Omaha Journey to High Stakes
I had previously created a pb&c thread, but since I achieved most of my short and mid term goals I figured a new one
Long time HS ignition plo reg, withdrew everything about a month ago after discussing with several players. Blatant collusion and who knows what else, def stay away from there. Playnow is great despite the low traffic, used to play there a lot, back now since leaving ignition
Won around 12BI back playing a couple reg HU / SH, feels good to crush ppl. Agree yeah stay away from ignition, tempting to always be able to add 4 tables but it's such a dumb justification to potentially (probably) get cheated. Playnow is amazing yeah can be a little slow or nitty sometimes tho. And no rakeback means I need prolly ~4bb extra (extra fish on table) to make it worth. Two of the 3 guys who sit 25/50 seem worth playing I played them a tiny bit at 5/T. Which is awesome that the site has 25/50 HU and it seems beatable.
Won around 12BI back playing a couple reg HU / SH, feels good to crush ppl. Agree yeah stay away from ignition, tempting to always be able to add 4 tables but it's such a dumb justification to potentially (probably) get cheated. Playnow is amazing yeah can be a little slow or nitty sometimes tho. And no rakeback means I need prolly ~4bb extra (extra fish on table) to make it worth. Two of the 3 guys who sit 25/50 seem worth playing I played them a tiny bit at 5/T. Which is awesome that the site
Which province of play now you playing at? Or is it all the same? I know BC has one. Is it actually active? Thanks
Also where you from?
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Which province of play now you playing at? Or is it all the same? I know BC has one. Is it actually active? Thanks
Also where you from?
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It gets traffic for PLO at 1/2 mostly. Occasionally 2/4 and 3/6. No idea for NL but I think decent traffic at 1/2. It’s all the same player pool.
Frustrating run at 200s down 20bi last couple days - just losing every all in can't really do anything about it. Really sucks because 500s is infinitely easier to crush than 200s... Can't wait to be back. But need about another 10k to make it my main stake. Pretty sure people playing 500s-2ks have it the easiest on Global. Based on seeing how virtually all of them play.
Just need to not piss away my money on MTTs and sketchy sites where I'm getting colluded next time I'm at 500s...

Just losing these pots too often to be able to make any money, and down about 3k on Playnow in the last couple days.
Just gonna reduce tables and game select harder - have been raking $300-$600 every day at 200s for the last little bit. It’s extremely concerning for winrate. Study still going really well I feel like I’m gradually becoming the best player I can become. Just a frustrating pattern in my career the times I’m studying I start to downswing hard, and the times I’m not studying I’m just crushing easily.
up 15bi today in first session, really good to break that negative momentum and get back to crushing ppl. Still running REALLY badly in big pots, should be winning a lot more than I am atm.
Completely exhausted after studying today, not even going to play a second session :(
Something about studying drains me way faster than playing. I often just want to sleep after studying lol.
Unbelievably frustrated right now I am 100% sure that I'm currently running the worst out of every single global reg playing 200s+ and it's not close. I just can't win any allins. 100vpip shot take donates 600bb to ****ing nits, and I get stacked by 4 outers. It's just so absurd it's unreal. Getting scooped AA vs AA constantly, losing EVERY 500bb+ pot in the last week or so, and somehow not buried. Feel like my winrate must be much higher now because this run would have made me busto by now in the past. This game is just so ****ing ******ed I can't run like a normal human being instead I'm stuck at low stakes because I just can't run well enough to win in any of my shot takes. Not like I'm not obliterating 1/2, or 2.5/5 if my tracked results or global results speak for anything. Just lose 5k every time I play 2.5/5 or 2/4 off stake. Down 25BI on Playnow, have NEVER lost that much on there before. IDK if there is collusion or what but the games look insanely soft but I just don't win all-ins.
If it wasn't for cheaters and bad luck, you would be crushing PLO10K.
meh.. i remember i lost almost 40K once i decided to only play Global Poker PLO 500 and up.
same deal.. losing 4 out of 5 coin flips for weeks, coolers, AA vs AA ai pf, AA vs bad KK ai pf.. etc etc
like you.. played the best poker ever. shoulda lost way more but i was crushing.
still.. lost thousands a week for weeks and weeks. took 4 months of beating?
than won it all back plus interest in 2 weeks.
won 3/4 of coin flips. hit 1 outters.. etc. coolers. crush crush crush.
that's just how the game goes.
you will spend more time running bad than running good.
if you play 6max plo you will only have your share 1/6th of the time.
meh.. i remember i lost almost 40K once i decided to only play Global Poker PLO 500 and up.
same deal.. losing 4 out of 5 coin flips for weeks, coolers, AA vs AA ai pf, AA vs bad KK ai pf.. etc etc
like you.. played the best poker ever. shoulda lost way more but i was crushing.
still.. lost thousands a week for weeks and weeks. took 4 months of beating?
than won it all back plus interest in 2 weeks.
won 3/4 of coin flips. hit 1 outters.. etc. coolers. crush crush crush.
that's just how the game goes.
Yeah I just need to zoom out and not focus on the bad stuff.
Good stuff is - still rolled for 200s, have a high hourly / winrate, am studying a lot, putting in good volume (will be posting 300k milestone on global soon), gf and I going strong, almost graduated from school like 3 more semester I guess.
Tilting is part of the bad stuff, but better to vent in blog than jump stakes and cripple myself. Feel like I have to take the frustration out somewhere.
Other bad stuff obvs running bad but when it’s put into comparison I can handle it.
most players will never crush plo200.
enjoy your position and enjoy the process.
for me.. being able to sit still and breathe and know that i earned this free space and time through poker.. is the true payment.
didn't have to get up and go work or beg. have all my needs met.
enjoy your moments.
time and attention are WAY more valuable than money.
enjoy them first and foremost and the money will follow your success at winning the tiny moments of life.
the more your enjoy the fruits of your poker labors.. the easier it is to handle the variance.
because poker is so frustrating most of the time, even when winning, it is extra important to treat yourself along the way.
sorry if i am annoying with all my replies.. only love!
most players will never crush plo200.
enjoy your position and enjoy the process.
for me.. being able to sit still and breathe and know that i earned this free space and time through poker.. is the true payment.
didn't have to get up and go work or beg. have all my needs met.
enjoy your moments.
time and attention are WAY more valuable than money.
enjoy them first and foremost and the money will follow your success at winning the tiny moments of life.
the more your enjoy the fruits of your poker labors.
Yeah good points, thanks. Anniversary coming up will go somewhere nice for there. Definitely lucky.
I think your fears of cheating are overblown and counter productive for your goals and mental health.
I think your fears of cheating are overblown and counter productive for your goals and mental health.
Funny you should mention this. 80% sure I am getting cheated at PLO 200s and 400s ring on playnow. Only plying HU tables now. Getting back raised, losing infinite vs same guys I hve crushed for years, some new accounts sun running. I think I have good intuition on recognizing when something isn’t fair. As soon as I leave the ring tables I lose all my HU action, which is highly suspicious IMO. Have been crushing ppl at 400s HU lately, probably down 20-30bi at 200/400 ring. Highly unusual for games that are running with 4-5 fish consistently.
As far as evidence goes, no hand histories or anything remotely considered tracking so I can’t do investigating of my own. All I really have are short term results. Same as when I thought there was something going on on global or ignition. So for now, just global again + open sitting the 2/4 HU tables none of the regs will play me anymore so basically a freeroll for fish games. Have deposited 5k onto PlayNow in the last 6 days, lol.
Another thing to add - an unusual number of new accounts in the 1/2 games. And by new accounts, I mean untagged ones. It’s such a small player pool that is extremely obvious.
Taking souls at 2/4 feeling good abt sticking to HU on Playnow - I'd say my intuition is screaming at me to not play this 1/2 ring, which isn't mandatory by any means because of USD to CAD conversion making 1/2 on american sites much better.
Was doing some introspection/meditation and realized that some really bad early high school experiences are probably why I tend to hate people who I think don’t like me, worry if people secretly dislike me, and try to prove myself to others. Basically was in a school away from home with 9 other students off the grid, 4 days a week. Everybody was a couple years older than me (12 at the time). And basically got bullied pretty hard by one of the kids, and publicly humiliated by a girl for having a crush on her. Among other bad stuff. And we spent so much time together we were all really close. Honestly a pretty shitty situation now that I realize it.
Basically feel like I need to forgive myself for being allowed to be treated this way, and not let the ppl who treated me poorly have any more impact on my life.
Could feel something happening the last couple days, had been exhausted and in general out of it (poker as well).
Tonight could just feel that something bad had happened to me, and kept just going through major times of my life in my head and pin pointed exactly what was making me feel this way.
Never been a big meditation guy, but if this the healing ability - I’m sold!
Edit - thinking more on it, it’s kind of wild how much I had tried to forget. Around 10(?) I Used to have a kid 4-5 years (?) older than me come over to my place to hang out, where he would physically harm me (slap, pinch etc, literally ran screaming from my room after he sprained my elbow one time), would “pay” him money for stuff… or in a summer camp thing got publicly humiliated for having crush on a girl (again), or another thing building a school in Guatemala where I got spit on on the plane back home by some people who had been bullying me the whole trip.
Honestly hadn’t thought of these things in a long time, and they all kind of came up at the exact same time. Glad to get them down on paper tho. Definitely going to see a counsellor lol.
the healing/insights are just a side effect!
the good **** comes later
-p.s.- also bullied horribly in middle school. dropped out cause of it.
-p.p.s - made us stronger after the healing. now who gives a ****? 😀
Interestingly, one of my previous backers said I had “seemingly deeply seeded entitlement tilt issues” or something like that. Seems like the feeling of powerlessness from being bullied and not knowing how to stop it is likely related to the feeling of powerlessness and then frustration coming from running badly (outside my control). Similar story in MTG when I’d have a bunch of near misses in tournaments id get extremely frustrated / tilted, but like 10x way more than other people.
Feel like this could be a big breakthrough on the mental side of things.
Maybe stop using drugs. :P