Under-repped KK IP w/ V thats gunning for me.
1/3 NLHE 9 handed.
V1 - Has a lot of history with Hero, young white guy. Loves to study the game. Not the best player in the room but learning. He's competent, can read the board, understands odds and so on. He tries to play TAG but gets out of line here and there because of all the folding involved. He also tilts when he's stuck (which he isn't for this hand). He's battled H a lot and lost - mostly because I just have it but also because I'm a bit better than him. He's a winning player, probably wins about 3 BB/hr. He has been winning this session. He also rarely gives me credit for a hand, seems to think I'm bluffing a lot and hero calls me with weak pairs and stuff. He knows about position so his UTG opens should be tighter. Covers. UTG.
V2 - Average loose passive. Checks calls a lot and waits for a big hand then puts his stack in. BTN. 135$.
Hero has 700$ and is in LJ. Has been winning some pots but hasn't played many hands. Used his tight image once, opening J8s over a single limper when H was BTN, runout was J-8-5-Q-8 and limper had 55 and got stacked when all the money went in OTF. 700$ LJ.
V1 opens UTG to 15, folds to H who sees K♦ K♠ and calls LJ, folds to V2 who calls. 3-ways in the middle.
Flop 45 - Q♣ 7♥ 3♦
V1 bets 20, H calls, V2 calls leaving 100$ behind.
Turn 105 - 9♠
V1 checks, Hero?
14 Replies
Bet. I'd probably go $50 committing V2 and leaving it open to re-raise if he shoves and V1 calls.
BTW, I'm not a huge fan of the "slow play" pre, but I get it.
3 bet pre /thread.
A lot of 1/3 players have the same call range vs a 15 open as a 45 3bet, so just 3bet and get money in.
Having got here as played just keep piling in money. Bet 45 so that if V2 raises all in and V1 calls you can put in a reraise and make life horrible for V1
Why are we flatting pre when V "rarely gives H credit for a hand?"
As played clearly bet. Others mentioned leaving room for the betting to remain open if v2 raises
I know I know.. 3-bet pre... okay some context. I 3-bet this guy a lot, especially when he's stuck. In the last session we played I 3-bet him with 77, KJo, A2s ..usually IP. He's seen me showdown some of these hands and I sometimes bluff him.
Ex hand.
V opens MP to 15, Hero sees A♠ T♦ in SB (BB is LP fish), and 3-bets to 65, V calls HU OOP. Flop - 7♠ 4♠ 3♦, H x, V bets 45, H x/r to 215, V tank folds showing 99 and H shows him the bad news - was planning on barrelling multiple streets.
why would any of that make you flat KK?
I know I know.. 3-bet pre... okay some context. I 3-bet this guy a lot, especially when he's stuck. In the last session we played I 3-bet him with 77, KJo, A2s ..usually IP. He's seen me showdown some of these hands and I sometimes bluff him.
Ex hand.
V opens MP to 15, Hero sees A♠ T♦ in SB (BB is LP fish), and 3-bets to 65, V calls HU OOP. Flop - 7♠ 4♠ 3♦, H x, V bets 45, H x/r to 215, V tank folds showing 99 and H shows him the bad news - was planning on barrelling multiple streets.
This previous history would make you more want to 3bet KK bc this guy knows you 3bet bluff him constantly. You would only want to flat vs someone that will 100% fold if you 3bet, but even in that extreme example you can still get your 3bet cold called by any fish at the table. Actually if i was villain here id be more suspicious when you suddenly flat me.
Preflop is just terrible, particularly with reads.
In a tournament or tough game, you could flat and go for a backraise.
I know I know.. 3-bet pre... okay some context. I 3-bet this guy a lot, especially when he's stuck. In the last session we played I 3-bet him with 77, KJo, A2s ..usually IP. He's seen me showdown some of these hands and I sometimes bluff him.
Ex hand.
V opens MP to 15, Hero sees A♠ T♦ in SB (BB is LP fish), and 3-bets to 65, V calls HU OOP. Flop - 7♠ 4♠ 3♦, H x, V bets 45, H x/r to 215, V tank folds showing 99 and H shows him the bad news - was planning on barrelling multiple streets.
FYI, those are totally normal GTO 3 betting hands, and GTO 3 bets KK basically 100% of the time.
I honestly think even asking for advice postflop when you butchered preflop this egregiously and obviously is just wasting our time.
PSA to everyone: dont post hands you butchered preflop, i also dont wanna decide what to do when you flopped 2p with J4s limped from utg 7 ways.
I know I know.. 3-bet pre... okay some context. I 3-bet this guy a lot, especially when he's stuck. In the last session we played I 3-bet him with 77, KJo, A2s ..usually IP. He's seen me showdown some of these hands and I sometimes bluff him.
I have to agree with the others that this makes 3betting pre a requirement. If you almost never 3bet pre, I can "kind of" get behind the flat if he is gunning for you.
So he stations you and you have a monster and just call. Interesting.
He think you're bluffing, has $100 left, bet $40. Hard for him to not call it. It's easy to fold if someone's making what you think is a huge bluff. If its not a big price and someone is just buying the pot then it's a lot easier. On river, There's $180 in the pot, he'll have a hard time folding $60 unless an ace comes.
Jumpin Jehoshaphat!
Dude, you're $700 deep with main V at 1/3, and smooth-calling with KK pre?
On a scale of one to odd, I can't even.
Go home, Banana, you're drunk.