The politics subforum is a sideshow of stupidity moderated by a clown
I’ve been advised to take grievances to ATF
Your mod has explicitly stated the truth is not a priority. Decorum to people who don’t want to engage in the truth on the other hand is
Either shut this forum down or make it unchained again so people can air their grievances appropriately without fear of disproportionate reprisal. Browser is wholly unfit to moderate it
What did you fish do now
Hah, no wonder the mod thread in P&S has been quiet for the last few days. I see this is where the action is.
I'll do it for 10k/month. This may seem like a lot, but if you want me to stay sober for 3 months, you need to make it worth my while.
And if anyone has a strenuous objection to my being made mod, I'll happily withdraw my offer for half.
I'm not comfortable with this at all, d2 is far too competent to be a politics mod.
I'm sure plenty of others object to my modship for this and other reasons, so you guys should be able to crowdfund the 15k in no time at all. Plenty of Scrooge McDucks hiding in plain sight in politics IMO.
This thread could really use some hot sports opinions on trans issues. When do the obsessives get unbanned again?
As long as the no insult rule remains in effect, can we at least include the quality of insult when determining how long the ban will be for? d2 throwing out a good zinger while drunk should be treated less harshly than your basic "your a ****ing moran."
Maybe you guys need a panel of judges to determine if someone called an idiot or pathetic is in fact an idiot or pathetic.
Is this "pay for the moderation you want" a politics-forum only thing or can we make bids for other sub-forums too?
As a right-wing leaning pragmatic libertarian who often says things that offend both "political tribes" deeply, I find 2+2 political forum to be very well moderated. Extremists takes both on the left and the right are tolerated in most cases , unless it's blatant racism basically, and what is very heavily moderated against is personal insults.
There is a weird policy about trans people which protects it from comments that elsewhere would be usually allowed but 1) that's a forum wide policy so not something related to the politics forum alone and 2) it's a minor theme in the grand scheme of things so whatever.
Having been banned for a week (imho wrongly as I don't think I violated policy as stated, but I had the opportunity to discuss this at length with browser) I still find browser moderation style to be if not perfect, far preferable to that of most other internet places that want to accommodate people from all political tribes.
Lol "right leaning". Dude, you lean so much you're almost horizontal.
I just barely made it out of the small stakes (and when I did it was to the micros) so I'm not a baller, but I'd be willing to offer some decent money* to a mod who could make a rule that any NVG-post would have to include a picture or video of AJ Lee or face a perma-ban.
The exact figure will have to be negotiated about, but it will not be over 9000.