State of teh Union drinking game

State of teh Union drinking game

Drink 1:

All-time highs

Drink 2:


08 March 2024 at 01:46 AM

20 Replies

Drink 3: I give you James Woods ftw.

Judging by the thread title, OP won already.

by Brian James k

Drink 3: I give you James Woods ftw.

Sure. If he quotes that entire thing, we should drink 3

AI: drink 1

by d2_e4 k

Judging by the thread title, OP won already.

Standard 2+2 writing style guide

Put the chud spin on this speech.

James Woods is a wayward pos, bless his heart

4 more beers!

drink the whole case if Biden says "an illegal".

lol if Trump made this speech the woke would be up in arms. just pathetic.

That'd be like Trump saying, "Triumph??!! Over what? Over whom?"

It's an impossibility, muppet

Biden did well.

Standard empty promises and some overly flattering descriptions of the state of America, but he made it across the finish line.

Someone else will have to tell me what the various hecklers were saying because I couldn't hear them.

Nothing really remarkable stands out here except the part where he said America is the manufacturing capital of the world.

I liked how he added Moscow in the list of cities where you could find cheap drugs, immediately thought, "Oops, I just mentioned Russia without actively shitting on them" but then gave it a second of thought and just decided, "**** it, you can probably find cheap drugs there, too!"

He was quick on the uptake there, imo.

One heckler apparently repeated United States Marine Corps 3 times

this lady is hilarious

lol Dems as always. scratch a lib.

Pablum for all the chuds, left and right.

It's an unfortunate gaffe.. its equivalent probably in AI production now

by Victor k

drink the whole case if Biden says "an illegal".

lol if Trump made this speech the woke would be up in arms. just pathetic.

Unfortunately for republicans he did.

When 60%+ of the nation hates illegals, and wants fewer of them, you either talk about it or you lose elections.

That the most basic elements of politics are lost to you isn't surprising.

In Italy a lot of the left thinks like you, "ideological purity" and so on.

Which is why they lose elections

you missed the point as usual. since 2016 the Dems have been like you gotta #BlueNoMatterWho to save the immigrants. and now they just fully coopted Republican rhetoric.

I am just pointing out the shameless hypocrisy that liberals possess beyond any other ideology.

by Victor k

you missed the point as usual. since 2016 the Dems have been like you gotta #BlueNoMatterWho to save the immigrants. and now they just fully coopted Republican rhetoric.

I am just pointing out the shameless hypocrisy that liberals possess beyond any other ideology.

Because polls very clearly indicate that Americans agree with republicans on that topic en masse.

It is not hypocritical to concede the other party better reflect the will of the people on something, and that is sovereign in democracy, and in a two party system you should in theory have, as a moral imperative above everything else, the intention to represent the will of the people.

You can try to steer that will somehow in some direction but when the answer is loud and clear you bend to it and execute it, that's what democracy is about.

Democracy is NOT ABOUT having pure ideologies which you commit to regardless of how many voters agree with you.

What's hypocritical for Biden is not having already done everything in his power (which is a lot for POTUS on the topic of the border) to reduce the influx of illegals, now that he admits they kill thousands of Americans.

like when most Americans support a cease fire and aid to Gaza? somehow that sort of "will of the people" doesnt apply right?

regardless, my point again was about the hypocrisy of Dems shouting for years about how we gotta protect the immigrants and how Trump was going to do fascism and hurt them.

what I left out is that for the last 20+ years the policies of both parties have been virtually the same. anyone remember the deporter in chief?

by Victor k

like when most Americans support a cease fire and aid to Gaza? somehow that sort of "will of the people" doesnt apply right?

regardless, my point again was about the hypocrisy of Dems shouting for years about how we gotta protect the immigrants and how Trump was going to do fascism and hurt them.

what I left out is that for the last 20+ years the policies of both parties have been virtually the same. anyone remember the deporter in chief?

For some things yes, for others no.

You seem to care a lot more than the median american about geopolitics and in that regard the 2 parties weren't too different , true.

But i mean other people care a lot more about stuff like taxation, regulation, abortion , drug legalization, vaccine mandates and so on and i don't understand how you can claim the 2 parties have been virtually the same for those topics.

btw yes it is very undemocratic for Biden not to act upon the will of the american people wrt Israel
