Are there any regular LO8 games running in/around Seattle these days? I'll be in SEA for a few days at the end of September. I also enjoy low-stakes LHE, and other HORSE games. Where I live now there are no legit live cash games at all, so I don't want to miss the chance to play.
Any tips/advice? I haven't seen a SEA thread here for a while.
What's Lakewood looking like these days?
Remembering the days of O8 at Fortune.
Getting the four of a kind in hand bonus. 8/16 and 4/8 kill. The burger and prime rib special. The Vietnamese food.
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red dragon is back. baccarat, that is.
maverick rebranded it as dragon tiger. they have about 5 tables of $25-$400 baccarat and one pai gow. maybe a 3 card poker. recognized one dealer and pit boss from pre-pandemic club hollywood.
i haven't played bacc in 4 years and right away hit a streak of 17 hands, no player. (old man sitting next to me with $1000 always bet banker but wouldn't pull the trigger one time during the streak because ... i don't know why. maybe he liked watching me win.) also hit 30:1 on a $50 bet. good times. didn't try the food.
then stumbled into aces down the street and somehow managed to break even in 4 hours of PLO (peaked at $4000).
not sure what the lesson here is.... but crazy moose is about to lose a large chunk of my action.

Usual crap on the other side
I guess Hollywood is still closed?
Has a mixed game been going anywhere else?
Wonton Soup for 17 dollars. Sheeeeesssshhh
Mix is now running at Caribbean in Kirkland. Wednesday at 6PM is 6/12 and Saturday at 6PM is 15/30. You can call the day before to get your name on the list.
Current games: Badugi, 2-7 TD, A-5 TD, Badacey, Badeucey, Stud 8, Omaha Hi, Big O, and Razz
They are working on getting other games approved like Dramaha and Archie.
Plays 7 handed.
Mix is now running at Caribbean in Kirkland. Wednesday at 6PM is 6/12 and Saturday at 6PM is 15/30. You can call the day before to get your name on the list.
Current games: Badugi, 2-7 TD, A-5 TD, Badacey, Badeucey, Stud 8, Omaha Hi, Big O, and Razz
They are working on getting other games approved like Dramaha and Archie.
Plays 7 handed.
Thanks for the info! Hope those last two games don't get approved before I make it to a game.
Ugh, that's awfully far out of the way from downtown Seattle though.
I'm not sure any game is worth rush hour traffic from Seattle to the deep east side.
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Must be in another downswing at high stakes. They increased the 400+50 to 400+60. I mentioned it to the Director and he said it was only a small increase and I said "It's a 20% increase in the rake (50->60)" and I don't know of anything that increases 20% to be considered small.
Aces poker and Maverick have decreased the high hand amount from $300 to $200. Who regulates this? This seems sketchy.
Apartment living bonus tip: grab free burg mailers from the recycle bin

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Was that a brag or cry for help?
Mispost. This thread is dead, so it doesn't matter.
How's fortune poker doin
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Will be in town August 15-18. Any further info for mixed games in the area? Especially looking for Friday and Sunday.
Mix is now running at Caribbean in Kirkland. Wednesday at 6PM is 6/12 and Saturday at 6PM is 15/30. You can call the day before to get your name on the list.
Current games: Badugi, 2-7 TD, A-5 TD, Badacey, Badeucey, Stud 8, Omaha Hi, Big O, and Razz
They are working on getting other games approved like Dramaha and Archie.
Plays 7 handed.
What's the rake (or time fee) in the 6/12 mix and 15/30 mix?
1) call the room and find out
2) why does it even matter?
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For 15/30, it’s $5 with rake reduction to $4 for 5 handed and $3 for 4 handed. Enjoyed playing with everyone last night. Still no Dramaha games but good mix with a lot of 1 winner games. Good food half off as well. And free fresh cookies at 3 a.m. brought around to the tables.
For 15/30, it’s $5 with rake reduction to $4 for 5 handed and $3 for 4 handed. Enjoyed playing with everyone last night. Still no Dramaha games but good mix with a lot of 1 winner games. Good food half off as well. And free fresh cookies at 3 a.m. brought around to the tables.
What games were played? Is it the same every time?
No straight A-5 triple draw otherwise same as games listed above but also included stud high and limit hold 'em
Burger at Aces poker was just about the most mediocre burg I've had in recent memory
Good plo game, bad table management. Started a new table, then ours lost two
There you go!
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+753 1/3 PLO [ 2-3 hour session]
Usual suspects at Ace's poker. I hadn't played in here in a year or two, last time I played poker was at Caribbean like last November. Notable hands:
[hero buys in for $200, donks off $80, then adds another $200)
TT77 suited. $10 straddle on button, i call in late position, button makes it $50, like four people call. Flop is AJ7. Lady "J" UTG bets 200, I go all in for 270. Everybody else folds, "J" calls. Turn is a T, river a brick. "J" had two pair, AJ
AAxx double suited worked out a couple times for a few stacks
Needed more servers working the floor.
Went to WinCo for some groceries, stopped at Dicks. A deluxe is $5.30 now, geez! They'ye not even that good, I'd rather have a big mac/qpc at the same price.
edit: overall, the 1/3 PLO at Aces is a fun, low-stress game. We had two people call all in flop/turns with nothing but a gutshot. I'll be going more often in the fall/winter.
Parking can be tough, however at 6pm on a Saturday there were a few primo spaces open.
Some of the regs, i.e. "J", can be annoying, but at this point most everyone in the room is aware of their tit so there's less drama.
Sadly I think a Big Mac is like $8 now, so I'll still solidly choose the Deluxe even if it costs too damn much. My fat guy meal of deluxe/cheeseburger/fries/shake is now over $15, smh.
I've only played at Aces twice, but both times barely found a spot in their lot. And, I've wondered if it's 100% safe if you were to head out to the further spots with a thousand or two cash in your pocket (not that that's been a concern of mine with how I play, har har). Anyone ever heard of anyone having trouble in the parking lot? And, are there secondary options if you get there and the lot is full, other than waiting for someone to leave?