Aggressive with combo draw IP - Line Check
1/2 Saturday afternoon - would like a line check on the following hand.
H is slightly below even with a starting stack of about 270
V in this hand is a total unknown - mid 40, asian guy, seems like a rec, and just doubled up after scooping a double board bomb pot where he overvalued TPGK on both boards, and won against someone who had TPWK on both boards.... this is a dream lineup imo, no real aggrssion, mostly play fit-fold, or passive.
H is on the Button and after 4 or 5 limps, raises to 20 with 98ss, two callers including V who is in MP, between myself and another limper who called.
Flop (60ish)
x, V bets 15, H calls, fold
Turn (90ish)
V bets 20, H raises to 60, V calls
River (210ish)
V x, H jams...thoughts?
9 Replies
I might have just limped in pre -- this is a good hand to see multi-way in position. I only raise if I think it's going to go heads up and I can outplay them.
As played, I raise the flop. You hit pretty well, and you want to stay as the aggressor.
Turn raise is meh. At this point, it's not very believable.
No choice but to jam the river and hope he believes you now or is not very strong, but I doubt he's folding a strong K.
Preflop is fine. I don't normally like limping, but it has its moments.
Raise flop and see what villain does OTT. Depending on V tendencies, it determines if I raise a turn bet or just flat. I'm betting if checked to OTT.
Preflop is fine but I would mix in a few flat calls too, just to keep my range wide against this lineup.
Flop is almost a mandatory raise. We have all the TPTK here and more NFDs.
AP Turn: front door straight draw has hit. V has shown ability to get sticky with/overvalue TPGK. So I really hate the raise here. We get direct odds to make our hand. Just call and bink or bluff all river Aces.
AP river: we rep so thin and offer V over 2-1 to call. If he didn't fold the bomb pot he isn't folding TPWK here either at this price. I think TPWK is the worst hand with which he gets to the river.
Pfr is more of a 2005-06 play imo nowadays trying that in micro stakes seems to light $ on fire imo
Preflop is fine but I would mix in a few flat calls too, just to keep my range wide against this lineup.
Flop is almost a mandatory raise. We have all the TPTK here and more NFDs.
AP Turn: front door straight draw has hit. V has shown ability to get sticky with/overvalue TPGK. So I really hate the raise here. We get direct odds to make our hand. Just call and bink or bluff all river Aces.
AP river: we rep so thin and offer V over 2-1 to call. If he didn't fold the bomb pot he isn't folding TPWK her
We don't think V had spade draws in range even after the turn raise? I'm just trying to figure out V's limp/call pf, 1/4 pot flop donk, 1/4 pot turn bet, and a blocking bet sounds like this kind of V. Or a 7 "trying to figure it out" (because this V would bet a K 1/2 pot or larger). I think they fold a bare 7 to the raise though.
Unfortunately most of their likely spade draws still beat H at showdown, but they would fold them to a river bet >1/2 pot, IMO. Agreed this V isn't folding K meh kicker, but I don't think this V would donk a K that small unless they knew they were going to bet/call on the flop and were trying to keep that call small.
I think we lose 100% at showdown if we c/back right? So if we do nothing, we lose 95. Can we create a reasonable V range & response tree where some sort of bet (105 to a 175 shove) does better than that on average?
Pre. is meh ... can be okay to do sometimes but making a habit of it will burn money at most 1-2 games. You can just limp.
Flop I'd heavily lean call, you want flush draws in your calling range as well as raising range ... nothing special about this combo. and raising all FD combos will make your range very FD heavy. I wouldn't even be raising all NFD. Also in general you raise with a big FD and not 5th best ones, so when people call with their FD you are in front.
Great turn, for your hand, but because of the preflop raise I wouldn't raise here ... If you have all 5 combos. of 76s/77 then this combo. might be worth it but it's probably better using As7s instead and just call this for the equity (and limit the downside if V has a better FD).
Would just check back and lose on the river, esp. vs. described V. Shoving air can be fun when it works though.
What's villain's starting stack? If he just stuck in $300 with top pair on both boards of a bomb pot, I don't think I'm ever trying to semi-bluff this guy.
We don't think V had spade draws in range even after the turn raise? I'm just trying to figure out V's limp/call pf, 1/4 pot flop donk, 1/4 pot turn bet, and a blocking bet sounds like this kind of V. Or a 7 "trying to figure it out" (because this V would bet a K 1/2 pot or larger). I think they fold a bare 7 to the raise though.
Unfortunately most of their likely spade draws still beat H at showdown, but they would fold them to a river bet >1/2 pot, IMO. Agreed this V isn't folding K meh kic
Having thought about it more, I think I'm wrong about raising the flop here in general, and in particular against this V.
Regarding river: agree that probably he is inelastic to a bet. I think we can construct some EV+ probability tree that folds all his missed FDs with a smaller bet. Jamming may make no sense here, despite his stickiness. When we have it we want him to call and we should probably size down as an exploit against him.
Overall, I think V's turn call is just very strong and I think H's turn raise is the big mistake in the hand.
Bet 50 river trying to fold out better missed fd. Maybe even less.