Huge turn spot with semi-pro LAG

Huge turn spot with semi-pro LAG

2/5 NLHE 8 handed.

V - LAG I have played two sessions with. One of the best players I've seen I think. Although today he seems to be bordering on spew. He is down 2 BIs and the table opened less than an hour ago. He has been very active pre and post...but not a maniac. He plays 10/20 and 50/100. He has shown down KTo for a 3bet pre and defended his BB with K8o. 1500$ BB.

H - Should have a weak tight semi-nitty image and look like scared money. Covers BTN.

HH - H opens AQhh UTG to 15, V 3bets LJ to 45, station calls HJ, H 4bets to 165, V calls, station folds. Flop Kh 9h 7c H leads 3/4 pot, V folds.


Folds to H on BTN who opens Q J to 15, V calls BB, HU IP.

Flop 30 - T 5 3

V leads 45, H calls

Turn 120 - K

V leads 165, Hero? There's about 1300 back.

18 March 2024 at 08:48 AM

14 Replies

Fold flop or bluff raise flop at a small frequency. I don't think that your hand is strong enough to call such a large flop OVERBET donkbet.

Don't like your 4b in hand 1. In hand 2 - I'm not sure what his sizing means, but at the same time he's trying to rep a set only and we turn significant equity. I think the play is to call the turn and see what he does on the river - I don't really have interest in folding regardless if we make a hand or not, and I might consider doing a small raise on the river if we blank and he bets. If he had a set would he really take this line - donk lines like this are so unbalanced and I think against a player like this he'll have a TON of bluffs here.

Fold flop.

I don't know what to make of a donk-lead 1.5x pot overbet, but with no pair, nothing but some backdoor draws, it's a trivial fold.

AP, call turn.

We're open-ended with a flush draw, and deep enough to chase our draw if he's tilted.

by docvail k

Fold flop.

I don't know what to make of a donk-lead 1.5x pot overbet, but with no pair, nothing but some backdoor draws, it's a trivial fold.

AP, call turn.

We're open-ended with a flush draw, and deep enough to chase our draw if he's tilted.

Yup. All of this.

ETA: And no, I'm not thinking about semi-bluff raising turn after two donk overbets.

FWIW, I think this Villain is a bad player just based on him choosing to donkbet flop 1.5x pot here. Maybe your read on him is somewhat inaccurate.

by docvail k

Fold flop.

I don't know what to make of a donk-lead 1.5x pot overbet, but with no pair, nothing but some backdoor draws, it's a trivial fold.

AP, call turn.

We're open-ended with a flush draw, and deep enough to chase our draw if he's tilted.


The fact that this fish is one of the best players you’ve played with bodes well for your game long term.

Lol wow Omaha, thanks for your hot take. I would absolutely love to see you HU vs this guy.

Have you done the math on this? What percent of the time does he fold? What percent of the time do you hit? What is the payoff for those and what is the chances that you lose and what's the cost? We don't really have an idea of your relative stacks in the last two hands.

I'd consider here that he's unlikely to fold given how the play is going.

"One of the best players I've seen I think"

He probably seems amazing because the money doesn't matter to him. "Putting someone in a tough spot" is pretty easy when the money is nothing to you.

Whenever I see an opponent do something that doesn't make sense, I have to wonder if V is just doing it because he's terrible, or tilted, or if he's doing it because he's playing against ME, and has me pegged as someone who won't respond correctly when faced with whatever the action is.

It leads me to wonder if V isn't pretty nutted here, and milking Banana for max value.

Our read is that he's "good" but his dial has been set to "spew" tonight. Okay. maybe it is a spew. Or maybe he was trapping pre with AA, or flopped a set.

If V is really spewing, cool, but can't we spew-catch with some better hands?

I'm happily folding to an overbet on that flop.

But, once you call the flop then I think simply calling the turn is best. Literally the best turn in the deck. You've got lots of equity and if you hit you will have a very well disguised, very strong hand...easy to see you stacking him if he flopped a set. Raising turn folds out some weak hands that are just bluff stabbing but how often do you see someone overbet both flop and turn as a pure bluff? It's a weird line to me regardless of what he's holding but I'd be giving him the benefit of the doubt,

All rivers except T and 3 should be easy to play. That's more reason to simply call.

Playing high stakes doesn't mean he's any good, only that he has funds.

I would also just fold the flop. He's made life very easy for you, those torturous decisions you have with half-decent draws and mediocre top pair hands don't apply here, you have Queen high and some distant equity and you can let his huge bet do the hard work for you.

Raising turn is very tempting but probably just folds out bluffs (albeit you are behind some of those) and you'd be in a mess if he jammed. That said, if you think he's gone crazy with just a Ten then it could be an option

For those folding the flop - what hands are you not folding with? I mean you're essentially putting him on a set, as this donk donk line is extremely polarized. I think vs someone I feel is capable I can't just fold this flop - think you're getting exploited a lot here, especially given the description of the opponent.

by pokerfan655 k

For those folding the flop - what hands are you not folding with? I mean you're essentially putting him on a set, as this donk donk line is extremely polarized. I think vs someone I feel is capable I can't just fold this flop - think you're getting exploited a lot here, especially given the description of the opponent.

I'd continue with 2P (53s), over-pairs, TP, better draws (64s), and maybe strong 2nd pairs (A5s, 66-99) - basically, any hand that may already be ahead, or if not, could be fairly nutted on the next card.

We're not necessarily putting V on a set, but his line suggests a hand at least as strong as TPTK, and his BB defending range would include a fair number of sets and 2P on this board.

The problem of calling this large a bet with QJs is that we aren't going to improve enough on enough turns to call another over-bet.

That's the problem, nobody's getting exploited by folding Q-high to an overbet, yes there is plenty of equity but (1) some of it is to improve to a bluffcatcher and (2) you're far from guaranteed to see two cards
