Cooler or bad slowplay?

Cooler or bad slowplay?

Hi all,

quick check on a hand I played today.

Rush & Cash on ggpoker, villain i marked as loose pre and post.

he opens from HJ, I 3 bet from the Button with AdAh4h2s. He calls (basically i was sure he never folds).

Flop comes Qh8h6h

he checks and I check back to give him the chance to bluff.

Turn: Qs

He bets 1 bb ... I call as I thought at this point he has nothing and is just messing around

River: Kd

He jams and I call. He had trashy KKxy (KKJ4 trisuited in clubs and the lone Kh).

I think he might have fired off with a naked Q or even with some worse stuff and with air ofc, but was slowplaying him a bad idea?

I had less than 70BB, so SPR was about 2 on the flop.

Not being results oriented, but I think any bet on the flop, he folds. With a flush of his own he bets and we are in a different dynamic, so I think giving him a chance to bluff is good.

Turn is a bit of a scare card, but even he doesn't have a boat that often given the other two cards. River i think is close, as KQ is possible as well as Q8 and KK.

Thanks for any input!

20 March 2024 at 03:43 PM

8 Replies

Seems fine, though I think you should mostly bet small this board on the flop.

spr was 2 on the flop but then he bet 1bb ott and jammed the river for 2x pot?

were you playing NLO?

His turn bet is trying to entice a raise or just BS to try and get you to fold.

River jam is hardly ever not a boat at the limits that you are likely playing at.

Turn + River jam = fold most of the time unless you have a really good read on him from previous hands.

by Alpha Fish k

spr was 2 on the flop but then he bet 1bb ott and jammed the river for 2x pot?

were you playing NLO?

Sorry, by jam i meant potted, which was for most of my stack, prob had 20bb left or so

by DingusEgg k

His turn bet is trying to entice a raise or just BS to try and get you to fold.

River jam is hardly ever not a boat at the limits that you are likely playing at.

Turn + River jam = fold most of the time unless you have a really good read on him from previous hands.

Thanks! My read was that he easily calls down with bad hands, so I thought I would mix it up and let him do the betting.

Oddly this was higher than I usually play, was PLO200.

I understand that the river pot bet is very likely a boat, but then is it just bad luck or did I butcher the hand by not betting flop or turn?

Sometimes you bet, sometimes you don't on that flop lol.

Facing a turn bet like that I will call sometimes, raise with strong hands and raise with air. Its good to be able to spread out what types of hands you are willing to call or raise with in a spot like this.

The river is meh and most of the time you fold but sometimes you call. Raising the turn and having him come along, only to jam on the river is generally a clear sign that you are beat. Raising the turn also gets villain to question their hand and sometimes even give up a weak Q, although not usually if they have a high VPIP.

I don't mind flop, but would prefer a raise on the turn. As I said river is meh lol. There are so many ways to get beat on paired boards in omaha that it gets hard to call big pots with flushes. That being said, sometimes you just have to call it off and hope for the best.

I don’t 3b this hand this hand every time at 100bb but it’s appealing at 70bb. I think you played it fine vs a villain that might like to probe too often.

you gotta treat the 1bb bet like a check.

So the question you must answer is: do you check back your nut flush 2x in a row?

Personally I bet this flop. Since you have the nuts, there is hardly any hands that villain can have that should lead here.
