracy theories you like.
wow, the lengths you go to lie about this
have you no shame?
you just took a counter letter to the original and pretended like they weren't responding to anything
I remember that. It was a conter letter to the original compaint from students, teammates and parents. The university concucted IT.
How come Uke is allowed to lie his ass off here? You/we should report that as IT is certainly against rules to gaslight and lie and spin everything around.
So assuming uke is right and you and your master researcher, rickroll, are both lying here, you two should also eat a ban for gaslighting, right?
Washoe bringing up the whole letter business made me realize I never saw a few replies from rickroll accusing me of lying. But I didn't. To the tapes:
her own teammates got together and all signed a letter which requested she not be allowed to compete on their team, it was rejected by the school
Do you see the word "all" there?
This was false. Some students supported Lia and some did not. As evidence that it wasn't "all" I shared the letter signed by 39 people in support. I only need a single person to make rickroll's statement false, but in fact it was many who supported. The idea that somehow I am the one who is lying seemed based on the false premise that I made the same mistake rickroll did by suggesting that ALL teammates supported her, but I didn't claim that and am well aware that a couple teammates have become alt-right famous by criticizing Lia.
Trans girl put a cat in a Blender and then livestream murdered a human.
Why did you post this in this thread? What political point are you trying to make here?
There is a particularly sick bent within the anti-trans social media circles that seem to just share any example of [trans person does bad things]. Are you collecting examples of cis people doing crazy horrible things that sent them to jail for decades and making a blog of all those bad cis people? Of course not. So why exactly are you doing this for trans people?
What wild conjecture do you think I was making? That males are by far the more perverted of the two sexes? That's wild conjecture to you? Seems like a basic fact to me, not wild conjecture.
I just want to understand what you're thinking before I answer you. Because I cannot honestly believe that any human is foolish enough to believe that statement is "wild conjecture" but if you believe that please let me know.
Considering that quantifying perversion levels among the sexes is impossible I'm going to go out on a limb and say that your whole premise is wild conjecture.
Hope that helps
I'm not making any assumptions about how common it is, but I know perverts exist in the world and if you open a loophole that gives them potential access to female-only spaces, some abusers will try to take advantage of that.
I just don't see any advantage to opening this loophole when the only benefit is saving genuine trans people from a relatively minor inconvenience of either using the men's changeroom, or finding a more private area to change.
Not all biological men are perverts, but all or
Is an unwanted penis in the face a horrible thing that should never happen to anyone or is it a minor inconvenience? I really can't keep it straight with you guys
Either way you slice your bread, in your scenario, someone is put into a horrible situation (according to your very own logic)
uke, whenever you stop discussing the core argument and focus on rhetorical semantics is a good sign that you have literally no reasonable ground to stand upon
it's sad though because you probably aren't even self aware enough to realize that fact
Why did you post this in this thread? What political point are you trying to make here?
There is a particularly sick bent within the anti-trans social media circles that seem to just share any example of [trans person does bad things]. Are you collecting examples of cis people doing crazy horrible things that sent them to jail for decades and making a blog of all those bad cis people? Of course not. So why exactly are you doing this for trans people?
That case is an example of a transwoman committing a crime and it counting towards female statistics. And it being reported by certain outlets simply as a woman killed a man completely leaving out the fact that it was a biological male at all. That's why it is relevant to the discussion uke it's not just any old example of a trans person committing a crime, keep up with the facts. In fact I'd doubt if the myriad of crimes that are actually committed by trans people are being reported in this thread except as it relates to wider trans issues. Stop leaving out what's important to the discussion and pretending like you don't know what's going on. The level of disingenuousness from the pro-trans side is becoming apparent and you're doing your side of the argument a huge disservice. Normal people who aren't ideologues see right through you.
Considering that quantifying perversion levels among the sexes is impossible I'm going to go out on a limb and say that your whole premise is wild conjecture.
Hope that helps
Thank you for clarifying that. Now I know what type of person I'm dealing with. Either you are completely disingenuous or you have a tenuous grasp on reality at best if you have no idea which sex is the more perverted of the two and there is no way to quantify the level of perversion among the sexes. I'm honestly not sure which is the case with you, it's hard to tell but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have a tenuous grasp on reality.
Trans girl put a cat in a Blender and then livestream murdered a human.
Crazy and bad people do crazy and bad things, but the issue in the UK is that the police, courts and media kept reporting Fangzhe Wang (aka 'Alice Wang' aka 'Scarlet Blake') as a woman, even though he is obviously and legally a man who committed the sort of crime even more rarely found in women than in men, and will duly serve his sentence in a men's prison, because when the rubber hits the road the misguidedly woke authorities don't dare put violent male offenders in women's prisons for fear of legal action. The police are quite wrongly claiming that the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 requires them to record prisoners by 'preferred gender', which of course it doesn't because that particular notion was not a thing at the time. Until recently the Equal Treatment Bench Book used by judges in England & Wales insisted that women who were the victims of rape had to call the rapist 'she' in court if the rapist said so. This proved incompatible with human-rights law and common decency and has been chucked. That now-discarded part of the ETBB was written by 'Victoria McCloud', the UK's first MTF judge (though only holding the rank of Master, therefore only able to hear first-instance civil cases). A week or so ago, McCloud, after a bizarre social-media post which misstated the outcome of Forstater v CGD and the standing of the judge who made the ruling, resigned from the bench to pursue a second PhD, apparently on the subject of emojis in online discourse.