

This thread is to inform people of the game selection in our area. Will tell what I know and hope for help.

Fallsview: All NLHE: many 2-5 tables $100-500 buy-in, one or more 5-10 game 200-1000 buy-in, 10-20 weekends only . One 5-5 PLO has been going most of every weekend also. YAY!
Casino Niagara: lots of 1-2 NLHE, rumor has it it's the place to be. Never been there myself.
Port Perry: 20-40 Omaha High some days, 10-20 hold 'em every day, dunno what else.
Brantford: 10-20, 20-40 with a kill. Haven't been there in awhile. When people talk about the place the words "action" and "kill" keep coming up.
Rama: 1-2 NLHE and ???
Private games....something somewhere😀

Wait times can be long, especially on weekend.
I am a Fallsview girl obv! (when I'm not on Pokerstars😀 )
Would love to hear other's opinions on the choices in the area.

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14 March 2010 at 09:55 AM

60 Replies


They should probably just axe 1/3 in general across Canada and make 2/5 the lowest live stakes available. Already peanuts cause of cost of living.

by LordRiverRat k

They should probably just axe 1/3 in general across Canada and make 2/5 the lowest live stakes available. Already peanuts cause of cost of living.

The casinos offer players games they want whether they are profitable for the players or not. Eventually people just stop playing total rake trap games and they die.

The problem with Woodbine is with the new 20 dollar precedent all low stakes games will be rake traps that are barely to unbeatable by players. Also how long until the raise the rake to 22 or 25?

In 4 years since the Pandemic began the rake has doubled in Ontario it's unprecedented in revenue grabs.

It's not just on the playing floor but before the pandemic Woodbine had a weekday cheap lunch special now that is gone and they had a daily 2 slice of pizza special and that is gone and the beer prices are strip club prices etc, etc, etc.

by lefty rosen k

The casinos offer players games they want whether they are profitable for the players or not. Eventually people just stop playing total rake trap games and they die.

The problem with Woodbine is with the new 20 dollar precedent all low stakes games will be rake traps that are barely to unbeatable by players. Also how long until the raise the rake to 22 or 25?

In 4 years since the Pandemic began the rake has doubled in Ontario it's unprecedented in revenue grabs.

It's not just on the playing flo

It's insane how different things are since 2019. Almost like a switch got flipped and now corporations don't even bother trying to hide their greed. I guess the advancements in AI have help economists figure out that as long as someone will pay for it, it's more +EV to take a "fk you, deal with it" approach.

Seems too soon to host an event like that considering the state of the room. I guess we'll see if they can get it together in time.

by Vincepcion k

Seems too soon to host an event like that considering the state of the room. I guess we'll see if they can get it together in time.

Yeah i dont think i’ve heard one good thing about woodbine and now they wanna host a 2k 2m gtd event? Good luck lol

When I visited Toronto year ago, the lack of live poker sucked. You had to take the drive to Niagara or play the digital tables at Woodbine. I'm glad they finally got the real deal, but players are either idiots or insane to pay that rake.

by refinedsugar k

When I visited Toronto year ago, the lack of live poker sucked. You had to take the drive to Niagara or play the digital tables at Woodbine. I'm glad they finally got the real deal, but players are either idiots or insane to pay that rake.

You're glad and you consider it the real deal yet you're calling anyone who plays there idiots?
Which is it? You're glad and it's the real deal or the place is crap and anyone who plays there are idiots?
If it truly was the real deal then why are you complaining? And why are you so glad?

Did you lose a BI or two there last night? Calm down. I'm glad Toronto finally got real poker. Something is better than nothing, but the rake is insane and people shouldn't be paying it.

by refinedsugar k

Did you lose a BI or two there last night? Calm down. I'm glad Toronto finally got real poker. Something is better than nothing, but the rake is insane and people shouldn't be paying it.

I've never played there because I don't consider it the real deal. I consider it the only option in town so I'll play there one day when I'm desperate. If it was the real deal I would have played there already.

Ok gotcha real deal.

by refinedsugar k

Did you lose a BI or two there last night? Calm down. I'm glad Toronto finally got real poker. Something is better than nothing, but the rake is insane and people shouldn't be paying it.

He's not wrong. How is something the ''real deal'' but also you're an idiot if you play there. Also regardless of what you said, it's faaaaaaaaar from the ''real deal''.

Make it make sense.

I read "real deal" as real cards/chips/dealers, and not the electronic tables.

The room obviously sucks and no one would call it the real deal from a quality perspective.

Also looks like PokerAtlas should be in place by end of this week. No more Excel lists.

by Vincepcion k

I read "real deal" as real cards/chips/dealers, and not the electronic tables.

Thanks for getting it. I don't know what was so hard to understand. Explains why people pay that rake / defend the game though.

by refinedsugar k

Thanks for getting it. I don't know what was so hard to understand. Explains why people pay that rake / defend the game though.

Ever heard of a Dictionary

Definitions from Oxford Languages
the real deal
a person or thing considered to be a genuine or supremely good example of their kind.

Anyone who considers Woodbine poker room a supremely good example of their kind would be an idiot.

I am surprised nobody mentioned they finally integrated with Poker Atlas. You can now use the app to put yourself on the waitlist (1 hour time limit).

I am excited that after the WSOP event, there will be 50-60 tables and I expect wait times will drop significantly.

The rake is high but Toronto is like an unlimited source of money.

by thenewoldpro k

I am surprised nobody mentioned they finally integrated with Poker Atlas. You can now use the app to put yourself on the waitlist (1 hour time limit).

I am excited that after the WSOP event, there will be 50-60 tables and I expect wait times will drop significantly.

The rake is high but Toronto is like an unlimited source of money.

You know for certain there'll be 50 to 60 tables? How? You know the management?
That'll mean they'll need to hire and train more dealers.
Certainly huge demand for poker in Toronto.
That's music to the ears of whoever is running the poker room.

nice to see newoldpro still blowing the worst casino in Canada

5 years from now the rake will be uncapped and he'll still be in here telling us "but the games are so soft bro"

by AAJTo k

nice to see newoldpro still blowing the worst casino in Canada

5 years from now the rake will be uncapped and he'll still be in here telling us "but the games are so soft bro"

Lol why hate on the dude, the pokeratlas thing was news to me, at least they’re slowly improving.

I doubt the 50-60 tables part though. They currently only have 16 tables running and huge lists, shouldn’t they already have 30 tables available?

by Joe-exotic69 k

Lol why hate on the dude, the pokeratlas thing was news to me, at least they’re slowly improving.

Someone had already said it a day before which everyone seems to have missed.

It's shocking how much demand there is for live poker in this city and these idiots can't string together more than a few tables to accomodate demand..

Fact - they had almost 30 tables going for their cash games, I’ve seen. As many as 13 of 1-3 tables and another 10-12 for 2-5 as well as a handful of 5-10 tables and some limit Omaha.

There were about 20-30 brand new GGPOKER tables added for their Wsop tournament (1000 buy in yesterday).
They had to purchase and redesign the room to accommodate the tourney so Incant imagine them not expanding the number of tables permanently.

Currently there is basically no wait time on weekday nights. Weekend nights, it will be 1-2 hours of waiting but that trend is definitely improving. If you call ahead and get there early, there should be little to no wait.

As for the *******, I’m not “sucking on anyone’s dick”. Of course anyone would prefer cheaper rake but there is no other option. Niagara is much more expensive overall when factoring in travel expenses.

As said, there is simply no other population base as Toronto. There is simply more money in this city than anywhere else in Canada and it was untapped for years. 50 percent of the players will be Asians and generally play loose.

Are those Omaha tables high only or split? It says O8 on Poker Atlas but I thought the plan all along was to stick with High only, consistent with the local favourite as observed by the 5-6 tables of 20-40 at CNE every summer.

by thenewoldpro k

If you call ahead and get there early, there should be little to no wait.

They take call ins now?

by daxile k

It's shocking how much demand there is for live poker in this city and these idiots can't string together more than a few tables to accomodate demand..

Poker tables at Woodbine is like our housing market.
