Pete Clarke is out to destroy low stakes.
The world's best poker theoretician, Pete Clarke, has undertaken a public challenge to play 400k NL100 R&C hands on GGpoker. Will we eventually see someone achieving a winrate above 25bb/100 over a large sample?
I can't believe the world's best poker theoretic Mr. Clarke is releasing the 100NL pool from his deadly grasp.
He is clear that it's because he has chickens and dogs though. He has adult responsibilities. Definitely not because he wasn't winning. Mr. Clarke has shown mercy to the brokies and decides to let them live on for now.
It doesn't matter if he has results, because people in his discord tell him all the time he has the best material. Therefore, it is so.
Case closed and Don't you guys dare ever doubt Pete the great again.
Also I'm case you missed it, he's offered a subscription service upcoming later this year. This is the #1 subscription service in the industry, according to Mr. Clarke.
Didn’t us doubters predict this: that he would back out of the challenge and give 100 different excuses for it. Just like he did when was asked about his results at 200z
And the way to do a challenge should be to say “I’ll play X hands over X timeframe, then show the graph”. Not decide when/whether you want to show it at a point it looks best and decide there’s not enough sample to show if you’re losing. This is how all medical and scientific studies are conducted
He likes perfectly balanced life and doesn't want to get out of his comfort zone by extending working hours or playing poker but as he claims his teaching was so successful that his previous students already became professional poker players who are teaching at his business now with paid subscriptions and they have huge graphs to show their success
Did i miss anything?
I can't believe the world's best poker theoretic Mr. Clarke is releasing the 100NL pool from his deadly grasp.
He is clear that it's because he has chickens and dogs though. He has adult responsibilities. Definitely not because he wasn't winning. Mr. Clarke has shown mercy to the brokies and decides to let them live on for now.
It doesn't matter if he has results, because people in his discord tell him all the time he has the best material. Therefore, it is so.
Case closed and Don't you guys dare
Unreal that he wrote that up and thought it would be a good look. Hey my course is amazing and many say the best. Wow what a course they say! I wont even put in the time to play the game i claim to be an elite teacher within though, as if other players/coaches/owners of products dont also have a life that includes a few totally normal things that are definately possible to do whilst also playing a few hands of the game im a self proclaimed top tier instructor within.
Also "this is not a brag" but i make more from coaching than playing, who would have thought selling ludacris priced products to people who dont know better pays more than struggling at low stakes zoom. Had he not been so busy im sure hed be playing nosebleeds. Essentialy the reason he doesnt have any proof of results nor will he get any because it means hed have to work a little bit more than he wants to, in order to prove what is essentialy the biggest and most reasonable criticism he gets, if he was sure hed be able to bang out elite winrates that would be very good for his business surely, strange that he wouldnt think that might be wort some effort. Strange huh
Also pretty interesting he doesnt see any issues with charging what he does given his #1 selling point is he is good at teaching, according to him. He also mentions that teaching is very important as if most good/great poker coaches arent good teachers AND players...
Getting real trump vibes in the "people say", "i notice many want to come here because the quality of teaching yada yada" just a bunch of vague ridic statements, and yeah, the people who will post their results of before and after will typically not represent the average customer for obvious reasons. People may say its the best course ever, but people have alot of legitimate criticism aswell, but those "haters" are not relevant at all.
And how is it a selling point that people he has coached are going to coach on his site? Or the fact that the coaches play poker full time? That seems like a bare minimum to be hired as an instructor, esp for such an insanely high price product.
Also Einstein, criticizing your product = hater? Maybe if alot of people criticize your thing there might be something else to it other than everyone hates you, Not a great look as a coach to basically dismiss any critique as people being haters.
Yes, its a free market, you can charge whatever you like, and when you charge a price that is insanely high given your experience and level within this game you very justifiably get criticism for doing so, especially since from what i can tell your YT is mostly targeting people who are pretty new-ish to the game, i.e people who might not really understand that despite you being a self proclaimed teaching-guru, it is a ridic price point and you have very little credentials of actually doing well in poker.
The best people to teach you are teachers? Great insight, it is fwiw possible to both teach AND play this game. Thats the case with just about any good to great coach ive ever come across in poker. A saying that seems a bit more fitting here: those who cant do, teach.
Would love to hear what he thinks justifies chargin 250 ****ing pounds for a lesson with him. And any sort of explanation to how he has the nerve to call himself "one of the strongest poker theoreticians in the world". That is just a straight up lie.
idk guys, i read all that and it felt extremely reasonable to me
he didn't do himself any favors by not addressing it was wrong for him to mention a challenge without first clearly stating how long and drawn out it would be - but aside from that it's all quite rational and reasonable and feels like a solid explanation
the amount of salt dropped by 25NL net depositer mis-regs in this thread lmaooo
Agree and he seems more honest and forthright actually than other coaches. Whatever criticism you make of him he’s not pretending to be something he’s not. His business employs winning poker players as coaches so I’m not sure why he has to be the “thought expert”, hes graduated to CEO/management status and good for him.
I speculate he gets hate because of his funny mannerisms/speech/cutesiness of “carrot corner”. It’s a bit whimsical the brand (where aspiring poker players are little rabbits that log onto carrot corner to eat their carrots so they can grow into big bad poker players lol).
It’s just an easy target to pick on.
idk guys, i read all that and it felt extremely reasonable to me
he didn't do himself any favors by not addressing it was wrong for him to mention a challenge without first clearly stating how long and drawn out it would be - but aside from that it's all quite rational and reasonable and feels like a solid explanation
In a nutshell. Assuming his reasons are valid (I have no reason to believe they aren't), then the biggest mistake was taking on a 400k hand challenge when you know you won't have the time to commit.
I still want to know if anyone has had personal coaching or paid for any of his courses that wasn't happy with the product/service or had negative results in their game afterwards.
In a nutshell. Assuming his reasons are valid (I have no reason to believe they aren't), then the biggest mistake was taking on a 400k hand challenge when you know you won't have the time to commit.
I still want to know if anyone has had personal coaching or paid for any of his courses that wasn't happy with the product/service or had negative results in their game afterwards.
Arent most of his students (based on his videos and testimonials) nl10-nl100 players? Paying £250/lesson and a small fortune for his videos. Of course they will benefit from it, doesnt mean he is portraying himself honestly or not being atleast morally questionable in what he charges and claims.
If i charge 500$/h and coach players at 1/10th my abi, do you think i get many complaints about not being helpful? No, but its still a ****ing unreasonable price. I dont think anyone is suggesting his stuff is so bad that people pay these prices and have to drop from nl50 to nl25.
Tbh a lot of people aren't educated enough or conditioned to understand any of this, or they're just bottom of the barrel people who will never make it anywhere in life. They're the same kinds of people who think they're underpaid or want a $15 or $20+ minimum wage, which would make their services overpriced from their employer's perspective.
It's hard to understand unless you own and operate your own business.
He wrote the following in his latest youtube video I think is valid response.
The main criticism I face in the poker world is not about my ability to teach poker; I can honestly say that I am not aware of a single instance where criticism has been about the quality of our courses, and it is rarely about my understanding of the game. The only thing I commonly see that constitutes negative feedback regarding Carrot Corner is the fact that I have not been playing much poker at all for years now and
Arent most of his students (based on his videos and testimonials) nl10-nl100 players? Paying £250/lesson and a small fortune for his videos. Of course they will benefit from it, doesnt mean he is portraying himself honestly or not being atleast morally questionable in what he charges and claims.
If i charge 500$/h and coach players at 1/10th my abi, do you think i get many complaints about not being helpful? No, but its still a ****ing unreasonable price. I dont think anyone is suggesting his s
You can't argue his prices are too high if the material is benefitting the student.
You just don't pay.
Pretty simple.
You can't argue his prices are too high if the material is benefitting the student.
You just don't pay.
Pretty simple.
Well, first of all, yes. Wtf?
Im arguing he is misrepresenting/clearly misleading his audience (example: guy says he is a top poker theoretician in the world on his webiste), meaning a bunch of guys who are new in to poker are lead to believe they are purchasing the best stuff there is out there, meanwhile they are buying videos from someone whos credentials are not even in line with someone half decent at poker.
If you think maximizing profits at any cost is the way to go, then you do what he does. Sprinkle in some misleading/direct lies and its pretty ****ing morally questionable in my opinion.
If an operation to save someones lifes i a billion dollars due to ****ed up reasons, but it saves someones life, i would argue the price is too high even though clearly it benefits the patient. (No, im not saying this is the same thing, but obviously something can be far too expensive without being a absolute -ev product for the consumer, the consumer may still benefit even though they are being mislead in to overpaying for something that isnt as good as claimed.
Another example, health insurance in the us costs a fortune and a half, far too expensive yet people obviously benefit from being insured. Why on earth would people benefitting mean the pricing is reasonable?
Well, first of all, yes. Wtf?
Im arguing he is misrepresenting/clearly misleading his audience (example: guy says he is a top poker theoretician in the world on his webiste), meaning a bunch of guys who are new in to poker are lead to believe they are purchasing the best stuff there is out there, meanwhile they are buying videos from someone whos credentials are not even in line with someone half decent at poker.
Can you point out where it says he is a top poker theoretician in the world on his website?
All I could find is
Take your game to the next level with The Carrot Poker School – a university style course on cash games from esteemed poker theoretician Pete Clarke.
Esteemed doesn't mean top.
Can you point out where it says he is a top poker theoretician in the world on his website?
All I could find is
Esteemed doesn't mean top.
I know, hence i never said the word esteemed.
Anyone should charge whatever they want and it should be up to the player whether he will take the coaching or not. Big red flag is testimorials coming from a bunch of nl50 or live regs
I just think it reflects very poorly on him to launch this challenge, then a few months later, upon realizing it is a big commitment, back out of it under the guise of "I run a successful business and have a life, I don't have time for this and will do it later".
His lack of a recent sample has always been the BIGGEST knock on him. I think it is the single reason he is maybe the most controversial poker coach on the market. Thus, evidently him launching this challenge was a way to try and "shut up the haters" so to speak. By backing out of it, he is just letting the haters win. It just reflects so poorly.
I don't see how anyone doesn't think it looks ridiculous: "Haters say I can do X, so I am going to prove them wrong and do X. Actually, doing X is really time consuming, so I am not going to do it. But I totally can, and I'm not stopping because I can't."
It just looks ridiculous. And then to say "well I can't release the graph because it's too small a sample" Idc if its a 500 hand sample, refusing to do so makes it look much worse.
Winning player or not, he looks like a massive clown for this imo.
i believe the word is charlatan
I know, hence i never said the word esteemed.
That's just puffery. Like this:

Gillette razors are objectively garbage.
IMO, Pete has a big library of content that he has put out, lots of it free, where people can judge for themselves if the coaching is worth it for them. The RIO course he put out, From The Ground Up, was an amazing value at $50 and I recommend it to new players to the game. His poker school is good, but is probably overpriced for the target audience.
With that said, I have seen some **** courses for the same price put out by crushers on other training sites. I would venture to say that most courses that are in the 1k+ price range aren't going to be worth it for Pete's target audience.
That's just puffery. Like this:
Gillette razors are objectively garbage.
IMO, Pete has a big library of content that he has put out, lots of it free, where people can judge for themselves if the coaching is worth it for them. The RIO course he put out, From The Ground Up, was an amazing value at $50 and I recommend it to new players to the game. His poker school is good, but is probably overpriced for the target audience.
With that said, I have seen some **** courses for the same price put out by c
Agree mostly, im sure his 50$ course was great value. Difference? it was 50 bucks. And dont see the comparison at all between the gilette thing and him genuinely advertising himself as that (mainly to people who wouldnt know if its true or not). Most people understand that "gillette - the best a man can get" is just a catch phrase, he really doesnt present it in that way at all. And dont see how other courses being **** in any way changes anything about his.
That's just puffery. Like this:
Gillette razors are objectively garbage.
IMO, Pete has a big library of content that he has put out, lots of it free, where people can judge for themselves if the coaching is worth it for them. The RIO course he put out, From The Ground Up, was an amazing value at $50 and I recommend it to new players to the game. His poker school is good, but is probably overpriced for the target audience.
With that said, I have seen some **** courses for the same price put out by c
Serious question. What should you get instead of Gillette?
buy a safety razor
it's takes a few shaves to get used to holding it at a slightly different angle and not having the bumpers on the modern razors
but it's super safe (hence the name and you're not going to cut yourself anymore than you would otherwise) is a far superior shave and replacement blades are not patented but in the public domain so cost just pennies each instead of $14.99 for a 4 pack
i shave closer in one stroke than with a modern one and never get razor burn and outside of a few painless nicks that drew a little blood but couldn't otherwise be felt nor seen on first few efforts

the entire reason why gillette makes those different razors are copyright laws, the safety razor and its blades are all in the public domain and thus anyone can make them so the big shaving companies began tweaking the design just ever so slightly so they could get a patent and then from there market the hell out of it as if it were a new innovation that deeply improved the shave (this is why you see the mach 3, then the vibrating mach 3, then the fusion 5, and now gillette labs, none of them shave any better than each other nor even the original safety razor, they just ran out of patent time and thus needed to drive up demand for a new and innovative product that couldn't be copied (you may have noticed there's now generic mach3 razors out there)
gillette is a marketing company that sells trash products - they never started innovating until their patent on the safety razor ran out and they've never since improved upon that original design
100% guarantee it's a better shave and a far more pleasurable experience with the safety razor
i only discovered this because when i was in egypt where they aren't all cucked by gillette and needed a razor that's all they had so i had to revert to the old style and couldn't believe how much better and cheaper it was
you can buy replacement blades for pennies and get multiple shaves out of them but they are so cheap you can also just toss em and use a new one each time if that is your preference
do it
I rarely use anything but my trimmer anymore, but anytime I need a close shave, a safety razor is the ****.
I don't get why does he have so many salty haters? Wtf is even wrong with you? He is pricing his products at about the price the rest of the market does. If you think it's too high what is stopping you from buying his courses from a reseller at a 95% discount? Imagine having this guy living in your skulls rent free.
I don't get why does he have so many salty haters? Wtf is even wrong with you? He is pricing his products at about the price the rest of the market does. If you think it's too high what is stopping you from buying his courses from a reseller at a 95% discount? Imagine having this guy living in your skulls rent free.
Hi Pete.