Covid-19 Discussion

Covid-19 Discussion

Has the wisdom and courage to realize that the cure has now become worse than the disease. It's time to open up. Stop moving the ball.

Hospital systems have not been overwhelmed.

Ventilators are not in shortage.

Treatments are being developed.

There is no cure or vaccine. This is not going away for four years.

The devastation of the cure:

Suicide rates picking up.
Massive economic devastation which causes depression, anxiety, obesity, again increase in suicide rates and directly impacts poorer economic areas.
Alcohol sales up 51%.
Domestic Abuse on the uprise
Child abuse on the uprise.
Hospitals that do not have COVID related issues are forced to lay off doctors and nurses as there are not enough patients to economically support it, meaning they won't have the staff to deal with COVID outbreaks.
Michael Avenatti gets released from prison

We all did our part. We sheltered (here in Pennsylvania for 5 weeks already).

Open the office buildings. Open the hair saloons. Get rid of stupid mask laws.

Continue to monitor outbreaks and in areas hospital systems become threatened, reenact tougher guidelines.


And stop shaming people that want common sense solutions. Waiting for a vaccine is stupid and unpractical.

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24 April 2020 at 10:51 PM

1474 Replies


an abundance of caution in the face of a new threat is usually correct, and was so in 2020

by BOIDS k

2020 lockdowns were likely a mistake in hindsight, but completely fine/good given the info we had

subsequent lockdowns were simply harmful

The fact that they were being pimped so hard by the ruling class was sufficient information to know that they weren't there for the benefit of society-at-large.

sounds like you have succumbed to conspiratorial thinking again

by BOIDS k

an abundance of caution in the face of a new threat is usually correct, and was so in 2020

absolutely not, given the threat wasn't new at all, we faced a long list if far more dangerous pathogens in the last 2k years. nothing new at all about an airborne respiratory disease.

and if anything, abundance of caution would suggest Yoh don't do anything you don't know with absolute certainty what will achieve. the last time in life you do something unprecedented is when panicking, obviously.

you didn't clearly state before you would lockdown if a respiratory disease arrives? you simply dont.

you don't do that unless you are absolutely certain it is absolutely indispensable for society survival to do so.

and you absolutely never without exception touch children unless it's for their direct benefit. never.

by BOIDS k

sounds like you have succumbed to conspiratorial thinking again

Right because the rich didn't get a crap ton richer during covid.

by Luckbox Inc k

Right because the rich didn't get a crap ton richer during covid.

not during lockdowns no, a lot later.

lockdowns were an euthanasia for asset owners

the rich get richer during everything

this is old and you can add another 15000 points, but you get the idea

by BOIDS k

an abundance of caution in the face of a new threat is usually correct, and was so in 2020

We knew what sort of a threat covid was after the Diamond Princess in february 2020. i.e. Not much worse than the the annual flu.

by BOIDS k

the rich get richer during everything

at least try to be honest.

by Brian James k

We knew what sort of a threat covid was after the Diamond Princess in february 2020. i.e. Not much worse than the the annual flu.

a lot worse than the normal flu for elders, irrelevant for anyone else yes (for whites and Asians at least).

And far LESS relevant than the flu for kids, more akin to a cold already for them since the beginning.

it was adamantly clear already in March 2020 to any rational observer.

by BOIDS k

the rich get richer during everything

not necessarily no, but anyway it didn't happen with European lockdowns.

by Luciom k

not during lockdowns no, a lot later.

lockdowns were an euthanasia for asset owners

It couldn't have been too much later. We're only a couple years removed from it as is.

by Luckbox Inc k

at least try to be honest.

these are the 50 biggest European stocks.

lockdowns were in 2020 and in some.cases early 2021.

the rich got euthanized by them

Bezos did pretty well out of lockdowns.

by Luckbox Inc k

It couldn't have been too much later. We're only a couple years removed from it as is.

America didn't have the lockdowns I am talking about to begin with so you might be out of the loop of this conversation.

I am talking armed militaries with charged weapons stopping mothers with strollers in the street because gorgonian-like people thought that was science.

I am saying that was our generation holocaust and everyone responsible should get a Nuremberg like trial.

by Brian James k

Bezos did pretty well out of lockdowns.

bezos did well because a ton of people stayed at home voluntarily in the USA, military enforced lockdowns are another thing

by Luciom k

it was adamantly clear already in March 2020 to any rational observer.

Please stop this line of thinking as it is incorrect. You don't seem to have the ability to research exactly where the world stood in March of 2020.

What is your background that makes you so confident that your opinion is better than virologists, immunologist etc ??

by King Spew k

Please stop this line of thinking as it is incorrect. You don't seem to have the ability to research exactly where the world stood in March of 2020.

What is your background that makes you so confident that your opinion is better than virologists, immunologist etc ??

*again*, the opinion of epidemiologists and experts in the field was AGAINST LOCKDOWNS in Italy, UK, germany, in March 2020.

did you get that part?

what is your background to claim what the scientifical consensus was in March 2020? NBC news?

Remember the great barrington declaration?

These were thousands of virologists and immunologists that told you that.

You just wouldnt Listen to them because they were on the wrong side of the corruption/funding.

They were covidiots like anyone Else who disagreed with you.

Covid nazies were reigening.
It was a total farce. One in a lifetime idiocracy. The status quo in Action and all of you clapping like brainwashed seals. They called it mass psychosis and thats exactly what it was. And you supported it.

by washoe k

Remember the great barrington declaration?

These were thousands of virologists and immunologists that told you that.

You just wouldnt Listen to them because they were on the wrong side of the corruption/funding.

They were covidiots like anyone Else who disagreed with you.

Covid nazies were reigening.
It was a total farce. One in a lifetime idiocracy. The status quo in Action and all of you clapping like brainwashed seals.

GBD doesn't count because it's tens of thousands of experts who disagreed with leftist yes.

even if some of them where professors in ivy league universities, that ceases to matter when you disagree with the International left

Covid nazies...

Called everyone who even slightly diaagreed with them far right covidiots.
They were all publically rididuled as insane AND silenced. Entire Families and carreers were ended for this reason. You should all be ashamed.

Hindsight is 20 20

And yes it was the dems and nobody Else who is responsible. They politized it like nobody Else.


The ones that were left on These Demos got butchered afterwards. Some turned right after.

by King Spew k

Please stop this line of thinking as it is incorrect. You don't seem to have the ability to research exactly where the world stood in March of 2020.

What is your background that makes you so confident that your opinion is better than virologists, immunologist etc ??

Luciom is an expert scientist !
Amazing that with covid it just take a tiny amount of data’s to determine how dangerous a virus can be while a vaccine with billions of doses still isn’t enough sample size to determine if it’s dangerous or not !

Ho yes and when you have the tiny data’s it just take like 48 hours to know everything about it …..

5 February
WHO Situation Report 16:[34]
China, in Wuhan now reported 10,117 cases in total, exceeding 10,000.[35] Tianjin, reported its first death. Chinese experts said that nucleic acid testing was only able to identify 30%–50% positive cases

Only 10k infection in Wuhan and by that time we knew everything!!

For adding some context on where the world was in February as a whole …

First cases in Europe :
Belgium -> 4th February
Austria, Croatia, Switzerland -> 25th February
Greece, Norway-> 26th February
Denmark -> 27th February
Iceland -> 28th February
Ireland, Luxembourg -> 29th February.

We all knew everything about Covid by March all right .

FWIW lockdown seem perfectly fine at that time , simple and effective way to lower danger for at least the first couples days anyhow …..

Some people like Luciom think it was holocaust those lockdown and others are just glad the cOvid mutation got less deadly instead of more deadly .

Great scientist like Luciom don’t appreciate the power of increase infection -> increases mutation risk .

Ps: 22th February is pretty much near to March right ?

Italy confirmed 59 more cases spread across three different administrative regions, bringing the total number to 79, making Italy the European country with the biggest number of cases of coronavirus infections.[230] The second death was also confirmed, an Italian woman from Lombardy.[231]

by washoe k

Remember the great barrington declaration?

Yes, it was like 7 qualified people and thousands of completely unqualified people. Of course you'd love it.

by washoe k

Covid nazies...

Called everyone who even slightly diaagreed with them far right covidiots.
They were all publically rididuled as insane AND silenced. Entire Families and carreers were ended for this reason. You should all be ashamed.

Hindsight is 20 20

Those people were wrong then, just like you are now.

Hindsight is only 20 20 if you have any idea what you're looking at.

You don't.

I remember the Diamond Princess. That told you pretty much all you needed to know.

Then the experts took over and it went downhill rapidly from there.
