2024 NFL Off-season Thread

2024 NFL Off-season Thread


12 February 2024 at 01:49 PM

2189 Replies


Yeah he's on record right after it happened, then he went down the rabbit hole, and now he's walking it back. Notice he didn't deny anything in the CNN piece.

Ridder to ARZ for Rondale Moore

The CNN article I read claimed Godgers said the stuff about sandy hook at a Kentucky Derby after party. Nobody should be responsible for what they say after going to the KY Derby - especially if they are at the Barnstable Brown Party.

It seems a bit odd that he allegedly said that 11 years ago and it didn’t come out until 24 hours after he was mentioned as a potential VP.

by ligastar k

crazy a comment by Penn St.'s coach kicked this illegal tampering investigation off

it could end up being a blessing in disguise for PHI

It wouldn’t stop the deal would it? Just cost Philly a draft pick or Sth

Reading that the Falcons might also get penalised for tampering with Cousins

Again, it’s a gushy press release that gives it away

by bahbahmickey k

The CNN article I read claimed Godgers said the stuff about sandy hook at a Kentucky Derby after party. Nobody should be responsible for what they say after going to the KY Derby - especially if they are at the Barnstable Brown Party.

It seems a bit odd that he allegedly said that 11 years ago and it didn’t come out until 24 hours after he was mentioned as a potential VP.

The access Hollywood tapes were recorded 11 years before they were released

11 is a sign

The deep state illuminati George Soroses is at it again!

I'm very happy today.

by Needle77 k

I'm very happy today.


Seems like a good add. Does feel like some overpays over the past few days though

by bahbahmickey k

The CNN article I read claimed Godgers said the stuff about sandy hook at a Kentucky Derby after party. Nobody should be responsible for what they say after going to the KY Derby - especially if they are at the Barnstable Brown Party.

It seems a bit odd that he allegedly said that 11 years ago and it didn’t come out until 24 hours after he was mentioned as a potential VP.

People dgaf what a washed up quarterback has to say. A potential VP candidate is different.

The article also said that one of the two people Fraudgers told this to was a reporter at CNN. In which case Fraudgers certainly had it coming with this story getting out.

by ligastar k

Fraudgers acting like a politician w his first ever "thoughts and prayers" tweet

please pay no mind to me folks
just hanging around here in the off chance i can help identify every other sign except the obvious ones
think of it as captcha, jeopardy style
meanwhile, everyone else please continue to carry on

Is this Rodgers saying he is immunized from thinking Sandy hook didn’t happen?

Anyway, **** this clown

Supposedly said it at an after party 11 years ago? How is that on the record?

seems like the establishment is just mad Rodgers knew more about what medicine to put into his own body than they did.

sEeMs LiKe ThE eStAblIsHmEnT iS jUsT mAd RoDgErS kNeW mOrE aBoUt WhAt mEdIcInE tO pUt InTo HiS oWn BoDy ThAn ThEy DiD.

what he puts in his body is his achilles heel

by Onlydo2days k

Supposedly said it at an after party 11 years ago? How is that on the record?

seems like the establishment is just mad Rodgers knew more about what medicine to put into his own body than they did.

on the record because he said it and his current stance is still firm as jellyfish
wondering if he pays or you just do that for free?

by REDeYeS00 k

on the record because he said it and his current stance is still firm as jellyfish
wondering if he pays or you just do that for free?

how do you know what his current stance is? do you know him personally or something?

only as personal as the fever dream diaries he shares on social
safe to assume you had brunch at his villa?

no clue what fever dream diaries he shares on social means

if his social media is affecting your mental health that much then i'd just unfollow him or something

by 72off k

what he puts in his mouth is his achilles heel


Lol @ "off the record". Good one.

Curious what RFK/Throw Rogan would do in the first 100 days? Get to the bottom of who was really behind 9/11 or fund a big expedition to the end of the earth?

Probably aliens
