In a rut...

In a rut...

Hey all, I'm in a "rut" playing this past year. Do you advise to just keep it basic and play with a proper roll, tighten up pf and try to keep a goal of 5bb's /hour? Thanks.

11 March 2024 at 02:19 AM

7 Replies

Ive been in a rut my whole life

Man, I've been breaking even for 3 months after killing it in 2023. But hit a nice score Monday, things will turn around even though sometimes it definitely doesn't seem like it will (like the last 3 months for me). Usually these streaks last for 3-6 weeks if you play online and are a solid winning player. Just play a tad tighter and lower your stakes maybe one level for cash and drop down to smaller tournaments. Play a bit less, go do something else you like to do as well.

Thanks man.. hope you turned it around with the big win

These streaks happen. I wish I knew the magical recipe to get through it but I don't. Nov and Dec of last year were great for me. Then Jan and Feb of this year were pure dog poop. Losing month in Jan and barely a break even on Feb. However this month things started turning around and things are back to normal with a really good first 2 weeks. Just have to keep playing and make sure you don't tilt. You can't afford to lose due to bad play during a down swing.

always play with a propper roll

by maromb78 k

These streaks happen. I wish I knew the magical recipe to get through it but I don't. Nov and Dec of last year were great for me. Then Jan and Feb of this year were pure dog poop. Losing month in Jan and barely a break even on Feb. However this month things started turning around and things are back to normal with a really good first 2 weeks. Just have to keep playing and make sure you don't tilt. You can't afford to lose due to bad play during a down swing.

You can't afford to lose due to bad play during a downswing."

This is important. Thanks for reiterating this. 8)

by Tuma k

always play with a propper roll

Yeah I mean I kind of got carried away with the money playing micros I am reminded that I play for the love of the game and the money shouldn't mean basically anything when you play or the more detached you are from the money and more into the game from love for it I feel is real important when playing for a living. Obviously, having good money sense is a skill but having that kind of just be in your play subconsciously is advantageous
