First DBBP

First DBBP

5d3d6c5c OTB. My first hand at the table and first DBBP ever.

$1/2/5 PLO I sat w/ $400 9 handed
$15 bomb so ~$130 pot.

9 handed.

MP bets $20. 1 caller. I assume I call here? Most V’s are $4-600.

Help out a newbie.

17 March 2024 at 03:29 AM

14 Replies

Correction: V’s flop bet was $45 not $20. Sorry about that.

Welcome to BP, where you can scoop or get scooped on a regular basis .. especially in PLO.

The issue is .. everyone sees the Flops. While your hand looks great, it's a prime candidate to win $0 pretty easily IMO.

Board 1 .. You only have 2 nut outs .. 3c and 6d. All the other straight outs can fill higher straights due to the Jack .. and certainly don't count on any other flush outs being good very often. However, unless someone is sitting on 89T they are gut shots to your wrap and you have two 5s to block 689. If you take the aggressive approach on the Flop then these gut shots should fold out.

Board 2 .. Drawing to a 'lower' Full House and having a pair in your hand really diminish this side of the pot .. one nut out being quads. 39/99 have you drawing dead and if there's another 3x out there they most likely have overs to your 6 (of course)! So if you GII with 'this' holding you have to hit on Board 1 to just chop. While there's a possibility that one opponent could have you dominated on both Boards, it's unlikely.

What to do? If you bet Pot it will be $315 and you'll have $70 behind and you know that's going in either right now or on Turn. Do these Players know your style? I'm assuming this might be a NL table that's tossing out a PLO BP. If that's true .. and your bankroll can take the hit, then I think I'm going for the glory here despite the fact that I'm very susceptible to getting scooped .. IF .. the other two Players call. If neither of these Players has a 3x/99 then you are in a good position to win half or even 3/4 of this pot.

While you are risking $385 to win only $85 in a chop, your goal here is to get HU or potentially just take $195 down right now. Flatting allows every Player who thinks they have a piece to see the Turns very cheaply. Your holding on the top Board is VERY weak against multiple 'Bomb' opponents IMO, but the chop/scoop potential when you're HU greatly increases.

On the contrary, you very easily could just take the attitude that you've got great potential with your trips on a disconnected rainbow bottom Board .. and you want to let any and all Players put $45 into the pot getting great odds with you hopefully grabbing $22.50 from each at Showdown .. AND .. if you just happen to connect on the top Board that would be great!

Can you just raise to $150-180 and leave $200+ behind? Yes, that is also an option. You just need to consider how your opponents will react to this. If you want to go the 'build a pot' route and they are more willing to call a smaller bet than basically 'all-in', then I don't mind that route either .. and perhaps that's the middle ground you want. You could go as little as $125, which would make the $260 all-in bet on the Turn hurt a bit more.

If you flat and pick up two more callers then you would be able to go all-in on the Turn with $340 left in stack.

Obv you have really good potential on the bottom Board if no one else has 3x, but you are also vulnerable to anyone who has a pocket pair and they are getting great Pot Odds at $45 to continue if you flat.

Typical PLO BP thought process is making sure of two things. One, you want a very strong hand on at least one Board and a chance at the other. And two, you want 'exactly' two other opponents in the hand so there's some dead money being put in the pot to chop up and increase your profit. You don't care if they chop the other Board up as you will pick up 50% return on your bet.

It's harder to get Players to fold in PLO v NL, so trying to pick up the whole pot with a large bet is less likely IMO.

So that's a lot of 'whatever' up there and it really comes down to how you approach the game and what you think your opponents will do against the various options. Can you ever fold here? Yes, but probably not on the Flop. If you flat the $45 and don't improve on either Board and the action goes big on the Turn, then yes, I would consider folding to a pot sized bet if it remained 4-5 Players in the hand going to the Turn.

What's best for your bankroll and mental state? Only you can know. I'm not sure there's a best option, but I can suggest how these three options can play out once you pick one of them.

In general you don't dump chips into a BP unless you are have one side of the Board locked up .. and you don't. BUT, if you choose to try and force Players out of the hand giving yourself a better chance of having a Board locked up then the Flop is the time to do it. In the middle, if you want to 'build a big one' then go with a raise here on the Flop to a sizing that you think (most) everyone will call.

Have fun .. GL

Probably just call. Honestly a tricky spot, against weaker opponents shove is often ok. Against stronger, balanced opponents they are typically going to be an equity favorite if they continue. I would have bet/folds in my range. 1/3 is not my preferred size but its not far off, i am mostly choosing between a small sizing that denies equity at minimum and large sizings with both good and premium hands that prefer to play fast and are likely to go to showdown unless there is a lot of action and i need to reeavluate.

Our hand looks deceptively strong even though it isn't; hero is drawing to few nut outs and kills outs on both boards.

Hero is going to fold A LOT of turns after flop call, and that is ok.

@answer20 - this is a PLO game, no hold em. Bank roll and mental game are rock solid. No players at the table know me and vice versa. Literally first hand I’ve ever played with any of them. In a new room to me (haven’t played there in 7 years and didn’t used to spread PLO).

For the question about turn play that you didn't ask but should have: if you make the nuts on either board you're probably freerolling someone hard, so make the pot as big as possible.

by answer20 k

The issue is .. everyone sees the Flops. While your hand looks great, it's a prime candidate to win $0 pretty easily IMO.


I didn't want to be the first to comment in this thread because I don't play alot of BP. The idea and novelty and rush that the lesser players get in the BP's I have been a part of should also come into play, some people don't mind chasing and winning these from behind because its so much less like a regularly played hand to them.

I do not like the hand at all. Better spots in the game, and particularly if you feel you have an edge over the table in regularly played hands.

just call flop and see turn

How wonderful that you can set your own tone with the table right off the bat. You still have the 3 options .. call .. raise .. pot here on the Flop.

It'll be an interesting 'show' (if) when you table your hand since the better Players will see you as a weaker Player and all of the table in general will see that you are willing to mix it up. Even more so will be the fact that the weaker Players at the table wont realize how vulnerable your hand really was and just 'see' that you got dealt a MONSTER in your first hand.

They'll of course be some results bias to their opinions as well, which will give you some very good insight into the minds of those that do speak up. GL

You have position but, as is often the case in DBBPs, no visibility about what is going to be good for your hand. Your hand is often good now vs. a single player, and maybe two, but almost never improves ... calling just entices TTdd/etc hands to randomly call behind and destroy your equity, and the pot will be over half your stack on the turn so good luck making hero folds there.

If you are prepared to gamble and reload I'd just pot it and hope, otherwise I think fold is probably better than call. It will kind of suck the times you fold and see that a bad 3x would win the bottom board, but that's life.
I could sigh call more if I was nearer to closing the action ... but AFAICS there's at least 3 people behind you.

Thanks for all the input. Interesting to see the full range of opinions.

Results: H just flats the $45, one more V flats somewhere in there so 4 to the turn. Thought was as many mentioned my hand is good, but really isn’t that good. Too loose to fold, too confused to stuff it so H flats.

Turn ($325)
4d7dJc 6c
3s3h9c (Brick)

EP pots for $325, MP calls, H having made the straight flush shoves for $345 total. H wins top obviously. Loses bottom to MP’s 99. My 5 high flush on board 1 would have been good as well.

6d, I guess. Ni han.

Flop call and reevaluate. I wouldn’t fault you for folding flop considering how bad your 3 is.

by Your Mom k

6d, I guess. Ni han.

Yeah, I’m a dumb ass. 6d not 6c. Makes a bit of a difference.

I just started playing and haven’t been this excited since the moneymaker of holdem
